WDW Laying off Cast Members


Active Member
I'm sorry to say that the bolded line below is not necessarily true. I cannot comment yet on any specifics, but many of the personel that I personally know had higher pdp/performance connection ratings than "Falling Behind. Other areas included were sports, entertainment and catering/convention services.

It was a sad and tough day all around. I'm just slightly happier that I still have a job myself. For now... who knows in the future.
I've had some updates on the situation from some involved.

The layoffs at WDW so far have been in 2 groups. The first were layoffs as a result of positions being eliminated. These were in areas such as finance, research, scheduling and other back office areas. The layoffs in this category were done according to which roles were being eliminated, performance didnt really play a part.

The second group of layoffs (which are emerging today) are mainly front line managers in the parks. The areas involved are merchandise, food, operations, entertainment etc. The layoffs in these areas were performance based. They were managers who were rated as being poor by Human Resources over a number of years.

To address another point that raised in this thread, Disney HR are calling the shots on this. It isnt an outside company.


Active Member
These are scary economic times but everytime Disney does something like this it always make you look behind your shoulder as what's going to happen and to whom. Remember Judson Greene did some great things at WDW but look what happened to him.


Well-Known Member
This can be spun in any way you want it to be spun...

Underacheivers are being laid off...

Overacheivers are being laid off..

My friend is being laid off...

My enemy is being laid off...

She had a great manager rating by HR but was laid off...

He had a falling behind rating by HR and was laid off...

She wasn't rated by HR - and was laid off...

He worked for HR... and was laid off...

Bottom line is that in a situation like this good, honest, hardworking people lose their livelyhood. Childrens parents lose the ability to put high quality food on the table... Men, women, and children suffer...

To all those who think they are so "irreplaceable" where they work - watch your back...

Just last night, a childs father or mother thought the same thing when they kissed their son/daughter goodnight - tonight they are no longer employed and are scared to death about how they will provide for their family.

Be thankful, be very very thankful for what you have...


New Member
This can be spun in any way you want it to be spun...

Underacheivers are being laid off...

Overacheivers are being laid off..

My friend is being laid off...

My enemy is being laid off...

She had a great manager rating by HR but was laid off...

He had a falling behind rating by HR and was laid off...

She wasn't rated by HR - and was laid off...

He worked for HR... and was laid off...

Bottom line is that in a situation like this good, honest, hardworking people lose their livelyhood. Childrens parents lose the ability to put high quality food on the table... Men, women, and children suffer...

To all those who think they are so "irreplaceable" where they work - watch your back...

Just last night, a childs father or mother thought the same thing when they kissed their son/daughter goodnight - tonight they are no longer employed and are scared to death about how they will provide for their family.

Be thankful, be very very thankful for what you have...
I actually agree with most of this post.....and of course i AM VERY thankful. I also thank my maker daily that i acheived my career dream of being a Firefighter/Medic. However, along with being thankful..one must also take responsibility to ENSURE their well being despite being laid off or not.
CHOOSING a stable and virtually 100% secure career IS possible and in the end lies in the lap of the individual.
Take G.M., Chrysler for example, there is no way i would continue employment with them, especially since they are offering buyouts.
There is just NO way a person could make a secure and stable career anymore there.
My point is: along with being thankful, one must also take some responsibility in securing their financial future.
We all cant avoid being layed off but WE CAN minimalize the effects of it so it doesnt affect us too much. Sadly, the media only shows and talks about those who dont get back on their feet and acheive.
But again, to those to whom have lost their job...i wish you the best, dont give up. Things will get better.


Well-Known Member
This can be spun in any way you want it to be spun...

Underacheivers are being laid off...

Overacheivers are being laid off..

My friend is being laid off...

My enemy is being laid off...

She had a great manager rating by HR but was laid off...

He had a falling behind rating by HR and was laid off...

She wasn't rated by HR - and was laid off...

He worked for HR... and was laid off...

Bottom line is that in a situation like this good, honest, hardworking people lose their livelyhood. Childrens parents lose the ability to put high quality food on the table... Men, women, and children suffer...

To all those who think they are so "irreplaceable" where they work - watch your back...

Just last night, a childs father or mother thought the same thing when they kissed their son/daughter goodnight - tonight they are no longer employed and are scared to death about how they will provide for their family.

Be thankful, be very very thankful for what you have...
So true...
One of the best managers in my area was laid off today.:(

This stinks.
:(..So sorry

I'm worried about my favorite. So far, so good.
I was wondering about him...
Hope he stays okay..


Active Member
My thoughts go out to all those who have been let go and those left behind. It's not fun at all to wait for the other shoe to drop. I went through three rounds of layoffs last year and now have to take furloughs (one down, one still to come and probably a few more before the year is out) to avoid more layoffs. It sucks, but I'm finally at the point where I'm not obsessing over it anymore. I just prepare as best I can, and what happens, happens. Good luck to all!


For once I'm actually glad I'm not down there...I wouldn't be able to handle seeing so many friends leaving.:(

Same here. I'm really worried being up here but down there I'm sure I'd be freaking out even more.

Luckily my good friend still has his job as of yesterday. I don't really know about my managers since my other friend won't work until Saturday.


Well-Known Member
I was eating in the Plaza on Wed night.

My server was a mess. Forgot stuff, made mistakes, etc. She came over and apologized . She said the whole back of the house was a mess because two of the managers there had just been laid off that night and the entire staff was upset and just not functioning. She is worried because while she is a CM and is "safe" for now, both her husband and daughter are also CM's and she wonders what is comming down the road.

She said the same thing that many were saying, the parks are just as busy as ever.

I have been (recently) on the other end of story - having to sit down with 4 other department managers and have to pick one line manager out of all of our teams to lay off. Let me tell you, its not plesant no matter where you stand.



Well-Known Member
My friend is a manager in an area that just let go three managers. He said that his area will be getting new managers who were displaced from the previous rounds of restructuring.

PinMadness seems to jive with admin. on this board indicating the riffs of the past week were more performance (?) driven than the first executive buyout offer rounds from Feb.? Duckberg :cool:

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
PinMadness seems to jive with admin. on this board indicating the riffs of the past week were more performance (?) driven than the first executive buyout offer rounds from Feb.? Duckberg :cool:
From what I've seen, partially but not entirely. A few of the layoffs that I know about personally seem to be performance-based. Others seem to have no obvious performance correlation.

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