WDW Laying off Cast Members


Not exactly. Both TA's had been scheduled to end long ago and had been extended numerous times. Both have known for a few weeks that their TA's would be ending March 28 and would not be extended this time.

They were still planning on staying. It's not like they were ready to move on, so I'm considering this a firing.


Premium Member
They were still planning on staying. It's not like they were ready to move on, so I'm considering this a firing.

when you eliminate a position - you aren't fired. You're laid off.

When a contractor's job is done.. and their contract expires.. they aren't fired. Their role is no longer needed.

There is a significant difference, for firing, layoffs, and contract work - in both how the company fills positions and the employee's benefits and rights. Many times the rules are danced around with paper shuffles (instead of hiring someone back into the same role, you create a new role, etc) to avoid lawsuits.. but the difference is significant.


when you eliminate a position - you aren't fired. You're laid off.

When a contractor's job is done.. and their contract expires.. they aren't fired. Their role is no longer needed.

There is a significant difference, for firing, layoffs, and contract work - in both how the company fills positions and the employee's benefits and rights. Many times the rules are danced around with paper shuffles (instead of hiring someone back into the same role, you create a new role, etc) to avoid lawsuits.. but the difference is significant.

I'm sorry that's what I meant to say. My mistake.:wave:


Well-Known Member
To an extent, I think this is a fair point. But if you try to apply it to the workforce as a whole, it sort of reminds me of the old line: "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

The fact is if everyone made the wise choice to go into stable areas like healthcare or emergency services, it wouldn't be such a wise choice anymore. Those industries would have to start turning away lots of applicants, who would drift further and further down the corporate foodchain, latching onto jobs along the way...until some of them might even end up working in theme parks.

There are only so many secure jobs to go around. Somebody has to push that button at the beginning of the ride, or the ride won't go.

An public service roles are no longer safe either.

My brother is a paid firefighter. They are looking at reducing his department.

Part of it is also their own fault. Part of taking a public service job (police, fire, EMS, DPW, etc) was that you were giving up a higher salary in return for job security and a good retirement package. Around here salaries for public jobs have skyrocketed. Firefighters (not officers) now make over $80,000. Police (again, not officers) make more. County police make over $100,000 a year base. Now that we are in the crunch we are in, townships are looking for ways to make their budgets. Cutting public services are now where they are looking.



Active Member
TA's are CM 'swho are given temporary salaried management contracts, most usually get statused after a while, or go back to there hourly position they were in before.


Well-Known Member
TA's are CM 'swho are given temporary salaried management contracts, most usually get statused after a while, or go back to there hourly position they were in before.

I was told that you could not stay in a TA for too long. If you did, then you lost seniority with your union position.

A CM who was TA'd as a Dream Squad member was the one who told me this. He said he would like to have stayed a DS member, and was offered the position, but he decided to go back to his old CM position because if he stayed away from it for too long a period (I forget how long) he would loose his seniorty, and then not get his pick of shifts.



Well-Known Member
Neither were fired. Both still have jobs with the company. Just not as managers.
Not necessarily. If you stay away from your position too long on the TA, you will lose that position. After a year, the company is no longer required to hold your old position, so if the TA ends, there is no place for you to go.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. If you stay away from your position too long on the TA, you will lose that position. After a year, the company is no longer required to hold your old position, so if the TA ends, there is no place for you to go.
I am well aware. But as I said ealier, both of the managers still have jobs with the company... just not as managers.


New Member
Generally while on a TA a cast member is guaranteed placement in their previous role for up to 1 year, but sometimes the "previous" role cannot be held and the cast member takes the TA at their own risk.

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