WDW Hooligans


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Ok so here are my confessions:

1) When I was 6 and my brother was 11 he decided to find out what happened if you put your foot in the door on Horizons - well the whole ride stops and you have to walk to the beginning with everyone glaring at you. :rolleyes:

2) On world of motion my sister and I decided to change seats and I got stuck between the front and back seat.

3) My father taught us to never pay for parking - just say you are eatting at the Poly!!

4) I have a horrible condition - I laugh when I am sad or nervous - needless to say I have laughed through all the scary parts of every ride and sometimes I do scream during the non-scary parts.

5) When I was in high school I marched in both DL and Magic Kingdom - all I can say is the right look at the right cast member opens many doors!!

It's also a good way to get your car towed away. Sometimes you might get away with it, but is it REALLY worth it?


Well-Known Member
It's also a good way to get your car towed away. Sometimes you might get away with it, but is it REALLY worth it?

Maybe if you actually park at the Poly check-in section for the entire day, but otherwise, there is no way that they would be able to tell who is in the TTC parking lot legitimately or not. Normal CMs don't have any kind of parking decal on their cars (unless they're in the CP), so any car without a resort pass or day parking ticket could easily be a CM's car.

Still wrong to do, but unless you park in marked special parking (drop off/check-in/etc), they won't really know.


Well-Known Member
I read all of the post and i must say... :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL: Loved them all!!! As for those ladies :eek:, great camera work. :ROFLOL: not real


Well-Known Member
The skybucket thread got me to thinking about my younger days as a WDW Hooligan. I wonder if there are others out there who have been one and like me are afraid to own up to it in fear of being flamed on the boards. Have you witnessed any WDW Hooligan antics??? Participate? Victim? I know I personally watch unaccompanied teens like a hawk when I am there because I know what we were up to when we were alone. Maybe if we share stories we'll all know what more to keep our eyes peeled for. :shrug:

Soooo, here goes:

My name is Kelly and I'm a former WDW Hooligan.

When I was 12 or so we were local passholders. My parents would take all 5 of us kids out to the parks, set a meeting place and time, give us each a few bucks, and off we went on our own adventures. It wasn't long before my younger sis and I would walk away asking each other what we wanted to do because nothing appealed. Yes, kids can get bored in WDW if they go too much. We trailed our brothers once to see what they were doing. We rarely participated but they showed us all the horrible things they did. Scoop change out of fountains, keep the silver stuff, thow back the pennies. Hop the fences and chase ducks. Stand up on BTMRR. Skip in lines (a kid flailing and calling for mom will always be shoved to the front of the line). Sneak out of the park with a handstamp to go to the gameroom at the Contemporary. Spit or throw little candies at other guests from the sky buckets...or any high vantage point. Go up to CMs at the shooting arcade or other arcades and tell them a machine just took your $20 bill. They always gave replacements. I'm sure there's other stuff either they didn't show us or I forget. It's been a long time.

I feel terribly guilty for the few things I participated in. I'm scared to death karma will sneak up on me on one of my own family trips someday. I try to have a sense of humor about it all, tho. Kids are kids, I guess.

Had my parents known they would have beat our behinds some kinda bad. I don't think they know to this day.

Anyone else???? I know I'm not the only one...

Let the flaming begin. I'll go hide now. LOL!
I had a similar system with my parents at age 13 (in 1994). One day, at Disney-MGM Studios (as it was then called), the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror was the newest addition at the park. Me and my friends (Matthew, Joseph, and Tiffany) had a little surprise for the guests on the ground when we were riding. We snuck a bucket of popcorn into the Tower. Whenever the doors opened on the ride, we would throw a few pieces down those 199 feet and see if it hit a guest. It was the funniest thing because our parents had no idea we were doing this.


New Member
:drevil: The hooligan still in me is tempeted to try the 20.00 dollar trick at the arcade, but with my Disney krama my camera would break or worse! Oh and that it would wrong.

Our 2nd trip was with my Brother and his soon to be wife. She found a website of places to ummm "mess around" and not get caught in Parks around the US not just Disney. While we never tried, we defn. were looking around to see if the suggestions would work. If I remember correctly HM, Hall of Presidents, CP and SE were on there.
Kristamouse is running to find and link that web page......

aaaaawwww memories lol haunted mansion and the train when its goes through the tunnel were our spots at DL

DL was the hangout spot for most of us when we were in high school we used cause some chaos. i've had friends tackle goofy, get wasted and flash thier u know whats on splash mountain. we met some boys that had just got a job a california adventure, they had an opening for the employes and thier families a month before the park opened. we wended up going with them and they got in a fight and we got kicked out!!

Daniel Johnson

Well-Known Member
Last trip to magic kingdom we were with some friends who have two young girls that were a little spooked by haunted mansion. During the ride, I thought it would be funny to knock on the back of their doom buggy.
I stood up, leaned on the lap bar and knocked...and the ride stopped and they told everyone to please remain in their seats. My wife, the friends wife, and the girls all yelled "Daniel did it"...
Awesome time.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
If you're gonna bring a thread back to live from two years ago, this probably isn't a bad one to do it to. I'm sure we can get a fresh slew of confessions. None from me, though; I'm just too boring. ;)


Well-Known Member
My husband "borrowed" a napkin rose from BOG for me. I am such a wuss that I worried the whole time that mousekeeping was going to find it so I rolled it up in a pair of underwear and hid it in the drawer. Now it's on my shelf and I still feel guilty when I look at it lol. But it was a very sweet gesture on his part :D


Well-Known Member
I think the most "hooligan-esque" thing that I have ever done was about 4 years ago at the Magic Kingdom. It was the extra magic hours thing at night and me and my brother, along w/ everyone else in our cars would scream at the top of our lungs throught the whole rides of Space and Big Thunder Mountain. I think it ed off half of the people and entertained the other half...:lookaroun
No, no you ed off all the people. This type of thing is never, ever, ever entertaining. Neither is screaming in the stretching room of the HM.


Well-Known Member
I know this isn't really a shenanigan but I just found it hilarious and some people were ed afterwards. When I went on my Senior Class Trip (High School) to WDW, the first night we all went to Epcot. The guys decided we all wanted to do Soarin' and low and behold got stuck in a 2 hour line. About an hour and a half in, my one good friend decided to start singing. Then eventually all the guys joined in ( there was a bout 12 of us) and we all sang Biz Markie's "Just a Friend". Some people got mad and yelled at us to stop, while others gave us an ovation. My friend who started the singing even got a number from a girl for it, so I guess in the end it all worked out. Some parents were yelling at us that the song wasn't family appropriate. Yet still its a great memory.


Well-Known Member
I haven't done much, but here are some things ive done:

-High-five the passing train on TTA.

- turn on my phone flash light while going through Space Mounatin while on TTA. This really ruined the magic, you are really just goinging through a black tunnel with glass on the side.

- Turning on phone flash light while going past the room in HM where there USA dining room with ghosts. That ruined the magic because it turned out it's just a mirror.

- Singing its a great big beautiful tomorrow really loudly while on COP

- "how about some backstage passes!?"

Now Some of my other family members stories:

- When dad was young he would go with 5 other friends and 3 of them would fake leg injuries at the gate and get wheel chairs. They would then do drag races around the park :D

- he got booted from the park for shaking the skyway.

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