The skybucket thread got me to thinking about my younger days as a WDW Hooligan. I wonder if there are others out there who have been one and like me are afraid to own up to it in fear of being flamed on the boards. Have you witnessed any WDW Hooligan antics??? Participate? Victim? I know I personally watch unaccompanied teens like a hawk when I am there because I know what we were up to when we were alone. Maybe if we share stories we'll all know what more to keep our eyes peeled for. :shrug:
Soooo, here goes:
My name is Kelly and I'm a former WDW Hooligan.
When I was 12 or so we were local passholders. My parents would take all 5 of us kids out to the parks, set a meeting place and time, give us each a few bucks, and off we went on our own adventures. It wasn't long before my younger sis and I would walk away asking each other what we wanted to do because nothing appealed. Yes, kids can get bored in WDW if they go too much. We trailed our brothers once to see what they were doing. We rarely participated but they showed us all the horrible things they did. Scoop change out of fountains, keep the silver stuff, thow back the pennies. Hop the fences and chase ducks. Stand up on BTMRR. Skip in lines (a kid flailing and calling for mom will always be shoved to the front of the line). Sneak out of the park with a handstamp to go to the gameroom at the Contemporary. Spit or throw little candies at other guests from the sky buckets...or any high vantage point. Go up to CMs at the shooting arcade or other arcades and tell them a machine just took your $20 bill. They always gave replacements. I'm sure there's other stuff either they didn't show us or I forget. It's been a long time.
I feel terribly guilty for the few things I participated in. I'm scared to death karma will sneak up on me on one of my own family trips someday. I try to have a sense of humor about it all, tho. Kids are kids, I guess.
Had my parents known they would have beat our behinds some kinda bad. I don't think they know to this day.
Anyone else???? I know I'm not the only one...
Let the flaming begin. I'll go hide now. LOL!