Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

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New Member
Yes smoking is nasty, bad, disgusting, addictive....but some don't want to quit. Didn't Walt Disney himself smoke? :shrug: Oh, what would he say about this subject if he were alive today?

The Mom

Premium Member
WDW is a private company, and can make its own rules....as long as it does not go against state or federal law. There is no law prohibiting anyone from walking around barefoot, but most businesses prohibit it.

The GOVERNMENT can not demand that you wear shoes, unless not wearing them is a clear danger; ie, school children must wear them in school, but a private business can. This is the same as a restaurant refusing to serve you unless you are wearing a jacket, etc. The Constitution and Bill of Rights only protect us from the GOVERNMENT infringing upon our rights. (the Constitution does NOT grant us ANY rights, just protects the rights we already have) Private businesses just have to abide by the laws granting us rights, but they are not forced to let us do all legal activities, ie, a restaurant does NOT have to serve alcohol, or allow customers to consume their own while dining, even if the local government allows it.

It appears that WDW has decided that it makes more business sense to provide for the comfort of the majority of their customers, even at the risk of losing some. Right now, there are Sandals resorts which do not allow children, as the majority of their customers (honeymooners) would prefer an adults only environment. Are they discriminating against families? Definitely. Are they allowed to do so? Definitely. Would I like to go to one of their resorts? Probably not, but perhaps I'll feel differently when my children are grown, and I certainly would have felt differently 30 years ago.;)

The Mom

Premium Member
Yes smoking is nasty, bad, disgusting, addictive....but some don't want to quit. Didn't Walt Disney himself smoke? :shrug: Oh, what would he say about this subject if he were alive today?

If he hadn't smoked, he might still be alive today to say something. He started smoking when the dangers, including addiction, were not widely known. Warnings have been posted on cigarettes for almost 40 years, so unless you are over 50, you KNEW what you were getting into.


New Member
Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

Yes, Disneyworld has been the "Happiest Place on Earth" for me. I've been 7 times and have had many fond memories that will stay with me forever.:ROFLOL: Will I go back now that I can't smoke in my room?....yes. :lookaroun Will I make additional lifelong memories when I go in the future?....probably. :veryconfu Will I feel like a third-world refugee in search of place to take a few puffs without the majority condemning me to hell?....definitely. :eek: Today, I just wanted to express my displeasure with this recent decision.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
I use to be a smoker, and no--I don't hate smokers, but I've always hated the smell of smoke. Being in a room that's a smoking room really bothers me.


New Member
If he hadn't smoked, he might still be alive today to say something. He started smoking when the dangers, including addiction, were not widely known. Warnings have been posted on cigarettes for almost 40 years, so unless you are over 50, you KNEW what you were getting into.

Well said Mom!:wave: You took the words right out of my mouth. I was waiting for someone to play the Walt card and I started thinking that the reason Walt isn't with us today is probably because he was a smoker.

I must add something to that though, it's really sad that people had to have a warning label on cigarettes in order to start thinking that maybe inhaling smoke and tar into your body might not be a healthy thing to do. Prior to the warning label did people actually think that smoking was perfectly harmless?:shrug:


New Member
Ya know I am seriously thinking about canceling my trip in 6 weeks and stay off property. Im not one to typically complain but my goodness, smoking is my only bad habit... and yes I can understand the ban most places have of not smoking... like resturants and such and I can live with that and have no qualms about it.

But 6 weeks before my trip that I requested a smoking room and to be now told I cannot is a slap in my face and cant like with it. And I dont mean to come off ignorant but who is going to even know I smoked in the room if I dispose of the cig in the toilet and then spray the room down with Oust!

The Mom

Premium Member
Well said Mom!:wave: You took the words right out of my mouth. I was waiting for someone to play the Walt card and I started thinking that the reason Walt isn't with us today is probably because he was a smoker.

I must add something to that though, it's really sad that people had to have a warning label on cigarettes in order to start thinking that maybe inhaling smoke and tar into your body might not be a healthy thing to do. Prior to the warning label did people actually think that smoking was perfectly harmless?:shrug:

Yes. It was considered harmful for children (it would stunt your growth was the usual remark) but not for adults. It WAS considered a smelly, dirty habit, by most, and it was considered rude to light up without asking for permission, but that was about the extent of it until the 60s. There were even doctors who advised that it would help settle nerves and relax you, so might even be beneficial under certain circumstances. Airline stewardesses (no flight attendants back then) were even taught how to smoke as it was considered glamorous and somewhat provocative.


New Member
Easily solved... smoke in the bathroom with door closed. The bathroom with minimal fabrics will not retain the smell and to reduce that even more you can turn on the shower and create some steam and help disapate it and then hose it down with Oust.


Active Member
If he hadn't smoked, he might still be alive today to say something. He started smoking when the dangers, including addiction, were not widely known. Warnings have been posted on cigarettes for almost 40 years, so unless you are over 50, you KNEW what you were getting into.
Mr. Disney would be a very old man if he were alive today.
Non-smoking threads always turn into a knock down drag out fight, and most of the time it's non-smokers who cause it. I don't smoke, and my wife is allergic to smoke, and we've never had a problem with it at WDW. Maybe it's because we go in late January but we just have never seen all the smoking violations that everyone keeps talking about. We always stay at the WL 5th floor courtyard view which is all non-smoking, and out of all the times we,ve stayed there I've only seen 2 people out on their balconies smoking, with no effect on either of us. While in the parks I guess I'm just to busy having fun to notice somebody smoking. I'm sure it happens, I guess it's just not so flagrant that I notice it. I just thought I would throw my opinion in there before this thread gets locked.

The Mom

Premium Member
Ya know I am seriously thinking about canceling my trip in 6 weeks and stay off property. Im not one to typically complain but my goodness, smoking is my only bad habit... and yes I can understand the ban most places have of not smoking... like resturants and such and I can live with that and have no qualms about it.

But 6 weeks before my trip that I requested a smoking room and to be now told I cannot is a slap in my face and cant like with it. And I dont mean to come off ignorant but who is going to even know I smoked in the room if I dispose of the cig in the toilet and then spray the room down with Oust!

I agree that it was not nice that you were not given any warning about the upcoming ban, and I would share your irritation about this one particular. You should have seen how irritated I was when I arrived at a hotel (not WDW) to find that they were unable to fill my CONFIRMED, non-smoking room and I had to spend the night in a room that absolutely reeked of smoke, to the extent that I started vomiting because I was coughing so hard. I could actually leave streaks when I ran my fingers down the wall.

My room was finally changed the next day, but it wasn't pleasant.


New Member
LOL @ MOM... and ya know I really dont complain about non smoking but to have no non smoking rooms while on vacation is crazy. Who wants to have to be bothered when ya want to have that last smoke before bedtime and having to walk to an elevator, take that what ever amount of floors, walk outside and then walk whatever distance to get to this so called smoking area???

Scar Junior

Active Member
Well I say good riddance to the smoke.

As for smoking on the balconies, well I paid a lot for my room too. Why should I have to keep my doors and windows sealed against your smoke?

And Cigars?!?! Do people who smoke cigars realize just how much they smell? Even if you are out in the "open air" that smell fills up the air for 100s of feet around you. I know many people that do not find anything pleasing about cigar smoke. So I cannot say that I will be upset to take a nice evening stroll and not have to walk into a cloud of stinky open air.

I know that people will probably have harsh words back for my opinion. Oh well.

I applaude Disney for thier decision!

Many people think cigar smoke smells good. You may not like it but I could say the same about your kids screaming voices at the pools and other places around the resorts. However, unlike your kids' screaming... cigars are undetectable after 10-15 feet.


New Member
My husband and I smoke. We smoke cigars once in awhile. I used to smoke cigs but my hubby didn't like the smell and I stopped for him. I went from cigs to cigars and was able to greatly reduce the amount of smoking I do. And in the 11 years since I went to cigars, I can go weeks before I light up again. In fact, we had stopped smoking for almost 3 months but then my nephew died and we ended up smoking again. Both times we have been to WDW, we only smoked in the designated areas in the parks. When we stayed at the Contemporary in 2005, we smoked outside near the ash trays. We don't even smoke in our home. If Disney wants to go to no-smoking rooms, I say great just please give us an area to smoke outside that has a little scenery besides a parking lot. IMHO, I think smoking should be allowed outside by the pool BUT only after a certain time, like 10:00 pm when foot traffic is not so heavy. OK, I admit that nighttime is when we like to smoke. :lookaroun :p :lol:


Active Member
Ok, Fizz, here's my reply. Let me also say that I am normally light hearted and fun loving too, and I do not intend to flame you. But you asked to learn a smoker's mindset, which I happen to have.


So am I. Those that act in this fashion are the minority. Most smokers that I know are mortified when they offend someone with their smoke. However, I am sick and tired of being called "stupid", "disgusting" and "gross" by smart aleck non-smokers who venture into a designated smoking area when they are clearly marked.

"#1, smokers get more breaks than non-smokers."

Yeah, I agree with you. The alternative is to experience withdrawl, which is extremely unpleasant (more on this later). If you think we enjoy standing outdoors in below zero weather, or taking our breaks next to the garbage dumpster, you are mistaken. We only wish we could do without the damned things so that we wouldn't be outdoors doing this.

"My #2 point is closely related to my first...smoker productivity is much lower than that of non-smokers."

Actually, there was a study a few years ago that directly contradicts this. No, I don't have a link to sight, but I do remember it being fairly well publicized.

"To an extent I understand the addiction part because I am morbidly obese due to my addiction to and love for food. I know overeating and not eating healthy is killing me but I still continue to do it but at least my overeating isn't killing those around me."

No you don't understand this addiction unless you have been addicted to an equally nasty substance, such as heroin. It is that strong.

Also the argument can be made that your eating problem is affecting others. Obesity and related disorders are one of the top killers in this country. Your eating makes you and others like you seek medical attention more often, driving up health insurance costs for everyone. Many can no longer afford insurance and therefore avoid seeing a doctor when they really need to, or for preventative physicals that may have given them warning of an impending problem. (Please understand that I am not picking on overweight people as I am not exactly svelt. But I am working on it!)

"I just don't understand why smokers continue to smoke when the evidence is overwhelming that smoking is very harmful to your health and second hand smoke is even worse."

Believe it or not, we are not morons. We know it's bad for our health, unfortunately we are addicts. The attitude seems to be that those addicted to illicit drugs are "sick" and sent to "rehab", we nicotene addicts are just "stupid". TRUST ME, THERE ARE VERY FEW OF US THAT "WANT" TO SMOKE, unfortunately when we were young and stupid we started a habit that made us look "cool." Now we're hooked and it is very unpleasant when we stop.

Let me clue you in as to what happens when a nicotene addict quits smoking:

1. Starting within one hour, a total inability to concentrate, lasting (if you're lucky) about three days. I do not even feel completely safe driving a car in this condition; its that bad. Forget trying to do any kind of metally taxing task.

2. GROSS ALERT! Constipation lasting anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Big fun.

3. Insomnia. Last time I tried to quit I tried to live on 3 to 4 hours sleep for about a month, which added to:

4. Personality changes: Can you say "homicidal lunatic"? Between the exhaustion and other symptoms, just saying hello to me the wrong way is enough to send me into a manic tirade. This persists for 3 or 4 months!

6. Weight gain. Even if you are lucky enough to maintain your caloric intake constant, you will still gain weight, sometimes at an alarming rate. This is due to metabolic changes.

7. Depression, lasting a few months or more.

Once again, I don't mean to flame you in any way, I was just trying to answer your question as to why smokers don't "just quit". We all wish it were that easy.

Scar Junior

Active Member
hahaha...you are clearly speaking of something you know nothing about. You should really research the effects of 2nd hand smoking before deciding to "teach" everyone else. While a few minutes of cigarette exposure will not likely give you lung cancer, frequent exposure will--like what Cast Members can be exposed to (less these days due to the increasing restrictions).

No risk of 2nd hand smoke? The people who actually study its effects would disagree. Props to Disney for clearly paying attention to such papers.


1. Who pays for those studies?

2. Like you said, sparse encounters with smoke aren't a big deal. Therefore, those people who harp about us killing them should really lighten up. It's not an issue with smoking in the parks.

3. No harm to anyone when I'm sitting alone in the middle of the night by the pool or lake.

Not when one side is killing the other and themselves...:lookaroun

Give me a break...

If he hadn't smoked, he might still be alive today to say something. He started smoking when the dangers, including addiction, were not widely known. Warnings have been posted on cigarettes for almost 40 years, so unless you are over 50, you KNEW what you were getting into.

You can't be that naive? Still alive today?

This thread is ridiculous. I'm going to go smoke.


Account Suspended
I was thinking about this...

Where one earth does a person smoke at AKL? You can't do it on the balconies, not in the rooms, and there's really no areas that are easily accessible. Where? Ogrun's fire pit?

I don't think it'll be a problem at the value or mods, as most people and CM's wont give a second glance to someone smoking on the exterior walkways or the railings.

But what about the larger resorts?


Well-Known Member

1. Who pays for those studies?

2. Like you said, sparse encounters with smoke aren't a big deal. Therefore, those people who harp about us killing them should really lighten up. It's not an issue with smoking in the parks.

3. No harm to anyone when I'm sitting alone in the middle of the night by the pool or lake.
Are you seriously suggesting that the bad effects of 2nd hand smoke are all a government conspiracy? That's hilarious...considering I actually conduct science and understand how these studies were conducted (and have been conducted for decades with the same results), I trust those results. Many of those studies have been conducted here at Yale and at similar independent institutions like Harvard and MIT where there is not a conflict of interests. Since I know some of the scientists who have conducted this work, I trust that it is good science. Most of the studies are funded by the National Institutes of Health--i.e. your tax dollars. There may be some corruption at the NIH, but I don't think they are out to get the cigarette companies, nor does the NIH have any control over the results of studies and their publication.
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