Walt Disney World is the greatest place on earth


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know I am preaching to the choir here, but I have to say that WDW is just the greatest place on earth. Now, I have done some traveling within the states and there is no other place I have been to that makes me feel the way WDW does. I am a 34 yeard old professional and upon seeing that welcome sign on property i revert back to that eight yeard old on his first trip. I am sitting here listening to some files i downloaded from Mousebits and I am wishing I was there. There is nothing like being at WDW with my wife and kids. Like many of you, I would live there if I could. Thank god for Walt Disney........Sorry, being all nostalgic and stuff this evening...lol:wave:


New Member
No need to be sorry...I'm 43, and feel exactly the same way! I live less than 3 hours away, so I am up there often, and still haven't gotten tired of it. It's still my preferred method of getting away from the stresses of real life, and jumping back in time when I was a carefree kid.


Active Member
I agree whole heartedly...My wife was crying her eyes out a few years ago when we brought our kids to the MK for the first time. Their look on the faces as they look down main st at the castle is a look I will never forget.


Well-Known Member
Eh, Disney is great fun, but it has some flaws......like Fastpass. >_>

I think Universal Orlando is the best theme park imo. Only problem that it doesn't have has many parks like WDW (Maybe they could compete with AK in the Zoological theme park business).


I'm gonna probably get flamed, but to me Disney Land is the greatest place on earth, but Disney World is a close second. Of course a 7 day trip to WDW easily beats a 1-2 trip to Disney Land. But I feel like Disney Land is where it all started, and if you're having one magical day. Disney Land has more jam packed in one day than you could get at any park in Disney World (where the big rides tend to be split among the different parks). Disney rocks regardless.



Think for yourselfer
I am 26 and have been going at least once yearly for 10 or so years. I never tire of it, it never fails to inspire me. I am getting married in a year(not in disney unfortunately, 250 people on invite list is too many). And I can not wait to have kids of my own to bring to Disney. For now though, I love the park as an adult without kids, and will continue to go year after year as long as I can. Been trying to convince some other couples to come with, but they just do not understand the appeal. I know they would love it if I could just get them to come. Maybe next year around christmas if we have enough DVC points left to get a 2 bedroom I can recruit another couple into the disney family.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with the OP. Walt Disney World is the greatest place on earth to me too. There is no other vacation that makes me feel the way that I do when we are there. Some folks like the beach, some like the mountains and some like to cruise and do other things, and while I like those things too, I LOVE to be at Disney World. There is nothing else that even compares to it. :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing to be sorry about. Believe me, I get it. I feel the same way. On the outside, I am a professional working mom, wife and student. But on the inside, man my heart belongs there. And as I get closer and closer to each vacation, I am like a kid at Christmas. Truly I am. My husband is the same...we just feel there is no place better (that we could agree on anyway) than Disney. And it doesn't matter how old. Or young you are. When your there. You just get it.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Totes! I've traveled around, buy my favorite place in the world is WDW! My girlfriend loves it too, but not enough to work there with me next Summer... and she wants to go other places when we travel as well...
I do love going other places, but if I'm paying good money to go somewhere, I want to to be Disney!


Well-Known Member
I am 26 and have been going at least once yearly for 10 or so years. I never tire of it, it never fails to inspire me. I am getting married in a year(not in disney unfortunately, 250 people on invite list is too many).

My wife and I had that many on our guest list before invitations. We really talked it over, invited immediate family to Florida (80-90 people) and only 40-50 came! It was actually really great because we only had people who were actually close to us, no guilt for 'not inviting' people since the guest list was immediate family and close friends, and family had no reason to complain. They were invited, after all. Not my fault they didn't attend.

We actually spent less money on a 50 person count in WDW than we would have on 250+ people in Chattanooga, TN. It was a definite win-win for us.

To the OP, of course it's the best place on the planet! Disneyland Park is a little more magical but the WDW complex has a little bit of everything that combines to make the perfect experience. Assuming you know what to do, of course...

Eh, Disney is great fun, but it has some flaws......like Fastpass. >_>

I think Universal Orlando is the best theme park imo. Only problem that it doesn't have has many parks like WDW (Maybe they could compete with AK in the Zoological theme park business).

I don't always love Fastpass, but I really disagree that Universal Studios is the best park in Central Florida. To each his own though, I know there are people who agree with you wholeheartedly.


Well-Known Member
I love Disney World! a few years ago we went to Florida and didn't go to Disney and I almost went INSANE! lol Disney just has a certain feel to it. I'm never upset or worried at Disney everything just seems perfect for a little while

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna probably get flamed, but to me Disney Land is the greatest place on earth, but Disney World is a close second.


Cheers. A month after leaving Disneyland, my mind is still there.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what you are talking about!! FP is AWESOME!!!

Disneyworld IS the greatest place on earth!! I give it my vote any day!:sohappy:

Yeah, I guess you're fine with getting a fastpass for a certain ride only for it to say for you have to wait three more hours....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess you're fine with getting a fastpass for a certain ride only for it to say for you have to wait three more hours....
I know I am. Especially with all the other things I can do in those three hours that would have been spent in line.


Active Member
We agree....WDW is the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH! Some of my family and friends just don't get it. Granted, some of them have never been, but I try to explain the HOLD it has on you....you either LOVE IT or you HATE IT.....

I am 36 years old and was 28 the FIRST time I got to go to WDW! I will never forget it! My older sister and I took her son and our dad back in 2000...it was the first trip for all of us! her son had just turned 7.

We had planned to go when he was a baby and the castle was decorated like a cake...anyhoo...plans fell through every time we planned...so for his 7th birthday, we had decided this time, NOTHING was gonna stop us....

So on his birthday in October 2000, we gave him gifts that he could use on the trip and asked everyone to do the same. As he opened up the gifts he just kept looking at us like "why did I get this" :confused:..it was funny to see his expressions, and my sister and I could NOT wait for the last box, which was a stuffed Sorcerer Mickey holding his airline ticket....when he opened it, we told him that 3 days from then, he would be on his first airplane ride to WDW.....He went to jumping and screaming!!! :sohappy:

The first night we were there, we went to the MK to see the parade and fireworks....as we were standing there waiting for the fireworks to start, my dad put him up on his shoulders so he could see over everyone......I looked up and saw he was crying...I asked him what was wrong, and he looked at me and said, "I'm just so happy we're finally here!"...for a 7 year old to say that...it melted my heart.....my sister and I were both crying :cry:....by the time the fireworks finished....

We recently became DVC members at BLT and are taking our next trip in April 2010..taking 2 nieces for the first time.....can not wait to see it through their eyes!


New Member
That's why am I reading this website daily since we left WDW on June 16th (after 8 day vacation)?

I am still in awe of our trip - - greatest vacation place on earth!

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