Video Of Mr. Potato Head In Action At Dca!!!


Not old, just vintage.
Wow. That is one cool potato! I have a large Mr Potato Head collection and think this would be a great addition to my stash. Think anyone would notice if I "borrowed" him? :lookaroun

I am not rolling on the floor laughing because of the script, but wasnt this video taken on one of the first days he was turned on? This is surely a test of some variety. I am not overly concerned about it. :shrug:


Would you rather there were absolutely no previews of any shows prior to official openings?!?!?! You again are judging an attraction based on a 3 minute video clip during an unannounced preview. Were you there?? Did you attempt to interact with the animatronic?? Do you even know if interaction was the intent of the preview?? Seems to me it was just going through a random show with no planned crowd interaction. The main purpose/story of Mr. Potato head is to interact with guests as you would find at any carnival to pull them into line. Its should be a bit corny, have you seen any of the Toy Story moives?!?!?

Eh, I'm going back to the sidelines now.......


Account Suspended
Surprisingly this is not the first time i've heard that low-quality was intentional.

That spud just aint funny. Who laughed? Anyone? Raise your hands?

As for "just a test" - they recorded the audio with a famous voice actor. It's not going to drastically change. Those are the jokes, and they stink.


Well-Known Member
Surprisingly this is not the first time i've heard that low-quality was intentional.

That spud just aint funny. Who laughed? Anyone? Raise your hands?

As for "just a test" - they recorded the audio with a famous voice actor. It's not going to drastically change. Those are the jokes, and they stink.
Merf, you know I've never said anything to you before, and I don't like to call out other posters, but this is getting a tad rediculous. We get it, you don't like it. But as of late, you haven't seemed to like anything and your constant beating things to the ground of how much you don't like things is getting really old.

It's fine if you dislike something Disney does...that's your perogative. However, I know I (and I'm sure many, many others) are getting tired of hearing you whine about everything over and over again. Say your peace and be done.

*gets off soapbox*


It's simply amazing. And it's just for the queue. Wow. Yeah, the script we are seeing isn't very funny, and seems short. But it's a test. And it seems like they aren't showing off the entire script to me. I too read about there being preselected phrases that Mr. potatohead would say to specific guests. That isn't being used right now. It is unsettling to see people just wandering by and not stopping to watch. I'm sure most people won't realize just ow amazing this animatronic truly is. So he better be really funny when it officially open.

I agree with MERF tho, I'd rather have a projection with a great script than an awesome animatronic with a lame one. I almost think this would work better if it was done like CRUSH in TURTLE TALK. I found that show to be funny, sometimes REALLY funny. Mostly because they hire the right folks to adlib. And I also agree, WDI doesn't seem to have real COMEDY writers. They have Don Rickles, they should have him adlib a bunch of stuff.

At any rate, once the attraction opens, it should be better. And I am psyched that they put so much effort and detail into something like this.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Surprisingly this is not the first time i've heard that low-quality was intentional.

That spud just aint funny. Who laughed? Anyone? Raise your hands?

As for "just a test" - they recorded the audio with a famous voice actor. It's not going to drastically change. Those are the jokes, and they stink.

It did not get any "L-O-L"'s from me *actually, I rolled my eyes a few times*... but neither did MILF when it first opened. After they reworked the MILF schtick a couple of times... then they started to get some "L-O-L"'s from me. Dunno if that is gonna happen here though. Either way its very cool tech... and I like it... but the schtick does need some work... I agree with ya there. ;)


Well-Known Member
There are two major components of this "preview" that are missing (and we just LOVE to bash things before they're ready!)

First, there is no background music yet. Throw in a peppy carnival theme, and the pauses between his lines will not be noticeable.

Second, there is no movement in the queue. Obviously, there is a place to stand and watch this character. But most folks will be passing by in a quickly-moving queue. Physically walking the queue also picks up the pace.

Have you ever been broken down in a ride, with the music off, and a single effect or piece of dialogue repeating endlessly? Only then will you appreciate how music and physical movement impact an attraction's pacing.

Mr. Potatohead seems to have about the same "timing" as the Buzz Lightyear queue AA. If you were to listen to just the Tim Allen-esque monologue standing still without and background music, it would be a lot more dull.


Well-Known Member
Surprisingly this is not the first time i've heard that low-quality was intentional.

That spud just aint funny. Who laughed? Anyone? Raise your hands?

As for "just a test" - they recorded the audio with a famous voice actor. It's not going to drastically change. Those are the jokes, and they stink.

I laughed out loud at the hand raising joke. So he's already one ahead, you better try to catch up...

You DO know that he has to have over 100 lines of audio, you see them testing a few for a few minutes, and you call it? Done? Bad? That's it?

hmmmm...Oh wait. No, you already made that call a few months ago, nevermind.


Account Suspended
Notice all the people walking away from it...

Who the heck is WDI's script writer? I think we figured out why so much of MILF had to be retooled.

Yea I was gonna say the AA is very cool but that dialogue is terrible which has been the same problem with many recent attractions. What happened to cool dialogue like "your cadeverous palor betrays an aura of forboding", "red 30 were going in! cover me!", "I meant to do that..its a shortcut hehe", and "Mr.baxter if you think your seeing mermaids and sea serpents I think you've been submerged to long"

now we get stuff like: "dont tell me about the time when you didnt even have a car phone", "I think I OILED myself", and many other cringe worthy bits thats I don't have the energy to type.


Account Suspended
The expression on the face of the boy who walks away 36 seconds into the video is the reason why SSE has video screens in the descent.

Not really. Everyone would walk away from the video screens too if they could. Unfortuantly for us we are stuck in the ride and kinda forced to look at them.


Active Member
I think the AA is cool.

I don't think it can be properly judge until you see it in person, especially since sometimes it's hard to make out what he's saying in the video.

But I don't know why some people got the impression that Mr. Potato Head was to act in such a way it would warrant his own Comedy Central special.

He's a Carnival Barker, not a comedian.

I don't know what they have planned, but it looks to me that they are going to try and go a little on the corny side, with jokes funny to him at least (note how he tells a joke about his wife, and finds it so funny, he goes to wipe a tear from his eye).

I think many guests will be impressed when they see him in the attraction when it opens.


New Member
Not really. Everyone would walk away from the video screens too if they could. Unfortuantly for us we are stuck in the ride and kinda forced to look at them.

You must not know many kids, then. Most of them like interactive touch screens like the ones in Spaceship Earth. Generally, I imagine it's the people over 25 that think there might be a better option.


Well-Known Member
More boardwalk barking...

[youtube]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

[youtube]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
A couple thoughts...

1. I wonder if they'll change the song for the WDW version, as the "midway" in the title is not carrying over to DHS?

2. I thought the info in articles said there were more than 700 phrases recorded. First off, these videos show VERY VERY little. To criticize based on what little is seen here is laughable. On top of that, my guess is that there's a bit of an art to controlling him... And it might take some time to get good at with regard to timing and phrase choice and everything else. Especially if he's to be controlled by people that aren't in imagineering and haven't done this type of thing before.

If, once you've seen him in action PERSONALLY... AFTER soft openings... You don't like the AA for various reasons, then great. Share, and discuss. To watch 3 or 4 short videos on the internet, DURING WHAT WE BELIEVE TO BE THE FIRST TIME IT HAS BEEN IN OPERATION IN FRONT OF THE PUBLIC, and then do nothing but talk about how it's a failure... That's asinine.

I've never used the "ignore" feature on this site before, but I'm getting close.

Which is too bad, because a good while back, I found you to be helpful and constructive, Merf. I don't know what happened... But WOW. It's getting old... And a lot of us are noticing.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Hm. I will admit that the motions are very fluid. I also love the fact that he can pull his ear out from his head-great effect! However, there are noticably LONG gaps between dialogue, and the script...well, at the moment, its hit and miss. Of course, the thing is merely in test mode, so I'll hold off on complete judgement until its been in operation for a few more weeks. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to seeing our Mr. Patato Head once TSM opens at DHS.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
That's definately an impressive AA. I loved the ear effect, that's pretty well done. But yeah, I will agree that the script isn't the best. Let's hope they fix it.

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