Very busy Fantasmic shows with reduced performances


Why did Disney choose Monday and Thursday? Perhaps they should consider adding a weekend showing, like on Saturday nights. If I were an annual passholder, I know I'd be happy with Saturday niht showings, since Monday and thursday nights would be kind of inconvenient. If I were a local, suspending my daily life for a day at the WDw parks would be much easier on a saturday than on a Monday or Thursday night (especially when the park closes at 7).

If they have to keep th shows cut down to just a few nights each week, I would add at least one show on Saturday evenings in addition to the Monday and Thursday shows. As the crowds pick back up, start adding in showson the other days, like say Tuesday and Friday nights as well in March, (not-Easter) April and May. Then go back to two shows nightly during the summer. Come September you can start knocking it back down to like March-april-May levels. I would atill keep January/Bebruary the only time during the year that Fantasmic shows are cut this much.


I answered my own question. One site is reporting "At MGM Studios one show of Fantasmic costs $79,000."

That's pretty intense....

I heard recently (from Communicore Online maybe?) that each show is $30,000. It does not surprise me that F! has a huge price tag to run with the number of CMs, equipment, mechanics, pyrotechnics, etc. but seeing as many others have said that F! has been a packed show most of the time that going to twice a week regularly is odd, it going dark during slower seasons I can understand but the dramatic cut is odd.


New Member
Hey they added an extra show on Thursday night, there is hope for a return to the norm.

Not that it affects me as I always go at peak times due to problems getting time off the rest of the year. (usually easter)


Hopefully this is becoming eye-opening to the management, and that the economy fallout isn't as bad as before. Here's hoping Fantasmic! can return to daily showings soon.


Well-Known Member
Why did Disney choose Monday and Thursday? Perhaps they should consider adding a weekend showing, like on Saturday nights. If I were an annual passholder, I know I'd be happy with Saturday niht showings, since Monday and thursday nights would be kind of inconvenient. If I were a local, suspending my daily life for a day at the WDw parks would be much easier on a saturday than on a Monday or Thursday night (especially when the park closes at 7).

I believe the days were picked since Monday and Thursday are EMH days at the Studios, so therefore they would expect to be most crowded.

They absolutely don't care about the locals as how many are going to show up on those nights?

If they have to keep th shows cut down to just a few nights each week, I would add at least one show on Saturday evenings in addition to the Monday and Thursday shows. As the crowds pick back up, start adding in showson the other days, like say Tuesday and Friday nights as well in March, (not-Easter) April and May. Then go back to two shows nightly during the summer. Come September you can start knocking it back down to like March-april-May levels. I would atill keep January/Bebruary the only time during the year that Fantasmic shows are cut this much.

I am sure there will be nightly showings during spring break and, likely, summer as well.

But this clearly is a very guest unfriendly move ... I am not a huge fan of the show as i much prefer DL's original show and would rather watch Illuminations while at WDW. But there's no doubt this adds value and perhaps that 'magic' that's bandied about to many guests' visits.

Unless things are truly dire (like under 8,000 guests a day in the park) I look at this as a VERY BAD move.


Stick it to 'em, Park Guests!


<clears throat> Sorry to yell. By all means, line up and register your complaint. Absolutely - it's the only way the powers that be might understand what a bad decision they made.
But PLEASE remember that the little plaid person behind the podium is AT LEAST as ticked off as you are about this change, and has NO control over the number of Fantasmic shows ST offers. Please be nice to them. In fact, the nicer you are to them, the more likely they'll be to go "above and beyond" for you (although I am not sure what that would be in this case, since they can't offer to let you come back "tomorrow" right now...).



New Member
We were there on Mondayand the park was crowded. Arriving at 10am we thought it would be a good idea to book the F! dinner package. However we were told that they no longer do the package. Can anyone confirm this or did I just mis hear and it was just sold out for the day.

At about 6.30 we went to the show and were told there was standing room only, which we were OK with as we knew we turned up a bit late. However we got to the top and there was no where comfortable to stand without being cramped. On the way out cast members were indeed turning people away(most of which head for Toy Story Mania for the shorter queues).

I am heading back tomorrow to catch the show so hopefully will be able to see it this trip!


New Member
Keep the complaints coming to guest services, they more complaints the better chance that they will add more fantasmics:D. I guess that the reduced number of shows of Fantasmic is side effects from the year of a million cutbacks:ROFLOL:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
We were there on Mondayand the park was crowded. Arriving at 10am we thought it would be a good idea to book the F! dinner package. However we were told that they no longer do the package. Can anyone confirm this or did I just mis hear and it was just sold out for the day.

At about 6.30 we went to the show and were told there was standing room only, which we were OK with as we knew we turned up a bit late. However we got to the top and there was no where comfortable to stand without being cramped. On the way out cast members were indeed turning people away(most of which head for Toy Story Mania for the shorter queues).

I am heading back tomorrow to catch the show so hopefully will be able to see it this trip!
They still have the Fantasmic! dining package but it does sell out.


Active Member
I heard that the 2nd show for tomorrow night was added then taken back off. Then I heard it was expected to be put back later on today or tomorrow.

Attn Disney Mngt! Fantasmic has many guests that want to see it and you're making them very unhappy with this stupid decision. It's going to bite you.

The 2nd show for tomorrow has been taken off the schedule. I got a call from scheduling informing of this around 1:30 this afternoon. They didnt say anything about it possibly being added back to the schedule. I edited my first post to remove the info about the 2nd show. If I hear anything about it being added I'll let everyone know.


Well-Known Member
Hey Disney. Our family of 5 is SKIPPING our usual few days in the parks this year on our trip to Florida. Yes SKIPPING. One reason is that we couldn't make the schedule to hit Fantasmic on a day that it's being shown. It's not the only reason, but probably the nail in the coffin since we never miss the show. You should know that we haven't missed a year in 12 years of driving through Florida to see my parents. We typically drop a couple of grand a year on our trip. Some years way more. We are on personal strike until smarter heads provail. To us, Fantasmic is a family tradition. So this family, who has spent many thousands of dollars at the resort over the years, is very irritated at this stupid move. What's next? Shutting down Splash Mountain due to the cost of water? I completely understand cost cutting in todays world, and don't hold any anger about shorter park hours, missing character meals (we can book a different location), or smaller portions on meals, but cutting the best WDW show? We are on strike.


New Member
^ They did a similar thing in Poseidon's Fury @ IoA... just sayn'...

Not because of the cost of water but because the thing required more energy the even the Hulk (which actually has its own power plant). It costed a fortune to run the water tunnel effect. The water probably didn't cost them much as it would just cycle back through.
Hey Disney. Our family of 5 is SKIPPING our usual few days in the parks this year on our trip to Florida. Yes SKIPPING. One reason is that we couldn't make the schedule to hit Fantasmic on a day that it's being shown. It's not the only reason, but probably the nail in the coffin since we never miss the show. You should know that we haven't missed a year in 12 years of driving through Florida to see my parents. We typically drop a couple of grand a year on our trip. Some years way more. We are on personal strike until smarter heads provail. To us, Fantasmic is a family tradition. So this family, who has spent many thousands of dollars at the resort over the years, is very irritated at this stupid move. What's next? Shutting down Splash Mountain due to the cost of water? I completely understand cost cutting in todays world, and don't hold any anger about shorter park hours, missing character meals (we can book a different location), or smaller portions on meals, but cutting the best WDW show? We are on strike.

Go visit Universal, and call Disney and tell them how much fun you had over there. I'm sure they'd appreciate that ;)

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Hi Everyone, I was at Fantasmic last Thursay. We were there an hour early and were VERY lucky to find bench seating. It filled up, and from a few angry comments I heard, people were turned away from the show all together. There was some seating in the handicap section open though all through the show.

Regarding the Fantasmic Package: I have been told and have seen Fantasmic Dinner Reservation people turned away from bench seating for Fantasmic (although only on 2 occasions). Guest relations at the front of the park (where I made my dinner reservations for Fantasmic) said to me, both times I made reservations, that the Fantasmic dining package does NOT guarentee you a seat. It just gives you "priority seating" in a specific section making it "more likely" that you will get a seat than if you stand in line. It also allows you to "not" have to stand in line 1 hour 1/2 prior to the show starting.

Regarding the show itself: I have to say, though, the show seemed like there was less action than previous shows. Almost like there were cutbacks in the theatrics in the show. But, I could be wrong, it has been a year since I last saw it. I do understand that the snake won't "move" if the stage is wet, but it had been dry for days... no rain....:veryconfu

None the less, I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I STRONGLY suggest that you show up 1 1/2 hours early for the show if you want bench seating. The park wasn't even busy on Thursday. I was shocked at the turnout for Fantasmic.....Also, don't try to sit in the handicap sections unless you have a "guest assistance card" ?? because people who didn't have one were being removed from the handicap sections and told to stand.



The fantasmic has never guarenteed seats, and it never will! Even on the card you get given from the restaurant, this is stated.


New Member
So let me get this straight. The Fantasmic Dinner Package allows you the privilege of not having to line up early so that the people who did line up early will get the priority seating that you didn't get because you didn't line up early?

That makes perfect sense.

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