Unmagical summer of '09?

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Okay, as far as park hours, they do seem early.

That's putting it mildly. When I visit in summer, I generally stay away from the parks until dinnertime opting for pools, water parks and resorts during the day.

But what do you do when two parks close at 7, one at 9 and one at 10?
Go to Pleasure Island? (a low blow, I know)

Hotels seem a little lower but if it does not suit you how about the Swan or Dolphin. You are on property and you will probably pay less.

I need to check out the rates at the Ritz-Carlton. A few summers ago they had $199 rates. If I am going to pay $114-124 for a discounted Disney moderate, I'd jump at $199 at Ritz IF they were offering it. But a few friends have graciously offered to see about CM rates, and there always is Priceline. I paid $49 for the DD Hilton last fall and that was about as great a deal as you'll get.

Dining, what can I say, value is perception. It's sort of like being mad because your house is not worth what it was five years ago. Disney obviously feels that their dining is worth more. It is a very subjective question so I see no value in trying to argue it. There are many non-Disney owned restaurants on property that you could try. The one concrete thing that we can say is that many menus have been streamlined. However, we do not know why. It could be the dining plan, could be that places are so busy menus have had to be streamlined in order to make it easier for the kitchen to do the volume.

I regularly dine at non-Disney owned restaurants on property. Fulton's, for example, is phenomenal and I don't even eat most seafood.

My point was more of a 'how much worse can it get?' deal ... when I heard lunch at Trail's End (one of my favorites for an out of the way, peaceful comfort food meal ... with a great salad bar) had basically tripled since the mid-late 90s, while quality and offerings have steadily dwindled ... it ticked me off.

Dining used to be one reason why I went to WDW. Really. I am sure that may sound strange to some people who only go to ride attractions over and over again. But dining has always been a huge part of the resort equation. I've had world-class meals at places like Victoria & Albert's, California Grill, Jiko etc ... but the prices are now artificially high to justify the DDP ... so you're just as likely to catch me off property.

As far as freshness, I agree that MK could do with an addition but aren't you expecting a bit much when you say "what new thing can they offer me since my last trip a few months back". I am sure that months went by in the 80's and 90's when nothing new was added.

I say go and enjoy yourself. Stay away from MK and hang out in AK and Epcot.

Well, again restating the obvious but MK hasn't added an E-Ticket since Splash Mountain in 1992. The last attraction of any kind added was MILF. The parades are from 1991 and 2001. So, it's not just from earlier this year ... they haven't added much of anything to stem the stale vibe.

And I think you know from my previous posts that I likely will spend most of my time at EC and DAK. I likely won't even set foot in TPFKaTD-MGMS.

Rest assured, I'll enjoy myself. For the most part, I always do.


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Thankfully, I like the parks for what they are...not for what they COULD be.

Look, I see you're a young newbie here (and you obviously have great taste in TV shows too!) ... so I don't want to start out with a nasty back and forth.

And I am happy you enjoy the parks for what they are. I do as well ... to a point.

But after almost 35 years of countless visits, being an APer since they began offering them (as well as an APer in Anaheim and recently Paris) as well as being very knowledgeable about many of the inner workings of Disney and major media companies, I hold them to a bit of a higher standard than simply enjoying them for what they are (even if I do that) ... because I know what Disney has done and can do and 'just good enough' doesn't cut it for me.

What WDW is now isn't nearly as good as what it could be.
Look, I see you're a young newbie here (and you obviously have great taste in TV shows too!) ... so I don't want to start out with a nasty back and forth.

And I am happy you enjoy the parks for what they are. I do as well ... to a point.

But after almost 35 years of countless visits, being an APer since they began offering them (as well as an APer in Anaheim and recently Paris) as well as being very knowledgeable about many of the inner workings of Disney and major media companies, I hold them to a bit of a higher standard than simply enjoying them for what they are (even if I do that) ... because I know what Disney has done and can do and 'just good enough' doesn't cut it for me.

What WDW is now isn't nearly as good as what it could be.

It will never be as good as it "could" be. Because everybody's idea of what it "could" be are not the same. Plus, there is always room for improvement. I am just saying how I feel about the parks! I try to enjoy what is there, not what is not. These threads are open. And I thought you wanted people's ideas since you posted this under news reather than other sections. Plus, other people were a bit more harsh than I. :king:

The Conundrum

New Member
Thankfully, I like the parks for what they are...not for what they COULD be.

Watch videos of what Walt Disney World used to be like from opening - 1998. Then research Tokyo Disneyland resort and Disneyland (skip 1998-2005)

Thankfully, I think most of the DOM type people will not be returning because these are the same kinds of people that bought way more than they could afford and are now too busy trying to sell there homes for a million dollars hoping that any day now the market will "come back" and they can scam some sucker and be "rich again". :rolleyes:

I believe the decade of DOMs is coming to an end. The ball is truely in Disney's court to see what they pull off between now and 2011.


Well-Known Member
With Space mt. closed this summer and nothing new or exciting on an Everest or Toy Story level opening, all of WDW is closed for me as I wont be going. So, Im planning for my very first trip to the land in substitution for the world. Like I told my friend, if there's ever a time to sacrifice a WDW trip for DL, its now.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sunshine... you should skip WDW.


Don't you know that whether he goes to WDW this summer is BIG NEWS? Why else would it be posted in the news section? Or is it a pathetic rumor?

Those feet of his must sure be sore from carrying around all that ego.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the intelligent response.

This is under news and rumors because I haven't seen one post discussing the HUGE cuts in July hours that I discovered when looking into planning a visit.

I also found the paltry discounts newsworthy as well since I didn't see a thread on them and Disney is struggling yet the big period of discounting seems to be over.

Ummm, by any definition this is general discussion stuff at best. I have a feeling the news will be that this thread gets moved. And rumor has it the mods will make that happen.


Well-Known Member
I got rather depressed reading just the title of the thread, thinking perhaps someone who had a trip planned in the summer had to cancel it...Well then when it opened and not even reading (at first) what it said I just looked at the Op and said to myself " oh crap its gonna be a good one"....LoL...Usually is very interesting lets say when WDW1974 is involved..Needless to say I read on....Getting ready to sit back for the Brawl with my coffee and bagel...
and with that being said....
Have a Magical Day!!!!!


New Member
Jeez people!
He didn't say he didn't like Disney anymore, he just made a few observations.
Yes, things are on the low side in some cases.
They are cheapening up in places, like the Stich ride, and the new Stich stage show...Give me a break.
Don't crucify the guy for his opinion, this thread is sounding like the news networks fighting each other about our great government.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I think they have not cut room rates so much for this summer because the economy is turning around. Well the Disney economy anyway.:)


New Member
Heres my view on it. This February was my first trip to WDW since I was like 7. I am 25. I only remember a few thing from then. So I went with my gf this past Feb and when I got there I was like ummm. I couldnt find 20,000 leagues, the Skyway, Mr Toads Wild ride.

I hadnt started coming on boards yet. I was looking at sites but had no idea. So I was pretty bummed when all the rides I was yearning for were gone. So we decided my first official trip was in Feb.

My point is, just because I went there with high expectations and was dissappointed, I still had the time of my life. Why you may ask? Because I am at one of the greatest places on earth, with one of my most favorite people in the world in beautiful weather no accustomed to at that time in February.

Then I decided spur of the moment I really want to see SWW being I am a huge nerd. So were going down the 29th-1st. And in August before she goes to Law School. And in December at break.

This is our happy place, this is what we love doing, and being together here getting away from all the real world problems and drama is so satisfying that I can deal with a few half you know what attempts at rehabs, just as long as they keep the gates open.

Call me a fanboy, call me whatever. I do wish for upgrades on some rides, mainly SM cause in Feb that track was so jerky when I rode it I was like Im done.

What Im saying to you WDWMagic1974, is decide what you really want. Are you mad at Disney for not fixing or upgrading things you wanted to see? Aside from the time, make that choice. If you can't just go to the park to go and have fun, then dont go.

I hope this was a intelligent response.


Well-Known Member
So ... been pondering a July 4th up at the World (if I can't get far, far away) and a few things popped into my mind making me think twice:

Park Hours. Has anyone looked at July? Is this another example of cutting as many as they can now ... only to toss some back at last minute by making it appear busier than expected? I can't ever recall MK closing before midnight on the Fourth, yet it's down for 11 p.m. on that night and most others are 10 (those were summer hours during dark days earlier this decade). TPFKaTD-MGMS actually has 7 p.m. closings scheduled in July ... something that I'd love to believe is only a mistake but I doubt it. And a 9 p.m. close on the Fourth with no pyro? Even DAK is on a 9-7 schedule. Only EPCOT keeps its 'traditional' schedule (by that I mean what people have come to expect the past decade, not what they used to offer).

So ... then I start looking at AP rates (although I may have a CM book me something better if I indeed go) ... for all the discounting that's been going on ... and all the dire summer projections ... well, the discounts are paltry. $74/$84 at values, $114/$124 at mods, $154/$184 at DAK Lodge (this is the only one at the lower price point that really feels like a deal). I'd like to check out the new rooms at Coronado since my last stay there was right after the last renovation started in 2003 and these rooms do look even better ... but at those prices I could likely Priceline an amazing resort for less (JW Marriott, Gaylord Palms, Omni Championsgate, DD Hilton even).

Of course, does a Spirit want to stay at a resort where he can return to his room after baking in theme parks only to find the room is musty and hot because the AC has either been turned off or turned up?

And dining? ... Prices keep going up ($15 for a lower quality lunch buffet at Trail's End that was $4.99 in the mid-90s?!?!) ... Of course there's Sanna and the Wave, which haven't been tried yet (and usually Disney's new locations are really great when they debut)

Freshness? What will WDW offer me that is new from my last visit a few months back? Stitch's LCI Dance Disaster? Our new Prez in the HoP (OK, this at least mildly interests me).

Of course I really want to spend a few afternoons at Aquatica and ride Manta, so I have the feeling I'm going to wind up in O-Town ... but ... I'm sure not excited by the prospects.

Anyone want to talk me into a trip? :)

What I do not understand...and I enjoy you and your posts..I am a fan of sarcasm and you make me laugh..:)

You are not happy with many things that Disney is/has been doing...fine..I get that..and I understand that.

Why though do you (IMO) constantly make it a point to put Disney down even in a thread you start asking if you should go to WDW?:shrug:

You know..KNOW that people here...most people..are going to be in favor of Disney..because even though there are many here who think Disney has slacked on lots of things and there are people here who are "drinking the negative kool-aid" :D:lookaroun and find everything wrong with Disney because AC is gone and because SM is closed and blah blah blah..most of us still and will always love Disney, go to Disney and be Disney fans no matter what they say or do.

Just like there will be people here who..like you find something wrong with Disney in everything they do.

No offense whatsoever but I think you feed off the attention and want people to tell you things so you can post just how much you know?..and How many people you know "behind the scenes" and all that jazz.

Are you lonely?
Do you need someone to tell you that you ROCK?

I can do that for you ..because as Stuart Smalley once said...

"You are smart enough..good enough and Dog gone it..people like you!"

In all seriousness though..it seems like you are just trolling for people to argue/discuss things with you so you can tell us all what you know/who you know and I guess in my eyes belittle them and make them feel like they are idiots because they like Disney and feel that no matter what Disney is still the place that they want to go because it makes them Happy..:shrug:

Anyway..I was just wondering...and I think you should go...and come back and tell me whats going on...:D


Active Member
Yes http://www.wdwmagic.com/acronyms.htm

Don`t knock the OP; it`s an opinion of facts. Harsh but fair.

WDW is still a magical place, and I dare say always will be, but you can`t deny the facts.

First, I would like to say I am a huge Disney fan, which is why I am on these boards in the first place. We go back and visit when we can and usually have a blast escaping the real world.

Wdw1974 has a right to his opinion especially on the internet and even if it is perceived as negative. Quite frankly I enjoy these discussions because it helps some of us remove the rose-colored glasses. This is a fan site so obviously people will lash back however don't forget the OP is a fan too with going to disney so often and ruffling feathers here.
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