Unmagical summer of '09?

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New Member
Stuart Smalley. Enough said. That is awesome. I thank you for that, Im going to use that line like 50 times at work cause I dont feel like working on peoples computers today. Back on topic.....


Well-Known Member
What I do not understand...and I enjoy you and your posts..I am a fan of sarcasm and you make me laugh..:)

You are not happy with many things that Disney is/has been doing...fine..I get that..and I understand that.

Why though do you (IMO) constantly make it a point to put Disney down even in a thread you start asking if you should go to WDW?:shrug:

You know..KNOW that people here...most people..are going to be in favor of Disney..because even though there are many here who think Disney has slacked on lots of things and there are people here who are "drinking the negative kool-aid" :D:lookaroun and find everything wrong with Disney because AC is gone and because SM is closed and blah blah blah..most of us still and will always love Disney, go to Disney and be Disney fans no matter what they say or do.

Just like there will be people here who..like you find something wrong with Disney in everything they do.

No offense whatsoever but I think you feed off the attention and want people to tell you things so you can post just how much you know?..and How many people you know "behind the scenes" and all that jazz.

Are you lonely?
Do you need someone to tell you that you ROCK?

I can do that for you ..because as Stuart Smalley once said...

"You are smart enough..good enough and Dog gone it..people like you!"

In all seriousness though..it seems like you are just trolling for people to argue/discuss things with you so you can tell us all what you know/who you know and I guess in my eyes belittle them and make them feel like they are idiots because they like Disney and feel that no matter what Disney is still the place that they want to go because it makes them Happy..:shrug:

Anyway..I was just wondering...and I think you should go...and come back and tell me whats going on...:D

Thank you for putting in words what has been grating at me about the guy. I couldn't figure it out for anything. You must be a shrink or something. He does belittle anyone who does not agree with him. That is a dangerous character trait (speaking of Al Franken :lookaroun). Or should I say it shows a lack of character (speaking of Al Franken....again). Anyway, I think you nailed it with this post. I can move on now! :wave:


New Member
I think Disney isn't so worried about upgrading/updating attractions very often because it's an easy way to cut costs while at the same time, people that can only come every 3-10 years will still have new attractions. I think they're just shifting focus away from the "regulars."

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Yes http://www.wdwmagic.com/acronyms.htm

Don`t knock the OP; it`s an opinion of facts. Harsh but fair.

WDW is still a magical place, and I dare say always will be, but you can`t deny the facts.

Exactly the outlook I have. WDW is amazing as it is for the emotions it creates, the history it has, and just the value of pure entertainment.

However, there's the factors that need improvement and HAVE been better in the past.

It's like respecting the office of the president, while not agreeing with the policies of the president himself.:lol::lookaroun

Hope that makes sense.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Ok! lol

What is DOM?

A defender of Mediocrity, sworn enemy of the Fanboy.:lookaroun:lol::lol:



Well-Known Member
So ... been pondering a July 4th up at the World (if I can't get far, far away) and a few things popped into my mind making me think twice:

Park Hours. Has anyone looked at July? Is this another example of cutting as many as they can now ... only to toss some back at last minute by making it appear busier than expected? I can't ever recall MK closing before midnight on the Fourth, yet it's down for 11 p.m. on that night and most others are 10 (those were summer hours during dark days earlier this decade). TPFKaTD-MGMS actually has 7 p.m. closings scheduled in July ... something that I'd love to believe is only a mistake but I doubt it. And a 9 p.m. close on the Fourth with no pyro? Even DAK is on a 9-7 schedule. Only EPCOT keeps its 'traditional' schedule (by that I mean what people have come to expect the past decade, not what they used to offer).

personally can't say I'm surprised that in the struggling economy that Disney has cut back a couple of hours...a few hours here and there could save the park mucho $$$$$$$ and is a better option than others I have heard such as closing one park each day. Besides, maybe your July time just isn't as busy as you think it will be. The free dining starts in August and I suspect that it might be busier then but I don't know and I'll leave it up to Disney. Also, I personally couldn't care less about some pyro in each park for the 4th so what might suck for you is a complete non-issue for others

So ... then I start looking at AP rates (although I may have a CM book me something better if I indeed go) ... for all the discounting that's been going on ... and all the dire summer projections ... well, the discounts are paltry. $74/$84 at values, $114/$124 at mods, $154/$184 at DAK Lodge (this is the only one at the lower price point that really feels like a deal). I'd like to check out the new rooms at Coronado since my last stay there was right after the last renovation started in 2003 and these rooms do look even better ... but at those prices I could likely Priceline an amazing resort for less (JW Marriott, Gaylord Palms, Omni Championsgate, DD Hilton even).

Well I'm spending $1200 less this year than 2 years ago for the same length of stay at a Disney resort so I don't find the discounts paltry at all...it was actually the deciding factor for me to go this year so the discounts are definately working for some.

Of course, does a Spirit want to stay at a resort where he can return to his room after baking in theme parks only to find the room is musty and hot because the AC has either been turned off or turned up?

must be the AC fairies...they hit my room from time to time as well. I don't like AC too much and prefer the room slightly warm to freezing but it's an easy fix so I have never really given it a second thought

And dining? ... Prices keep going up ($15 for a lower quality lunch buffet at Trail's End that was $4.99 in the mid-90s?!?!) ... Of course there's Sanna and the Wave, which haven't been tried yet (and usually Disney's new locations are really great when they debut)

not an issue for me...free dining!

Freshness? What will WDW offer me that is new from my last visit a few months back? Stitch's LCI Dance Disaster? Our new Prez in the HoP (OK, this at least mildly interests me).

I guess if you're going that oftern you will not get something new but that appears not to be the issue....the issue is that Disney is offering something new since your last visit it's just not something your'e interested in...well mildly interested but still you aren't happy. Then don't go as often, or only go when you knwo something new is opening that you will be more than mildly interested in or just have Disney call you and see when you're soming next so they can plan something new that you would like instead of something new that someone else would like instead

Of course I really want to spend a few afternoons at Aquatica and ride Manta, so I have the feeling I'm going to wind up in O-Town ... but ... I'm sure not excited by the prospects.
Anyone want to talk me into a trip? :)

nope...I don't think you should go. I think you should plan a non-Disney vacation and not go for a year then go and see if you like it. I always have a good time (23 trips and working there for 2 years) and while I don't expect it to perfect I do expect Disney magic and I always find it. I know that there may be something less than perfect...ie Space Mtn is closed when I'm there but I don't let it get to me. This has nothing to do with Disney....it's an attitude I have everywhere. I don't get worked up over little things and as a result, I'm a happy girl :):):)


Well-Known Member
A defender of Mediocrity, sworn enemy of the Fanboy.:lookaroun:lol::lol:

The thing is..just because there are people who do not find everything wrong with Disney it does not mean they are supporters of mediocrity..in my eyes..there is nothing mediocore about Disney...

I understand that people do want/think Disney can and should do more..but I am really happy with the way it is.

I will go every single time and have the time of my life and enjoy it...and if something is closed or broken or paint is peeling..which I probably will not notice..I will still have a great time..because I love the place..and I am there with my family and it makes me happy being there.

I do not like the whole DOM thing..just because there are some people who do not analyze everything Disney does..does not mean that they accept something that is not worthy of their money or time..in their minds their time and money are being well spent.:shrug:

I know mine is..and maybe because I am not a crazy fanboi/boy or whatever..I just like Disney.


Well-Known Member
So is it the group consensus that the OP's points are invalid, that he wasn't PC in how he posted, or that because of what the OP has said in the past, newer statements are tainted with the brush of the past?

It's amazing how fast multiple responses went right to ad hominem attacks. Very few people actually addressed the issues outlined. I think several people missed the point - you can still like to go AND be unhappy with the status quo.

Face it, for those that go frequently (probaby a majority of people here), it's just physically and fiscally impossible for the park to change quickly enough to satisfy. But I'm thinking that returning visitors, compared to new, one time visitors, are a minority. Anyone know the actual stats on that?

But what I find more bothersome is, in reading between the lines of the responses, based on what was said, many people think "it's Disney = be complacent and accept whatever is given". I'm not talking freaking out over a yet-to-be-fixed scratch 100 feet up on the castle wall made 2 years ago when installing the Xmas lights. But the overall general trend in changes over time that are occurring to the parks as a whole. What seems to come from that are justifications (many good arguments too, yeah it's a $ thing in most cases). BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.

With apologies to Pastor Niemöller:

When management came for the Skyway,
I remained silent;
I never rode it anyway.

Then they took away Merlin,
I remained silent;
My older kids would never be picked to pull the sword.

Then they came for 20,000 Leagues,
I did not speak out;
It was not my favorite ride.

Then they came for Mr. Toad
I remained silent;
It was a foolish ride anyway.

Then they took away the park hours,
I did not speak out;
I did not go often enough for that to matter.

When they affected my magical experience,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

EDIT: And BTW, I love going to Disney. It is my favorite place in the world.


New Member
What I do not understand...and I enjoy you and your posts..I am a fan of sarcasm and you make me laugh..:)

You are not happy with many things that Disney is/has been doing...fine..I get that..and I understand that.

Why though do you (IMO) constantly make it a point to put Disney down even in a thread you start asking if you should go to WDW?:shrug:

You know..KNOW that people here...most people..are going to be in favor of Disney..because even though there are many here who think Disney has slacked on lots of things and there are people here who are "drinking the negative kool-aid" :D:lookaroun and find everything wrong with Disney because AC is gone and because SM is closed and blah blah blah..most of us still and will always love Disney, go to Disney and be Disney fans no matter what they say or do.

Just like there will be people here who..like you find something wrong with Disney in everything they do.

No offense whatsoever but I think you feed off the attention and want people to tell you things so you can post just how much you know?..and How many people you know "behind the scenes" and all that jazz.

Are you lonely?
Do you need someone to tell you that you ROCK?

I can do that for you ..because as Stuart Smalley once said...

"You are smart enough..good enough and Dog gone it..people like you!"

In all seriousness though..it seems like you are just trolling for people to argue/discuss things with you so you can tell us all what you know/who you know and I guess in my eyes belittle them and make them feel like they are idiots because they like Disney and feel that no matter what Disney is still the place that they want to go because it makes them Happy..:shrug:

Anyway..I was just wondering...and I think you should go...and come back and tell me whats going on...:D

Dana, I love you.

I think WDW1974's posts are simply unreadable for every reason you've given. And your posts are TOTALLY readable. Thank you for being the representative of us "DoM"s, AKA, almost everyone.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The thing is..just because there are people who do not find everything wrong with Disney it does not mean they are supporters of mediocrity..in my eyes..there is nothing mediocore about Disney...

I understand that people do want/think Disney can and should do more..but I am really happy with the way it is.

I will go every single time and have the time of my life and enjoy it...and if something is closed or broken or paint is peeling..which I probably will not notice..I will still have a great time..because I love the place..and I am there with my family and it makes me happy being there.

I do not like the whole DOM thing..just because there are some people who do not analyze everything Disney does..does not mean that they accept something that is not worthy of their money or time..in their minds their time and money are being well spent.:shrug:

I know mine is..and maybe because I am not a crazy fanboi/boy or whatever..I just like Disney.

It's more of a joke, Dana...:lol: The same how we get called Fanboys, DoM's just a name.

But I know what you are saying. Disney is quite a fantastic company and a great place to visit because of what they have "conditioned" us to expect from the past, and even their actions of today.

When some of us feel that Disney does something less than these standards, here comes the DoM tag. It's like the closing of PI. People are in support of the "bold new vision"? Of the closing of UNIQUE clubs? Supporting a choice that "dumbs down" the Disney Experience? That's mediocrity in my views.

Also, it's not a definite thing to be. Each of us likes and dislikes different aspects of Disney. The terms DoM and Fanboy could practically be exchanged.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Dana, I love you.

I think WDW1974's posts are simply unreadable for every reason you've given. And your posts are TOTALLY readable. Thank you for being the representative of us "DoM"s, AKA, almost everyone.
I love you too..:)

Oh and DoM..Defender of Magic is what I prefer..;)
Like I stated in my last post..in my eyes, mind..whatever..there is nothing mediocore about it at all...and that is my opinion..:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ummm, by any definition this is general discussion stuff at best. I have a feeling the news will be that this thread gets moved. And rumor has it the mods will make that happen.

Yes. I forget. Total BS like the WL getting a new pool or PI reopening or opinions on the newest DVC belong in the very serious News and Rumor Thread.

Thanks for pointing that out and getting this moved where it should have been to begin with.

I guess I'll have to start another thread over there about a fifth theme park or what a bus driver told me.


Well-Known Member
It's more of a joke, Dana...:lol: The same how we get called Fanboy's, DoM's just a name.

But I know what you are saying. Disney is quite a fantastic company and a great place to visit because of what they have "conditioned" us to expect from the past, and even their actions of today.

When some of us feel that Disney does something less than these standards, here comes the DoM tag. It's like the closing of PI. People are in support of the "bold new vision"? Of the closing of UNIQUE clubs? Supporting a choice that "dumbs down" the Disney Experience? That's mediocrity in my views.

Also, it's not a definite thing to be. Each of us likes and dislikes different aspects of Disney. The terms DoM and Fanboy could practically be exchanged.:lol:
I know...and I was not saying it to you really..you just posted the thingy..:D

Like I keep saying my opininion..my thoughts on Disney..

My thing is..the closing of AC and whatever did not affect me..so I could care less about it..though I know people love it..just like some here can not stand the Characters in Flight thing at DTD..or WP at MK..but others love it...it is all based on what you like yourself.

My first post was not to say that WDW1974 is wrong in what he says..I just feel that a lot of what he posts is just trying to get a reaction out of people..and you know he succeeds if that is what he intends..:shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
So is it the group consensus that the OP's points are invalid, that he wasn't PC in how he posted, or that because of what the OP has said in the past, newer statements are tainted with the brush of the past?

It's amazing how fast multiple responses went right to ad hominem attacks. Very few people actually addressed the issues outlined. I think several people missed the point - you can still like to go AND be unhappy with the status quo.

Face it, for those that go frequently (probaby a majority of people here), it's just physically and fiscally impossible for the park to change quickly enough to satisfy. But I'm thinking that returning visitors, compared to new, one time visitors, are a minority. Anyone know the actual stats on that?

But what I find more bothersome is, in reading between the lines of the responses, based on what was said, many people think "it's Disney = be complacent and accept whatever is given". I'm not talking freaking out over a yet-to-be-fixed scratch 100 feet up on the castle wall made 2 years ago when installing the Xmas lights. But the overall general trend in changes over time that are occurring to the parks as a whole. What seems to come from that are justifications (many good arguments too, yeah it's a $ thing in most cases). BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.

With apologies to Pastor Niemöller:

When management came for the Skyway,
I remained silent;
I never rode it anyway.

Then they took away Merlin,
I remained silent;
My older kids would never be picked to pull the sword.

Then they came for 20,000 Leagues,
I did not speak out;
It was not my favorite ride.

Then they came for Mr. Toad
I remained silent;
It was a foolish ride anyway.

Then they took away the park hours,
I did not speak out;
I did not go often enough for that to matter.

When they affected my magical experience,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

Well said and hysterical.:D

My feelings exactly.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by marni1971
Yes http://www.wdwmagic.com/acronyms.htm

Don`t knock the OP; it`s an opinion of facts. Harsh but fair.

WDW is still a magical place, and I dare say always will be, but you can`t deny the facts.

Yes, but you can bury your head in the sand and pretend they don't exist!

Or you can simply snort some more pixie dust while clutching your Pooh plush with your pin lanyard dangling and attack the person who dares point these things out.

Are people so dimwitted they can't see how you can greatly enjoy a place and still be concerned by obvious drops in quality?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I know...and I was not saying it to you really..you just posted the thingy..:D

Like I keep saying my opininion..my thoughts on Disney..

My first post was not to say that WDW1974 is wrong in what he says..I just feel that a lot of what he posts is just trying to get a reaction out of people..and you know he succeeds if that is what he intends..:shrug:

Right, I just felt obligated to post back...;)

Right, it is a matter of opinion. It's just that we all get lumped into two groups.:lol: We need a independent candidate!

Well, isn't a posted thread supposed to get a reaction?:lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by marni1971
Yes http://www.wdwmagic.com/acronyms.htm

Don`t knock the OP; it`s an opinion of facts. Harsh but fair.

WDW is still a magical place, and I dare say always will be, but you can`t deny the facts.

Or you can simply snort some more pixie dust while clutching your Pooh plush with your pin lanyard dangling and attack the person who dares point these things out.

Are people so dimwitted they can't see how you can greatly enjoy a place and still be concerned by obvious drops in quality?

No...but can you see that some people can still enjoy the place greatly and not be affected by the "drops in quality" because they do not notice that or see that themselves?

I mean who cares if I do snort the pixie dust while clutching my plush pooh and crying at Wishes?

I do not notice that one of the fireworks did not go off at the right time..or that Tinkerbell flew down 2 minutes and 23 seconds later.

( I do not like the pin lanyard thing)..See!!!..Something I do not like..:D
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