Unmagical summer of '09?

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Well-Known Member
Right, I just felt obligated to post back...;)

Right, it is a matter of opinion. It's just that we all get lumped into two groups.:lol: We need a independent candidate!

Well, isn't a posted thread supposed to get a reaction?:lookaroun:lol:
Yes..it is...and it did..:):lol:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
No...but can you see that some people can still enjoy the place greatly and not be affected by the "drops in quality" because they do not notice that or see that themselves?

I mean who cares if I do snort the pixie dust while clutching my plush pooh and crying at Wishes?

I do not notice that one of the fireworks did not go off at the right time..or that Tinkerbell flew down 2 minutes and 23 seconds later.

( I do not like the pin lanyard thing)..See!!!..Something I do not like..:D
Yeah, but a slip in show quality is something huge.:lol::lookaroun I would be crying too.
No...but can you see that some people can still enjoy the place greatly and not be affected by the "drops in quality" because they do not notice that or see that themselves?

I mean who cares if I do snort the pixie dust while clutching my plush pooh and crying at Wishes?

I do not notice that one of the fireworks did not go off at the right time..or that Tinkerbell flew down 2 minutes and 23 seconds later.

( I do not like the pin lanyard thing)..See!!!..Something I do not like..:D

**team maggie grace :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What I do not understand...and I enjoy you and your posts..I am a fan of sarcasm and you make me laugh..:)

You are not happy with many things that Disney is/has been doing...fine..I get that..and I understand that.

Why though do you (IMO) constantly make it a point to put Disney down even in a thread you start asking if you should go to WDW?:shrug:

Dana, I don't feel that I am putting Disney down at all. I am making observations about planning a trip.

There are now four pages of responses and most of them have been attacking me for having any opinion beyond WDW being magical and shouldn't be criticized. I really had hoped this site had progressed beyond that.

I put this same thread on LaughingPlace.com and the reactions I get there are so much more articulate and thoughtful. People there don't seem to feel a need to 'defend da man' that is so part and parcel of this site.

Again, instead of being a discussion about any of the points I raised, this has become a thread about me (well, not really since no one here knows the real me but you know what I am talking 'bout).

You know..KNOW that people here...most people..are going to be in favor of Disney..because even though there are many here who think Disney has slacked on lots of things and there are people here who are "drinking the negative kool-aid" :D:lookaroun and find everything wrong with Disney because AC is gone and because SM is closed and blah blah blah..most of us still and will always love Disney, go to Disney and be Disney fans no matter what they say or do.

WDW is a special place to me too. Considering how often I have been there anyone who would suggest otherwise knowing that would be daft at best.

Just like there will be people here who..like you find something wrong with Disney in everything they do.

Not fair or accurate at all.

No offense whatsoever but I think you feed off the attention and want people to tell you things so you can post just how much you know?..and How many people you know "behind the scenes" and all that jazz.

OK, you said 'no offense' and then proceeded to say something that most people might take offense at. Don't worry. I'm a big boy and I won't.

But 'feed off the attention'? Uhm ... no.

Stimulating discussion is what I try to do. I would guess that's what discussion boards are all about, but maybe I am mistaken?

And why is it wrong to talk about things you know about ... to share your knowledge?

And where did I mention knowing anyone? Oh yeah, I didn't. But because I have mentioned knowing a few people in the past, you thought you'd throw that in as a dig?

Are you lonely?
Do you need someone to tell you that you ROCK?

I can do that for you ..because as Stuart Smalley once said...

"You are smart enough..good enough and Dog gone it..people like you!"

All of the above ... all of the above ...:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

In all seriousness though..it seems like you are just trolling for people to argue/discuss things with you so you can tell us all what you know/who you know and I guess in my eyes belittle them and make them feel like they are idiots because they like Disney and feel that no matter what Disney is still the place that they want to go because it makes them Happy..:shrug:

Again, I am looking to discuss Disney and themed entertainment. That's why I am here. Of course I am looking for people to discuss, argue and debate with. What else would anyone be doing here?

I think if people are accepting and like anything/everything Disney throws their way just because it is Disney then they are idiots. That again sounds like someone pledging blind faith in a religion or political party and refusing to think for themselves.

Anyway..I was just wondering...and I think you should go...and come back and tell me whats going on...:D

I intend to. I think ...
Ok, lets put this thread to rest now. He is going to Disney World, it's decided(even thought eveyone told him not to). I have a feeling he was planning on going all along. He just needed a rant. Everyone does now and then.

So, do you have all the Disney hatin' out of you?

At least untill you get back from your trip, right?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hasn't Disney always based their park hours on their projections for how busy they will be?

That's true to a large extent.

But they certainly know it's going to be busy the first two weeks in July. And looking at the very paltry discounts out now one would surmise they think it's going to be pretty much on par with past years.

Yet their park hours are much shorter than past years. Strange.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you for putting in words what has been grating at me about the guy. I couldn't figure it out for anything. You must be a shrink or something. He does belittle anyone who does not agree with him. That is a dangerous character trait (speaking of Al Franken :lookaroun). Or should I say it shows a lack of character (speaking of Al Franken....again). Anyway, I think you nailed it with this post. I can move on now! :wave:

Thanks for your opinions as usual, Rush.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So is it the group consensus that the OP's points are invalid, that he wasn't PC in how he posted, or that because of what the OP has said in the past, newer statements are tainted with the brush of the past?

It's amazing how fast multiple responses went right to ad hominem attacks. Very few people actually addressed the issues outlined. I think several people missed the point - you can still like to go AND be unhappy with the status quo.

Face it, for those that go frequently (probaby a majority of people here), it's just physically and fiscally impossible for the park to change quickly enough to satisfy. But I'm thinking that returning visitors, compared to new, one time visitors, are a minority. Anyone know the actual stats on that?

But what I find more bothersome is, in reading between the lines of the responses, based on what was said, many people think "it's Disney = be complacent and accept whatever is given". I'm not talking freaking out over a yet-to-be-fixed scratch 100 feet up on the castle wall made 2 years ago when installing the Xmas lights. But the overall general trend in changes over time that are occurring to the parks as a whole. What seems to come from that are justifications (many good arguments too, yeah it's a $ thing in most cases). BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.

With apologies to Pastor Niemöller:

When management came for the Skyway,
I remained silent;
I never rode it anyway.

Then they took away Merlin,
I remained silent;
My older kids would never be picked to pull the sword.

Then they came for 20,000 Leagues,
I did not speak out;
It was not my favorite ride.

Then they came for Mr. Toad
I remained silent;
It was a foolish ride anyway.

Then they took away the park hours,
I did not speak out;
I did not go often enough for that to matter.

When they affected my magical experience,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

EDIT: And BTW, I love going to Disney. It is my favorite place in the world.

Very well put.
Ok, lets put this thread to rest now. He is going to Disney World, it's decided(even thought eveyone told him not to). I have a feeling he was planning on going all along. He just needed a rant. Everyone does now and then.

So, do you have all the Disney hatin' out of you?

At least untill you get back from your trip, right?

once more...let it die...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No...but can you see that some people can still enjoy the place greatly and not be affected by the "drops in quality" because they do not notice that or see that themselves?

Actually, when quality drops it does so for everyone and they are affected whether they are conscious of it or not. For instance if a park is dirtier because custodial budgets are cut, it is dirtier for all and a lesser place whether it affects any individual on a conscious level. If an attraction (say EE) is operating with 75% of its effects inoperable, then it is a lesser experience for all whether or not any individual is bothered.

But even granting you that point, my question would be why so many people here are apparently affected in a negative way by bringing up issues with drops in quality ... why is criticizing Disney akin to someone saying something about your child or mother? Why do people take it personally?

That's really not healthy and it feeds into the commonly held belief that most fans (be they Disney fans, Star Wars fans, New York Jets fans, Harley fans, Idol fans etc ...) have more than a few screws loose.


Well-Known Member
Dana, I don't feel that I am putting Disney down at all. I am making observations about planning a trip.
All while saying things that are or could be wrong...
There are now four pages of responses and most of them have been attacking me for having any opinion beyond WDW being magical and shouldn't be criticized. I really had hoped this site had progressed beyond that.

You had to know that people would do that..as soon as I saw that you posted a thread I knew that would happen..I think it is all in how you say things..

I put this same thread on LaughingPlace.com and the reactions I get there are so much more articulate and thoughtful. People there don't seem to feel a need to 'defend da man' that is so part and parcel of this site.

I would not know because this is the only Disney board I visit..

Again, instead of being a discussion about any of the points I raised, this has become a thread about me (well, not really since no one here knows the real me but you know what I am talking 'bout).

Again..I think it is all in how you say things...you start asking questions like you really want peoples discussions on whether you should go or not all the while saying thinsg you think or know will be wrong with the place..

WDW is a special place to me too. Considering how often I have been there anyone who would suggest otherwise knowing that would be daft at best.

I am glad it is..we just look at WDW completely differently..

Not fair or accurate at all.

I think it is fair..I am basing this on almost all the posts I have read from you..mayeb I should not have said everything..I apologize

OK, you said 'no offense' and then proceeded to say something that most people might take offense at. Don't worry. I'm a big boy and I won't.

But 'feed off the attention'? Uhm ... no.

Stimulating discussion is what I try to do. I would guess that's what discussion boards are all about, but maybe I am mistaken?

And why is it wrong to talk about things you know about ... to share your knowledge?

And where did I mention knowing anyone? Oh yeah, I didn't. But because I have mentioned knowing a few people in the past, you thought you'd throw that in as a dig?

Fair enough..but I still think you do..and it is not wrong to talk about things you know about but you have been known to shoot down other people when they talk about things they know and always come back with what you know.

You have mentioned before knowing people..I never said you mentioned knowing them just now.

All of the above ... all of the above ...:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

I thought it was funny also..:D

Again, I am looking to discuss Disney and themed entertainment. That's why I am here. Of course I am looking for people to discuss, argue and debate with. What else would anyone be doing here?

I think if people are accepting and like anything/everything Disney throws their way just because it is Disney then they are idiots. That again sounds like someone pledging blind faith in a religion or political party and refusing to think for themselves.

See... you are now calling me and others idiots....because I am not going crazy because Disney took away PI or because Disney added a Hot Air balloon ride.

I do accept almost everything Disney gives...and if it is something I do not like well..I do not like it..that does not mean I think that Disney is now stooping to low levels and putting out something mediocore because I do not like it.

Not everyone thinks that Disney is putting out crap because they change something or take away soemthing and replace it with something else.

That is my whole point on this...and to you..you do not seem to accept the fact that just because you are not happy with what WDW is giving us it does not mean that anyone who accepts what you do not is an idiot or has no clue.

It just seems to me that unless we all agree with what you have to say..then you put us down and tell us we have no clue about what we are talking about because you know more about it then we do.

I intend to. I think ...
Well...I look forward to it then..


Well-Known Member
I'm with 1974 on this one.

Yes, I still love the place. That 'feeling' still exists. But in certain areas of the parks it's a weakened shell of what it used to be. If I stay to the left at MK the 'feeling' is alive and strong. Yet if I go to TL, it's gone, in a state of utter despair, unless I'm on TTA. FL is similar, but not as bad.

Epcot, I will be one of the people who says and thinks that FW is a mess. A weakened example of what it once was. It does still carry itself like a mighty warrior, with all the massive buildings, each architectural marvels in one way or another. But it's a warrior of weakened spirit. Still fierce on the outside, yet empty and lacking on the inside. It retains it's feeling, but lacks its true content.

DHS is much the same. I love the feeling. But Tower, Rockin and Muppets--hit those a few times, then spend the rest of my day strolling the park, enjoying a beer or three and enjoying the different aspects of the parks and the well done restaurants.

FW and AK, my two personal favorites, alive with spirit and full of that 'feeling' only lacking in content. At AK, just a little more to do would make a world of difference. One more land or a couple of C/D tickets. Thats all. FW, it could go on as is forever and I'd still be happy, but to leave such a masterpiece basically untouched for so long just doesn't seem right. I'm not saying an E-ticket, but why not a couple of smaller, niche rides, just rides to kind of take you there for a minute, to let you grab a piece of the countries history in a "real world 3-D" environment.

And the food and souvenirs. Well, thats another story. The variety is sorely missed.

I know how you feel 1974. It's like watching a loved one grow old or become grossly unhealthy. You just hate to see it, but you don't want to let it interfere with the time you spend with them. You just know that it could be so much better and why it isn't going that direction is the real problem.

To let such a thing of beauty just sit idle is fine for the works of Dali and Van Gogh, but to see it happen to a company that based itself on, and that used to be highly innovative and dynamic, just hurts.


Well-Known Member
Actually, when quality drops it does so for everyone and they are affected whether they are conscious of it or not. For instance if a park is dirtier because custodial budgets are cut, it is dirtier for all and a lesser place whether it affects any individual on a conscious level. If an attraction (say EE) is operating with 75% of its effects inoperable, then it is a lesser experience for all whether or not any individual is bothered.

But even granting you that point, my question would be why so many people here are apparently affected in a negative way by bringing up issues with drops in quality ... why is criticizing Disney akin to someone saying something about your child or mother? Why do people take it personally?

Well, one is probably because this is a Disney site.and most people here are huge Disney supporters and fans regardless of what happens.

Why do so many people take it personally that PI closed or that Horizons is demolished?

That's really not healthy and it feeds into the commonly held belief that most fans (be they Disney fans, Star Wars fans, New York Jets fans, Harley fans, Idol fans etc ...) have more than a few screws loose.
They probably do...
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