Universal Demolishing Soundstage 44


Well-Known Member
An E ticket in an empty plot of land and people are complaining???

Does it matter that it's similar to spidey? Body wars is similar to Star tours and Wild Artic,
Indy in DL is similar to Dinosaur at AK.... Shrek is similar to terminator....

it doesn't make them the same!

The whole "too much 3-D" I can kind of see, however... it's a theme park based on movies.... and the current fashion in movies is... guess what, 3-D.... so is it any wonder or horror that we are seeing a lot of 3D in the parks?

I'm psyched for this and if I were Disney I'd be seriously concerned.

At the very least it's

A: A hell of a lot better than a House of horrors that gets old QUICKLY and would probably detract guests from HHN


B: A million times better then an empty building for another 10 years.

This is another HOT franchise we're getting without losing anything else.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Asway, great post... People who complain about ride systems, then praise 1000 omnimover rides really sound foolish.. Omnimovers are all the same ride system, just different rides... Yet, everyone LOVES omnimovers... Then they complain about the possibility that Transformers has a similar ride system to Spiderman.. I say SO FREAKIN WHAT!!!!! If the ride is good, and Transformers seems excellent, then bring it on, same ride system as Spiderman or not...


Premium Member
To me, it's not that the ride system is the same. It's that the experience and what you get from it all is virtually the same.

It's not like saying Rockin RC and The Mummy are the same since they are both indoor coasters. Both aim very differently in what the key take aways from the attraction are.

Transformers is really just spiderman in a different theme. It would be like taking Buzz Lightyear, and replacing the figurines with ones from the Incredibles and then attacking detractors with 'what, don't you like the incredibles???'

Transformers is simply an evolution of Spiderman - not a revolution, not even a different tangent. Simply a retooling.

It's just as bad as having Body Wars was with Star Tours. Yet these two attractions are even closer.

Bring me a new gimmick.. something new that makes this ride stand out differently than others. I don't see any of that with Transformers. It's value is simply to attract an audience that may like bayformers more than traditional spiderman comic villains... and to have 'another' attraction.

I'd rather the motion sim base be used in a new fashion.. taken a new way. Rather than taking the same exact song and just changing the lyrics!


Well-Known Member
I'd rather see Kong brought back in a flume/coaster hybrid ride. Maybe something with a rotating section where you go backwards! That'd be pretty cool...not to mention fill the void of the loss of a water ride in Jaws.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Screamscape pointed out today that the position of the crane at the site perfectly matches that of Transformers in Hollywood. All evidence is pointing at this being Transformers. Universal just needs to make it official so we can start the hype machine...


Well-Known Member
Screamscape pointed out today that the position of the crane at the site perfectly matches that of Transformers in Hollywood.

Unless they've moved the crane from its position in this photo and with the photo below it showing the construction of TF in Hollywood photoshopped over SS44, I doubt they'd want to block the street. Am I behind and it's been moved or is this screamscape being screamscape?

Not my photo.


Beta Return
4 years of college and 10 years in the commercial construction industry....and I had NO idea you could determine what a building was going to be based purely on the position of the tower crane.

Is this an ANSI standard?


Beta Return
Screamscape has no credibility... I mean come on, last week he swore it wasn't Transformers... Today he is now sure it is... DUH...

Yeah...and he's sure because the crane is in the same position on both jobsites. What?!?!? I haven't seen the blueprints yet, but that doesn't mean someone hasn't. Regardless, unless you're used to reading plans and setting up jobsites, there's absolutely no way for someone to look at two construction sites, note the location of the crane, and say that they'll be building the same thing.

I laughed quite hard.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
4 years of college and 10 years in the commercial construction industry....and I had NO idea you could determine what a building was going to be based purely on the position of the tower crane.

Is this an ANSI standard?
I'll email you the 2012 chart. Had the crane been 10' farther south it would have been a Dora the Explorer playground. 11' to the west would have resulted in a reverse mortgage telemarketing call center.:rolleyes:


Premium Member
4 years of college and 10 years in the commercial construction industry....and I had NO idea you could determine what a building was going to be based purely on the position of the tower crane.

Is this an ANSI standard?

The lengths people will reach... astonishes me at times :)

And people always come back with 'yeah, but the company reads us!!!' - more often for not for amusement :) Credibility gets flushed so easily and yet people are willing to stick their necks out so willingly just to make themselves sound important. People try so hard to be first - they sacrifice being RIGHT.


Wouldn't the whole copycat attraction issue be a moot point in a few years if Marvel Island goes the way of the Dodo? Yes, I know that such a change is purely speculative at this point, but if they were to alter that area of IoA, Spiderman would have to be extensively reworked or removed. Hulk and Doom are pretty simple rethemes into whatever the area becomes, but Spidey would require a complete ride overhaul, which could likely lead to a completely different style of attraction in the same building.

Just sayin'.

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