Universal announces yet another major attraction, Disney taking a nap


Well-Known Member
If anything has the potential to "wake up the mouse" it would be Potter. But honestly I don't think it will. There is no threat from Universal as both properties feed off of each other. Disney is not at all concerned and in fact, will be happy to see increased attendance at Universal. If anything, it may make Disney more lazy.

I am hoping and cautiously believe you are wrong.

Americans have very little vacation time when compared to other countries.

If people take a week at WDW every October and usually spend all of it on property but suddenly go to Uni for Potter it'll be at the expense of the Mouse.

And plenty of people who in the past wouldn't have gone to UNI will now likely go because of this. Disney will lose guests and I believe it will be a pretty significant amount IF HP delivers the goods and the word of mouth spreads.

I also think Disney is making easier for people to decide to spend a day or two or three at UNI because they have nothing of substance on the way to off-set it.

If Disney was opening 2-3 major attractions at the same time then I think the affect would be muted.


Active Member
I don't see WDW's success increasing ... attendance is down, profits are down, revenue is down ... how is its success increasing?

I don't what a Thrawn is, so I can't comment.

Thrawn was a notorious poster in this forum's early years, whose complaints and unfounded aggression got him banned. His qualms, and even himself, are fading from history, much like the 1955 Disneyland headlines. WDW did not collapse under the weight of our criticisms five years ago, but has rather become more and more successful, proving that the general public don't notice or don't care.

From 2007 to 2008, Disney Parks gained 1.5 million visitors while Universal lost around 800,000. Of course I can't speak for the upcoming year or the future, but Disney has been going from strength to strength while Uni has only suffered. I don't know how you could say attendance or profits are down -- it's nothing but vague speculation. :shrug:


Active Member
Maybe its the fact that I just went back to Disneyland recently.... but...

don't get me wrong, I love Disneyland...


You can see a CLEAR and pretty significant difference between WDW and DL. Yeah sure, you can say, ", you can't possibly compare the two." Well I can, and WDW is just a more complete experience, and nothing in the world can top it! I love Disneyland, again, but WDW is the best, and always will be.... unless they totally stop expanding, then Disneyland Dubai or whatever is next might overtake WDW.... but until that happens, WDW > all....

with that being said, WDW hasn't dazzled me over the last ten years, or since AK opened. I think AK was the end of the golden era at WDW. They totally missed with the park, and never should have built it... 4th park should have been something else. But whatever, its still part of WDW, and I don't hold grudges....

Either way, WDW is safe, because its been around for almost 40 years now, and it has that legacy with visitors old and young... and that is what keeps WDW afloat.... and it always will be.... the STUPID people like me who keep coming back and dropping loads of cash.... because I cherish the place.... because of stupid memories I have... of the past with my family and such...(wow I just went emo like WDW1974, apologies).

Ok this is it....

After all that, I am super pumped for Rip, Ride, whatever they want to call it....lol.... I will be going back to USF for the first time in about 5 years to ride it.... i'm easy! Build me a coaster, and I will come!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
T I don't know how you could say attendance or profits are down -- it's nothing but vague benediction. :shrug:

Im no financial expert but if you give something away that you normally charge for, reduce the charge on things you are charging for, yet maintain roughly the same cost base, you tend to find your margins reduce and its a position thats unsustainable for most businesses and tends to be unacceptable to institutional shareholders, who have financial investment rather than emotional.

Universals down turn is no doubt down to the fact that they had done a Disney, built a park then sat back and did hee haw for years while they had boardroom battles. Now perhaps like every other theme park world wide they realise they need to keep renewing and expanding to keep turnstiles clicking. Years ago Disney was the only player in the kids entertainment market, movies like Shrek and TV like Nik have moved the goalposts. There is no given right to market share, and as I keep saying look at any UK based non disney specific board and see how Disney is perceived, certainly not the way its conveyed here.


Active Member
So...he's vaguely praying?

Or is he speculating?

Sorry, couldn't help it. :p

He may as well be praying. His argument definitely needs divine protection to shield it from pure facts.

(Yes, I messed up. That's what happens when forums come before coffee.) :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
How about Kentucky's recruiting class for next year? With the addition of Wall, do you think this makes them a National Title contender for 2010?
No. I think there will be a year or two of adjustment at Kentucky while Calipari get's used to coaching a real league.

Shame Kentucky got him. Duke looked possible for about a week!


Active Member
I'm there right now waiting in line for spiderman.I wish I was at disney right no.I'm just here because I got free tickets.But staying at Hard Rock hotel is pretty cool.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Disney vs. Universal threads are always entertaining, aren't they???

Yeah, but there is a disturbing lack of Universal vs. Cedar Fair vs. Disney threads going around.

Would it be inappropriate to say that Cedar Fair kicks the living snot (or dead snot if you so prefer) out of the other two when it comes to thrill rides?

Pete C

Active Member
Original Poster
I think AK was the end of the golden era at WDW. They totally missed with the park, and never should have built it... 4th park should have been something else.

I do like AK, but I will have to say, I don't understand why Disney would want to undertake the burden of caring for live animals and dealing with all that is involved with that just to have a zoo on the property. Most cities already have a zoo. Disney's talent lies in the fantasy realm. I don't think many would complain if they would have built DisneySea rather than AK. That said, AK is the prettiest of all the parks in all of Orlando IMO, but it just seems like a lot of trouble. They also can't keep the park open as late and have fireworks due to the animals, further limiting its potential. I just don't like Joe Rhode's execution very much. I like his attention to detail and theming talents, but Dinosaur and EE are both widely considered to be disappointing compared to the initial promise, as is all of AK.


Active Member
I do like AK, but I will have to say, I don't understand why Disney would want to undertake the burden of caring for live animals and dealing with all that is involved with that just to have a zoo on the property.

Disney already did the same thing on a smaller scale with Discovery Island, Walt originally wanted live animals on the JC, and the safaris are one of AK's most popular attractions. Regardless of how common zoos are, animals are always extremely popular, and it helped Disney score points over BG in the same way that DHS could be considered as WDW's answer to USF's construction.


Well-Known Member
I do like AK, but I will have to say, I don't understand why Disney would want to undertake the burden of caring for live animals and dealing with all that is involved with that just to have a zoo on the property. Most cities already have a zoo. Disney's talent lies in the fantasy realm. I don't think many would complain if they would have built DisneySea rather than AK. That said, AK is the prettiest of all the parks in all of Orlando IMO, but it just seems like a lot of trouble. They also can't keep the park open as late and have fireworks due to the animals, further limiting its potential. I just don't like Joe Rhode's execution very much. I like his attention to detail and theming talents, but Dinosaur and EE are both widely considered to be disappointing compared to the initial promise, as is all of AK.

I don't find AK to be a disappointment at all, and I've been going for 20 years. I think it was ambitious, educational, green, with a good amount of thrills sprinkled in.

People are complaining all of the time how Disney doesn't cater to audlt guests, and in many ways AK does. It is fascinating if you take the time to appreciate it rather than just run though to reach EE on time.


Well-Known Member
He may as well be praying. His argument definitely needs divine protection to shield it from pure facts.

(Yes, I messed up. That's what happens when forums come before coffee.) :lookaroun

I don't usually vouch for people, but WDW1974 knows much, much more about the internal information at the WDC than anyone else on these boards, including Lee, Martin, and me. He may not have access to the WDI info Martin gets, but when it comes to facts, figures, numbers, and people, 74 has significant sources.

His opinions and such are, of course, subjective, but his facts are dead-on.

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