Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW


New Member
ok, lets put this to rest, Spiderman/Transformers does NOT use the same ride system as IJA/Dinosaur....its capable of much more movement, including full 360 degree rotation. You might downplay that, but what is the teacups without the 360 degree motion.

Additionally, it wasn't just 3D movies, but they had to modify and warp the screens movement to work correctly from the unique angles the vehicles would be facing...requiring a lot of computer power.

Well your wrong...same ride system but new tweaks...so just stop


Well-Known Member
IMNSHO....Indy is the greatest ride ever, queue included.

I got a FP from two weeks ago ... would you like it?

I also love it (likely a bit more at TDS), but I have a hard time calling anything the greatest. I still am a big Mansion (yes, MK version too) fan. That attraction still wows me today as much as it did a child and not a jaded, evil, but very good-looking, Disney hating Spirit!

But, if you take Indy out of the equation....FJ and Spidey top anything Disney has done since 95.
And Spidey is getting better soon. And Transformers should take that tech up another notch. And the new Potter ride is going to blow minds.

Gonna assume you are speaking of O-Town here? You don't think MILF or PhilharMagic or AIE or TSMM are top notch?:D

I would agree with you except I do think KS deserves mention, even with the poacher deal that has been changed, neutered and now barely exists, the attraction is amazing in detail, setting, length and quality. Too bad for many fanbois that the animals aren't AAs.:D

And we really should not blow up Potter into the mindblowing experience it shall be. Much better to not 'Mermaid' it and let people judge for themselves just how great it is!

Disney is getting RSR, which is going to be a very nice upgrade to the Test Track ride system. Other than that....Little Mermaid?:snore: 7DMR? Nice, but not in the same league as what Uni is bringing.

Avatar? Still way too early to say.

Best bet for Disney to impress in the next few years...Tron in Shanghai.

Now, you're playing that resort swapping game. Disney is producing some great product now and in the near future, but if its a FREAKING BOAT ... or at another resort it should be judged on those merits. If people pay for a day at TPFKaTD-MGMS and feel its tired, stale and not worth the price, I doubt RSR will make one iota of difference, nor should it.

And the TT ride system has already been used in a much greater way ... I'll give you a hint, it shoots you out of an errupting volcano and had this Spirit squealing like a fanboi who just got Ron Schneider's autograph!

Nothing about the Fantasyland project is worth getting excited about (unless you have a blog/podcast). Sure, everything will look nicer. I look nicer after a visit to the spa and a few grand's worth of Botox and some hot wax on the shoulders and ... you get the idea:cool::lol::king: ... That's largely what this project is, the MK's largest land is getting a facelift and some work done at age 40. It happens! :)

Avatar?!?! ... Seriously, when real vertical construction begins on this then we can talk ... until then, much safer talking about phantom Frontierland projects (what I want to know since I haven't read that whole thread is who on the inside is purposely leaking these plans in order to use fanboi foam to push this through? ... we BOTH know that while MK needs something big, putting more into it on the heels of F-land while EPCOT and Studios rot is going to be a very hard sell to Staggs and the Board ... and we all know Phil doesn't care whether anything is ever added ... so who is pushing the leaking? That is something I need to do some sniffing over.)

~Answer: Mancave. Question: What word would a fanboi not use?~


Well-Known Member
Just as soon as someone (you know who you are...:wave:) shares more with me.

I hope you mean some other Spirit we may know :wave: ... 'cause I ain't spilling anymore ... unless someone buys me a fine dinner at say ... Red Lobster!

~Secret Spirited Fact: He doesn't even eat lobster!~:xmas:


Well-Known Member
I got a FP from two weeks ago ... would you like it?

I also love it (likely a bit more at TDS), but I have a hard time calling anything the greatest. I still am a big Mansion (yes, MK version too) fan. That attraction still wows me today as much as it did a child and not a jaded, evil, but very good-looking, Disney hating Spirit!

Gonna assume you are speaking of O-Town here? You don't think MILF or PhilharMagic or AIE or TSMM are top notch?:D

I would agree with you except I do think KS deserves mention, even with the poacher deal that has been changed, neutered and now barely exists, the attraction is amazing in detail, setting, length and quality. Too bad for many fanbois that the animals aren't AAs.:D

And we really should not blow up Potter into the mindblowing experience it shall be. Much better to not 'Mermaid' it and let people judge for themselves just how great it is!

Now, you're playing that resort swapping game. Disney is producing some great product now and in the near future, but if its a FREAKING BOAT ... or at another resort it should be judged on those merits. If people pay for a day at TPFKaTD-MGMS and feel its tired, stale and not worth the price, I doubt RSR will make one iota of difference, nor should it.

And the TT ride system has already been used in a much greater way ... I'll give you a hint, it shoots you out of an errupting volcano and had this Spirit squealing like a fanboi who just got Ron Schneider's autograph!

Nothing about the Fantasyland project is worth getting excited about (unless you have a blog/podcast). Sure, everything will look nicer. I look nicer after a visit to the spa and a few grand's worth of Botox and some hot wax on the shoulders and ... you get the idea:cool::lol::king: ... That's largely what this project is, the MK's largest land is getting a facelift and some work done at age 40. It happens! :)

Avatar?!?! ... Seriously, when real vertical construction begins on this then we can talk ... until then, much safer talking about phantom Frontierland projects (what I want to know since I haven't read that whole thread is who on the inside is purposely leaking these plans in order to use fanboi foam to push this through? ... we BOTH know that while MK needs something big, putting more into it on the heels of F-land while EPCOT and Studios rot is going to be a very hard sell to Staggs and the Board ... and we all know Phil doesn't care whether anything is ever added ... so who is pushing the leaking? That is something I need to do some sniffing over.)

~Answer: Mancave. Question: What word would a fanboi not use?~

Could you please put to rest your self-invented hate word for people that have faith in Disney, the very company this website was created to discuss their love for? It's very old.


Well-Known Member
And I guess it makes no difference that guests have voted Illuminations: ROE the #1 nightime show at WDW for over 5 years now.

Why change a show if it's so highly rated? People still love it, many still haven't seen it, and it still draws in huge crowds every night.

C'mon Raven, you seem like a very smart guy. A guy who knows a lot about what they teach in Traditions (probably moreso).

Disney became the leader in immersive family themed entertainment by giving people what they didn't know they wanted, not what they thought they did.

We never would have gotten DL and so much since if those decisions were based on what people said they liked/wanted in surveys and you KNOW that's right.

And I'm sure your statement is accurate. If someone asked me what my favorite nighttime entertainment at WDW was, I'd have said the same.

That's not the point. They never were asked, 'Would you like this show to continue indefinitely or would you like us to create something even better, something that would wow you like RoE did that very first time?'

THAT would be a fairer question.

As to why you change things ... hold on ... where's my book of Waltisms ... what about Disney PR ... something about not ever being completed, always in a state of becoming (and not crappier) ... funny how THAT quote is almost never heard in a WDW context anymore.

You change things because you're always looking to push the bar higher and improve your product. As to those who haven't seen the show? Who cares? They've had a dozen years. It really isn't going to matter to them if you put the Fab Five out on a barge and have them dance while holding sparklers.:eek:


Well-Known Member
As to why you change things ... hold on ... where's my book of Waltisms ... what about Disney PR ... something about not ever being completed, always in a state of becoming (and not crappier) ... funny how THAT quote is almost never heard in a WDW context anymore.

So are you saying that Disneyland has since completely changed the attractions that were there on opening day? No. A lot are still there in the same form they have always been in and they keep drawing crowds.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
It is an animated figure, not a proper AA. Universal have never managed a Disney calibre Animatronic, but I was hoping Potter would.

Sorry, it just didn't come across as ground-breaking. It was good, but not that special.

If the yeti is a Disney calibre animatronic, then give me the ones Universal produces.... At least they work.

Thats how i feel...everyone acts like Spiderman is this amazing new ride that was completely original when it was not. I used to like Spiderman now i am just disappointed in how far it has fallen....

Have you been on Spiderman recently?? I was there in october and Spiderman looked wonderful... Unlike, say, Ellen or Imagination, or Peter Pan's Flight, or... list can go on in WDW.

I will say this right now...i like Soarin more than Spidey and FJ...you may laugh but it has the best sense of flight in any ride i have ever been on.

People won't laugh at your opinion, we may disagree, but we won't laugh.. we do laugh at yoru trollish behavior though, which has taken on a life of its own in the matter of a month... While Soarin is a great ride and yes, i'll agree, the ride gives a great sensation of slight, FJ also gives a great sensation of flight...

Sorry, but I don't know what rides you are riding. Spider-man is far from jerky, and Dragons is still very, very smooth. Hulk is a different story, but Dragons is still in great shape.

Spiderman, back in October, was far from jerky... Hulk on the othwr hand?? HATED IT... too rough, came off it with a headache and coasters never bother me.. I'll disagree with dragon challenge though, I felt that coaster was rough as well, not very smooth, and probably the worst coaster I ever been on... You were talking about Dragon Challenge, right???

Now i know you are just being an apologist...both rides are very jerky....Hulk is somewhat jerky but Dragons is so bad...i damn near had a headache all day because of dragons....

See my response above this... I'll agree about Dragon.. HORRIBLE. Very rough.. Only Hulk was rougher... I won't ride Hulk again until the ride is refurbed to be smoother... Dragon Challenge, I won't waste my time with again..

I disagree, the 3D screens allows for much greater sense of motion, even though the actual physical motion may be the same. I've heard of people asking how high your vehicle goes in Spiderman during the city scene, when in fact it doesn't go up at all. The feeling of being lifted into the sky in the scene is totally convincing.


Spiderman is an amazing ride, one of the few attractions I can ride over and over again without being bored to tears... FJ is now in that category as well..

Continue to think Disney has not done anything in the last decade but I can say as a matter of fact that soarin, mission space, toy story midway mania, woc, star tours 2.0 are all better than Spiderman and more innovative

Matter of opinion.. I find nothing innovative about TSMM and Star Tours 2.0.. Though I do enjoy both attractions, actually I love Star Tours 2.0... Mission Space?? Horrible and a failure in my OPINION (I'm sure some people will want to flame me for calling MS a failure and horrible, but it is my OPINION, not a fact)... And it is my OPINION that Spiderman is still better than any of the ones you mentioned...

I'm having fun laughing at you troll...but hey I learned one thing so far on these boards...UNI does nothing wrong according to some fanbois who talk about ignoring me...I also find it funny that the ones ignoring me haven't even tried to act civil...

You have come off as being a troll.. You state your opinion as fact, you bash anyone who dares call Disney out for their failures, and you continue to attack members who disagree with you... You are new here and I venture you won't last much longer with your attitude and behavior..

You Disney haters sure do seem to throw you opinions out as facts...but I forgot hating WDW is your whole goal

Actually, you have been the one tossing out your opinions as facts, and bashing those members who don't agree with you.. In other words, you have been acting like, you know, a troll... Hence people calling you one.. And again, you are on a Disney fan site... I doubt anyone here hates Disney.. We hate it so much that we visit every year, some of us more than once a year, and we hate Disney so much, we joined a Disney fan site to discuss, Disney... But you keep on trolling...

It gets sick when people act like Disney has done nothing right....which includes saying that no good new rides have been built

People can be entitled to their opinion, and because things are opinions, no one is right or wrong... What is sick is when people act like Disney is perfectly perfect in every way and fail to realize Disney's shortcomings and failures... What is sick is when people DO call out Disney's failures, they are deemed DOOMERS AND GLOOMERS or HATERS... These DOOMERS AND GLOOMERS or the HATERS are not the crowd that will bring Disney down... the Pixie Dust Brigade and the Dust Sniffers are the ones who will eventually doom Disney since they defend Disney's mediocrity...

Wasn't there when I was there last...having bad screens like fj messes with the flight experience

I know you are talking about Soarin.. I didn't get to ride Soarin in October, but from what I have heard from friends who live in Florida and others who have visited, the movie is in bad shape... it isn't clear, there IS a black line that goes through it, and over all is blurry... I was on FJ in October.. The screens were clear, the movie projections clear, nothing blurry in the movie projection at all, no black line, and not one bad screen to be found the the entire FJ ride...


Well-Known Member
Smartphones ARE the new computers - certainly not toys. We are heading into the post-PC era. EVERYTHING is going mobile. Within the next few years smartphones and tablets will outsell desktops and laptops. You won't find any software developer now who is not creating solutions for devices like the iPhone and Android in parallel or ahead of a desktop version. Any company that works with the public and ignores mobile computing now is dead. But this is a whole other conversation.

It is another discussion, but I am not saying that the tech should be ignored in the work place or home or where it belongs.

Theme parks you experience. You could compare them to a concert ... or a fine meal ... or a walk on the beach ... or etc.

There is no need for smartphones in a theme park setting beyond telling your friends at home 'hey, suckers, sorry you are working and its 31 degrees, but I'm in line for TT at EPCOT and then headed to lunch at San Angel Inn -- hope they still serve Tostitos chips and salsa!'

Disney should absolutely not ignore the tech, even in P&R, but it should not be part of the experience for guests. WDI shouldn't be having blue sky sessions saying 'how can we create an adventure in Pirates where people can use their tablets'.

That is just so point blank wrong.

~$28 for pasta in a theme park? Sure, sounds rational to me!~


Well-Known Member
If the yeti is a Disney calibre animatronic, then give me the ones Universal produces.... At least they work.

Disney creating an AA and it's upkeep fall under two completely different departments. WDI doesn't do maintenence. So the current state of the yeti cannot be blamed on it's actual design but rather poor maintenence.

As for Uni, the only time I was able to visit IOA and get to experience Potter was on a day in mid July this past year. Waited in line for 1/2 hour just to get a ticket to go into the Potter section of the park. When we got in, we discovered that the ride had never opened that day. So I cannot make a comparison on Potter to anything Disney but I can say that my only experience there was cut short before it even began.


Well-Known Member
CarsLand is in DL, and not applicable to a discussion of Florida parks. Same for the cruise lines, which are a separate entity as well. And the FLE will be nice, but in the end is simply adding capacity to a park where it was needed. That still leaves the other three parks in need of additions (and I'll keep including AK until I start seeing artwork for the Avatar expansion).

Exactly. :)

I am psyched about Shanghai DL. And I'm willing to bet I'm the only here planning on being there on Day 1 (unless I can convince my fellow hater Lee to join me). But no matter how amazing something created for that park may be, it is of no moment to a discussion on WDW's parks being stale.

It's like riding an ancient Delta DC-9 that's almost as old as the Spirit and being told by the flight crew to not about it because the airline has some brand new 777s flying on the other side of the planet.

I mean, I could say since Disney is doing a perfect job running ESPN that therefore they are doing likewise with ABC too (they aren't!)

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