Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW


New Member
Before you dismiss what was accomplished in Spiderman as being "just a screen," you should watch this:


Unless something has happened in the last couple months, I agree.
I rode both dragons at least 2 times each this past August and they were very smooth for B&M inverteds, much smoother than, say, Montu at Busch Gardens.

Queue was manageable too. This was in the middle of summer and the only time I waited more than 10 minutes to ride was when they shut down the
tracks to add third trains.

Watched the video...very similar to Indy but with some tweaks, like I said.

I was there last month and it was jerky...now I should of been clear about the queue...what I meant was that the queue was longer than it needed to be...on an empty day it took you 15 just to walk the length of the queue

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
Watched the video...very similar to Indy but with some tweaks, like I said.

I was there last month and it was jerky...now I should of been clear about the queue...what I meant was that the queue was longer than it needed to be...on an empty day it took you 15 just to walk the length of the queue

being able to move around 360 degrees is not just a tweak. i mean i guess it is a matter of opinion as well but... just sayin


Well-Known Member
It's me you quoted, but I think you're missing a bit of the point. Yes, WDW is a great place to stay, and WDW may actually have some people who wouldn't visit Orlando otherwise finally book that WDW vacation, but now they have a serious reason to stay off-site as well.

Think about the family of five that only gets to come to Disney once in their lifetimes. Three years ago, they'd be staying 5 days at Disney and buying a 5-day Parkhopper Pass. Now, they come to Orlando, may or may not stay on-site (it'd be cheaper to stay off-site and more convenient if going to Uni as well), and WDW has just lost 2 days of 5 guest admissions.

So, because of their curiosity about Potter (never mind of the parks are even good or not), WDW has lost the money from their hotel stay, as well as 10 park tickets (5 people, 2 days). Multiply this times a few thousand people every day, and WDW will have a VERY significant problem).

(Oh, and I still say, had they built Legoland and a family-style resort at Uni instead of out in BFE, WDW would be in a world of hurt. To make matters worse, had Uni had the foresight to make Hogwarts an actual hotel, and you'd pretty much lose any possibility of the vacationer who may want to visit both resorts ever staying on Disney property).

nah still totally disagree.


Well-Known Member
I mean, I could say since Disney is doing a perfect job running ESPN that therefore they are doing likewise with ABC too (they aren't!)
You're wrong on this one '74. ESPN is a cancer. A lot of parallels with the state of WDW actually...

Both rides involve cars the move along paths that have compartments the move in accordance to what is going on action wise. Anyone riding it would know that...of course there are differences thus what I said was true
That could also describe Haunted Mansion, should we lump that one in there too? Please.

The "haters" medium may not be enjoyed, but their message is not off the mark. Bear in mind the FLE budget is in the hundreds of millions (I believe, but am not 100% certain of the final figure), and early numbers tossed about for a potential Avatar expansion could be half a billion. Toss in the monies being spent on Next Gen and you're literally at at billions being spent. Now I'll admit I'm fairly neutral when it comes to the Next Gen stuff (not crazy about the data mining idea, but the new queues aren't onerous for me), but I do think some of those resources could have been better spent on a new attraction in DHS or EP.
And this "hater" still believes that Avatar COULD be the next big gamechanger, but it's too far off to tell (and may be too far off to ultimately matter).

This really isn't about a Disney vs. Universal p!ssing contest. Both create great rides, both create absolute turds, and both create rides that are somewhere in the middle. At the moment, Universal and Seaworld appear to be improving their resorts with great new rides and experiences. Disney wants to build new timeshares and talking Mickey characters. And Universal and Seaworld, for the most part, don't have the problems with maintenance that Disney does (although NOT perfect -- see the Hulk of rusting metal, or Ripsaw Falls).

I DO think there is something to be said for experimenting with the queue experience and see if it can be improved beyond the cattle-call line. I like that Disney is trying new things there. But these are not substitutes for great new attractions. Sure, there's Fantasyland's new additions, but those are nicely themed C-tickets at best ... what's next in the pipeline? Cars Land is showing that WDI can still wow us, so where's that on the East Coast?


Well-Known Member
Unless something has happened in the last couple months, I agree.
I rode both dragons at least 2 times each this past August and they were very smooth for B&M inverteds, much smoother than, say, Montu at Busch Gardens.

Queue was manageable too. This was in the middle of summer and the only time I waited more than 10 minutes to ride was when they shut down the tracks to add third trains.

Dragons are in great shape, it should be said. However... killing off the dueling aspect is a damn shame. :(


Could you please put to rest your self-invented hate word for people that have faith in Disney, the very company this website was created to discuss their love for? It's very old.
Oh, he didn't invent it, he just enjoys using it.
I hear it frequently from imagineers and TDO types.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh, he didn't invent it, he just enjoys using it.
I hear it frequently from imagineers and TDO types.:lol:

I doubt there are many people here who have spent much time on queer theory but seeing the word "boi" through that lens adds new levels of unintentional hilarity. :king:


I doubt there are many people here who have spent much time on queer theory but seeing the word "boi" through that lens adds new levels of unintentional hilarity. :king:
Yeah...i don't see the need to use the "i" every time. It certainly isn't appropriate in every case.
Personally, I identify as a "Fandude."


New Member
You're wrong on this one '74. ESPN is a cancer. A lot of parallels with the state of WDW actually...

That could also describe Haunted Mansion, should we lump that one in there too? Please.

And this "hater" still believes that Avatar COULD be the next big gamechanger, but it's too far off to tell (and may be too far off to ultimately matter).

This really isn't about a Disney vs. Universal p!ssing contest. Both create great rides, both create absolute turds, and both create rides that are somewhere in the middle. At the moment, Universal and Seaworld appear to be improving their resorts with great new rides and experiences. Disney wants to build new timeshares and talking Mickey characters. And Universal and Seaworld, for the most part, don't have the problems with maintenance that Disney does (although NOT perfect -- see the Hulk of rusting metal, or Ripsaw Falls).

I DO think there is something to be said for experimenting with the queue experience and see if it can be improved beyond the cattle-call line. I like that Disney is trying new things there. But these are not substitutes for great new attractions. Sure, there's Fantasyland's new additions, but those are nicely themed C-tickets at best ... what's next in the pipeline? Cars Land is showing that WDI can still wow us, so where's that on the East Coast?

What do you mean by ESPN is cancer?

choco choco

Well-Known Member
You just don't have the depth of talent at WDI that you had at WED in 1971 or WDI in 1991 ... and what you do have is neutered. Not a lot of big talents currently involved in Shanghai DL when Disney should have its All Star team working (and not talking those cheap motels, either!)

I am psyched about Shanghai DL. And I'm willing to bet I'm the only here planning on being there on Day 1 (unless I can convince my fellow hater Lee to join me). But no matter how amazing something created for that park may be, it is of no moment to a discussion on WDW's parks being stale.

These are strange statements. Can we talk about this a little more.

Spirit laments the fact that WDI no longer has much talent, and that WDI didn't "bring it" for Shanghai, but then goes on to say he is psyched for Shanghai and is impressed by what's coming there.

What does that mean? WDI doesn't need its A-team to wow us? There is a roster of new talent, not old grizzly veterans, with fresh ideas? Outsourcing is doing better than anything WDI can currently do?

If the creative capital at WDI is lacking, than what are we all yelling about on here? We can call for as many "E-tickets" as we want and Burbank can funnel them enough money to feed a small nation, but if WDI "sucks" then it won't matter at all. The attractions will never be good enough. Which means we've all just been howling at the moon.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by ESPN is cancer?

ESPN is controlling the news in sports, not just being the outlet. If ESPN reporters or their connections dont break a story, it is slow to reach Sportscenter. Noticeably slow.

Here is an example; Yahoo Sports investigates and breaks a major recruiting violation story out of the University of Miami. It is selacious and sensational. Every sports media outlet jumps all over it, giving Charles Robinson and Yahoo full credit. Hundreds of frontpages go up. Hundreds of stories are written. ESPN decides not to cover the story on Sportscenter until the next day. The story makes the ticker that evening. The next day it wasn't the lead in story on the mothership either, and Yahoo's credit was barely mentioned.

Look at the big names jumping ship right now. Bruce Feldman... Pat Forde...

I'm not saying they aren't a GREAT organization, just that they let agenda dictate coverage. It hurts the integrity of the entire organization.

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