We’re home from, yet, another most excellent vacation to the World! Here goes the trip report…. Warning: It’s VERY long!
Vacationears: Me, Kevin (DH), Hagan (DS7) and Austin (DS4)
May 29th-June 9th
Day 1-
We drove down to Lake City the first night. For some reason, Kevin has decided he’s to old to drive straight through anymore like we used to. :shrug: We arrived at the hotel around 6pm, checked in and decided to get bathing suits on and go for a swim. After being strapped into a car for about 5 hours, Hagan and Austin were running around the room acting crazy (of course this is normal whether they have been in the car for 10 minutes or 10 hours). Well, Hagan went to the bathroom to change and Austin started running in and out. All of a sudden, a blood curdling scream that could be heard for miles emitted from our room.
In between the screams of “Hagan did it!!” and the howls of pain, we finally figure out that Hagan had shut the door over the top of Austin’s big toe. The skin had been rolled up and was under his toe nail. We couldn’t get it unrolled and it was bleeding everywhere, so off we headed to an urgent care. Of course, I had no clue where an urgent care was so I called Epcot.Nut and she gave me the directions (Thanks again!). Once there, they took him right in and started by giving him suckers, Tylenol & motrin and Gatorade. They were his friends. However, when the time came for the doc to inspect the damage he decided she was no longer his buddy.
The doc, numbed his toe and then, finally was able to uncurl and bandage it. She wanted an xray, because she said it was broken. Wouldn’t you know, I had left my insurance card at home! I ended up having to pay out of pocket, so I told her that if she wouldn’t do anything differently if it was broken, I didn’t want the xray. That didn’t win me the Mother of the Year award, but a prescription for antibiotics instead. She, then, informed Austin that he could not swim for 2 weeks. Boy did the tears start flowing then! We were scheduled to spend the day at Typhoon lagoon the next day and he knew it. We stopped at Walgreens to get the script filled and it was $80! I had the pharmacist call her back and get something cheaper. Boy am I a bad mom or what?? While they filled the new script, Austin and I browsed the bandage section. I got 2 cans of spray on waterproof bandaid, several different sizes of regular waterproof bandaids and some bioclusives (clear waterproof bandaids that they put over IVs). Austin was still sobbing about not swimming and I told him that I was going to fix it so he could swim and if his toe rots off we’ll deal with that later.
By the time we returned to the hotel, everyone was starving so we went to a yummy little Mexican restaurant down the road. It’s becoming a tradition that we eat there every trip. After dinner, we were all too tired to bother with swimming so we hit the hay.
Vacationears: Me, Kevin (DH), Hagan (DS7) and Austin (DS4)
May 29th-June 9th
Day 1-
We drove down to Lake City the first night. For some reason, Kevin has decided he’s to old to drive straight through anymore like we used to. :shrug: We arrived at the hotel around 6pm, checked in and decided to get bathing suits on and go for a swim. After being strapped into a car for about 5 hours, Hagan and Austin were running around the room acting crazy (of course this is normal whether they have been in the car for 10 minutes or 10 hours). Well, Hagan went to the bathroom to change and Austin started running in and out. All of a sudden, a blood curdling scream that could be heard for miles emitted from our room.

The doc, numbed his toe and then, finally was able to uncurl and bandage it. She wanted an xray, because she said it was broken. Wouldn’t you know, I had left my insurance card at home! I ended up having to pay out of pocket, so I told her that if she wouldn’t do anything differently if it was broken, I didn’t want the xray. That didn’t win me the Mother of the Year award, but a prescription for antibiotics instead. She, then, informed Austin that he could not swim for 2 weeks. Boy did the tears start flowing then! We were scheduled to spend the day at Typhoon lagoon the next day and he knew it. We stopped at Walgreens to get the script filled and it was $80! I had the pharmacist call her back and get something cheaper. Boy am I a bad mom or what?? While they filled the new script, Austin and I browsed the bandage section. I got 2 cans of spray on waterproof bandaid, several different sizes of regular waterproof bandaids and some bioclusives (clear waterproof bandaids that they put over IVs). Austin was still sobbing about not swimming and I told him that I was going to fix it so he could swim and if his toe rots off we’ll deal with that later.
By the time we returned to the hotel, everyone was starving so we went to a yummy little Mexican restaurant down the road. It’s becoming a tradition that we eat there every trip. After dinner, we were all too tired to bother with swimming so we hit the hay.