Two Spirited Quickees...Imagination closing


Well-Known Member
Eh....I keep telling myself that there has to be some kind of plan somwhere and that they're going to do something with it...I mean...why fool with it...? They have more friggin' lodging to put in or more annoying glowing ears to add to every show they put on nightly...

Why shut 'er down if there's no plan...? I mean...I'm sure it's paid for by now...?


Active Member
I have to say this again and people are going to disagree, but, I do not want the building to be demlished. If it was being replaced by the old management I wouldn't mind as much but I just know a big concrete square would be comming that would stick out like a sore thumb.

I wasn't impressed with mission space's building and IF it'd be anything like that It'd be a disappointment.

In any event, I really wish we knew SOMETHING about this more than just refurbishment. It's gonna drive me nuts!

Actually, I was saying to have a building like they have now but all new material. Is it possible that the reason for the skunk smell is to cover up the mold that is probably in there? I was saying that is seems like 30+ years is the lifespan for a commercial building. For example, we just built a new high school this year. The old one was from 1959 and never updated. They had an open house of both buildings and people who went there 30 years ago said "didn't they do anything to this place?". For 85 million the new one looks and best of all, smells better. It would have cost more to try to improve the old building than to start over. It is likely that some of the wiring has been removed (the current ride looks to use less power), the HVAC is 30 years old, it hogs energy, and it is likely that glass pyramids leak by now. What if they build inside and the skunk smell is still there? After all, they never did get the smell of sweaty socks out of that high school.


Well-Known Member
Eh....I keep telling myself that there has to be some kind of plan somwhere and that they're going to do something with it...I mean...why fool with it...? They have more friggin' lodging to put in or more annoying glowing ears to add to every show they put on nightly...

Why shut 'er down if there's no plan...? I mean...I'm sure it's paid for by now...?

It saves them operating costs to just shut it down, they know no one likes it, it doesnt have a sponsor to help with costs,,,so whether or not they end up doing anything with it, I think were going to see it sitting there closed for a long time, and we all know how that usually turns out. Lets hope that there is some kind of better plan in place, but the best insiders have been mum on the subject, which makes me feel like theres nothing good happening here.


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that all of EPCOT looked like the lines for Spaceship Earth, Universe of Energy and The Land do now. Basically walk ons. Had we kept Horizons etc, it would be more of the same. That being said. There really isn't much to do in EPCOT right now. As cool as the countries are, they are the same year after year. I never really buy things in them and use them mainly to eat at. I basically have them all memorized. And as Fture World goes: with a 3 yea old we have Spaceship Earth to ride....and well Universe of Energy but I haven't ridden that in a few years because I don't want to be bored for 40 minutes of non-dinosaur stuff, i.e. 90's style out dated movie. Test Track is fun, Mission SPace is fun and Soari' is fun (and so is The Land and Spaceship Earth to be honest), but even with the country boat rides, that gives you about 7 rides. They need more! Personally I love dark rides, they get me off my feet and cool e down and I can just relax.

As another poster mentioned above, I think people are exaggerating a bit on how "empty" EPCOT was. Where people are mistaken is the term "walk ons" as a negative or reflection of popularity of these specific rides. All the major attractions: SSE, WOM, Horizons were all 10 minute long omnimover attractions that constantly kept people moving and lines short. They were literal people-eaters that kept lines short on purpose. It's easy to say they didn't have lines (they did) but it's impossible for those long omni-mover rides preFP to have long waits. Even with long lines it was still short waits.

And they made Horizons seasonal and eventualy closed it for the simple reason that it lost its sponsor. It was WDI and TWDC's fault that they didn't build those "thrill" rides in open plots and mismanaged Ride replacements and didn't do anything with WS. They all could have co-existed.

M:S is a fun ride for kids when they're still under the belief that their actions in the cockpit are actually having an effect on the ride and they're really steering that shuttle. And the green still makes me sick.

The new TT is the best fit of all the new rides for FW, imo. Great addition.
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Well-Known Member
M:S is a fun ride for kids when they're still under the belief that their actions in the cockpit are actually having an effect on the ride and they're really steering that shuttle. And the green still makes me sick.
You almost make it sound as if I don't have to "not move a muscle..." to avoid plunging to my demise.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
The attractions themselves don't tie together nearly as well as they used to.
The symbols for the rides used to kinda give one an idea...but now we have:
Air Conditioned Nap starring 90's Ellen DeGeneres, Tron: Chevy Legacy, That Ride That Kills People, Ride Pluggin' Over California, Oh S*** Nemo's Lost again, and finally...warmed over Michael Jackson with some ride half-way pertaining to Monty Python and bad CGI storylines...

Okay, you just made me spew liquid all over my laptop screen with your hilarious 'alternative names' for the currant Pavilions at EPCOT.
It is hilarious because it is so true....and terribly depressing at the same time, knowing how far the Park has fallen in some respects.

EPCOT was once a glorious can be again, but as you noted, we need some cohesive presentations and exciting concepts again.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
When I visit Epcot, I go to World Showcase. I almost never go to the Future World section. It just doesn't interest me anymore.

I will admit, sometimes it can be fun to sit over at WS and look across the lagoon and pretend Future World is still in it's previous , awesome state as it once was.
Then reality hits...and ..well, you know the rest....

I can relate.

When i cruise into EPCOT on the monorail and look at those glass pyramids outside the window, i so long that the Original attraction(s) were still contained within.
When i eventually wander over there later in the day i always feel sad walking through the doors and NOT seeing the original beautiful murals and queue area...and smelling the 'rose perfume' drifting from the Dreamport.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
It saves them operating costs to just shut it down, they know no one likes it, it doesnt have a sponsor to help with costs,,,so whether or not they end up doing anything with it, I think were going to see it sitting there closed for a long time, and we all know how that usually turns out. Lets hope that there is some kind of better plan in place, but the best insiders have been mum on the subject, which makes me feel like theres nothing good happening here.

My guess would be the reason for the 'silence' is that nobody has yet to have heard of a 'definate' plan of action yet, or they have and are waiting for confirmation before offering insights.

As a few have stated in other threads on related topics, it is difficult to talk about some projects for multiple reasons.
One of those reasons is that projects still in development, or being finalized, can change dramatically from week to week...sometimes even day to day.
Instead of posting about a project that is still going through these changes, the better of the true insiders wait it out until there is a more cohesive plan forwarded.
In this way, readers have a clearer view of what is going to happen instead of just multiple stories that have a way of turning into conflicting rumors.

Yeah, it can be frustrating from a fan standpoint, but when dealing with sensitive info like this, one has to be careful not to blab at the wrong moment or you run the risk of revealing your sources.
Usually it is not worth taking such a risk.

Personally, as much as i am interested in what might transpire, i would rather wait until we have some solid decisions made before news starts getting spread around about the proposed re-do.
I have a good feeling about it...for reasons mentioned earlier.

Have faith....Disney learned the hard way last time when they f****** with a Masterpiece in those glass pyramids.
Each park, not so much MK, can say it has it's "emptier" times of week or day.

As far as the lights, the wife LOVES Christmas and lights but even she has been like "Ok the light show itself is interesting but otherwise they are just rows of lights symmetrically placed in rows. No whimsy to them."

Even if what replaces them isn't better than the lights, I just think HS is a park in transition so it will take time to work itself out.

I haven't been in Imagination pavilion for years and that is saying a lot since I do about 10 business trips there a year. I am hoping for the best.


Well-Known Member
As another poster mentioned above, I think people are exaggerating a bit on how "empty" EPCOT was. Where people are mistaken is the term "walk ons" as a negative or reflection of popularity of these specific rides. All the major attractions: SSE, WOM, Horizons were all 10 minute long omnimover attractions that constantly kept people moving and lines short. They were literal people-eaters that kept lines short on purpose. It's easy to say they didn't have lines (they did) but it's impossible for those long omni-mover rides preFP to have long waits. Even with long lines it was still short waits.

And they made Horizons seasonal and eventualy closed it for the simple reason that it lost its sponsor. It was WDI and TWDC's fault that they didn't build those "thrill" rides in open plots and mismanaged Ride replacements and didn't do anything with WS. They all could have co-existed.

M:S is a fun ride for kids when they're still under the belief that their actions in the cockpit are actually having an effect on the ride and they're really steering that shuttle. And the green still makes me sick.

The new TT is the best fit of all the new rides for FW, imo. Great addition.
EPCOT was a victim of too much capacity and the siphoning that occured when MGM and AK opened. God forbid we dont have a 110% utilization rates.


Well-Known Member
The next time I vacation to WDW, I'm recruiting a handful of you guys to tour me around Epcot. Because I just don't see the attraction of this park. The front half is empty, the back half of the park is a giftshop/bar.
Nostalgia for the front half - the fact that WS has largely been left untouched in the back. However, old World Showcase seems to be heading the way of old Future World.


Well-Known Member
EPCOT was a victim of too much capacity and the siphoning that occured when MGM and AK opened. God forbid we dont have a 110% utilization rates.

So what is going to be happening to Epcots attendance numbers once Harry Potter 2.0 opens, more siphoning? Harry Potter 2.0 looks truly amazing. Will there also be more siphoning once Star Wars land and Avatar land open? I don't have a good feeling for Epcots future if things keep closing and nothing grand is added.
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Well-Known Member
So what is going to be happening to Epcots attendance numbers once Harry Potter 2.0 opens, more siphoning? Harry Potter 2.0 looks truly amazing. Will there also be more siphoning once Star Wars land and Avatar land opens? I don't have a good feeling for Epcots future if things keep closing and nothing grand is added.
Siphon, close pavilion, repeat

That was the problem with New Fantasyland. They built it in a park that needed it the least, a bandaid for the capacity and crowding issues. What they really needed was to drive traffic away to other parks, people are going to go to the MK no matter what. Its ok though, UOR figured it out.


Resident Curmudgeon
My guess would be the reason for the 'silence' is that nobody has yet to have heard of a 'definate' plan of action yet, or they have and are waiting for confirmation before offering insights.

As a few have stated in other threads on related topics, it is difficult to talk about some projects for multiple reasons.
One of those reasons is that projects still in development, or being finalized, can change dramatically from week to week...sometimes even day to day.
Instead of posting about a project that is still going through these changes, the better of the true insiders wait it out until there is a more cohesive plan forwarded.
In this way, readers have a clearer view of what is going to happen instead of just multiple stories that have a way of turning into conflicting rumors.

Yeah, it can be frustrating from a fan standpoint, but when dealing with sensitive info like this, one has to be careful not to blab at the wrong moment or you run the risk of revealing your sources.
Usually it is not worth taking such a risk.

Personally, as much as i am interested in what might transpire, i would rather wait until we have some solid decisions made before news starts getting spread around about the proposed re-do.
I have a good feeling about it...for reasons mentioned earlier.

Have faith....Disney learned the hard way last time when they f****** with a Masterpiece in those glass pyramids.

I have faith that there will be yet another Odessey Center on the other side of FW..., Closed and left to rot as another example of TDO just does not give a D--- about guest experience


Well-Known Member
If you folks don't find M:S, TT, SSE, and Soarin valuable, then I wouldn't go to Epcot Future World either. I guess what I'm saying is that Epcot needs some love from Disney, but I still love it. I even like :gasp: Imagination and I was there for Imagination 1.0. It wouldn't hurt to make it better. Captain Eo needs to be retired, again, and replaced with something new. Living with the Land needs an update, removing the old music and tour guides has hurt it more than helped it long-term. Circle of Life needs a newer HD film if nothing else as it looks old. UofE needs an update in the worst way. The Seas with Nemo, though, is an abomination. It needs to be destroyed and several live chickens need to sacrificed there to clear out the curse.

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