Two Spirited Quickees...Imagination closing


Well-Known Member
Okay, you just made me spew liquid all over my laptop screen with your hilarious 'alternative names' for the currant Pavilions at EPCOT.
It is hilarious because it is so true....and terribly depressing at the same time, knowing how far the Park has fallen in some respects.

EPCOT was once a glorious can be again, but as you noted, we need some cohesive presentations and exciting concepts again.
But is that concept what young/ teen/middle age want? Who is Epcot suppose to appeal to? Apparently the once glorious concept did not go over. To me right now for at least FW, I don't know what or should be put in there to appeal to all the masses. IMO.


Well-Known Member
If you folks don't find M:S, TT, SSE, and Soarin valuable, then I wouldn't go to Epcot Future World either. I guess what I'm saying is that Epcot needs some love from Disney, but I still love it. I even like :gasp: Imagination and I was there for Imagination 1.0. It wouldn't hurt to make it better. Captain Eo needs to be retired, again, and replaced with something new. Living with the Land needs an update, removing the old music and tour guides has hurt it more than helped it long-term. Circle of Life needs a newer HD film if nothing else as it looks old. UofE needs an update in the worst way. The Seas with Nemo, though, is an abomination. It needs to be destroyed and several live chickens need to sacrificed there to clear out the curse.
Thats all I want. Is there a sponser for that? As many nature films Disney has made.............


The Epcot Manifesto
But is that concept what young/ teen/middle age want? Who is Epcot suppose to appeal to? Apparently the once glorious concept did not go over. To me right now for at least FW, I don't know what or should be put in there to appeal to all the masses. IMO.

It should be whatever concept Disney wants. The original Epcot had one of the strongest themes in the history of theme parks. What happened to it was that someone decided to try and start catering to "what young/teen/middle aged" America wants, and the results are what we see today. Neglected, sparse, uninteresting pavilions that lack any sort of unifying theme, mission, education or entertainment. The original Future World, in my opinion, strove to "Educate, Enlighten, and Inspire". They started trying to dumb down that concept to appeal to the false sense that the park was "boring", and now we're left with the sad state that exists today.


Well-Known Member
It should be whatever concept Disney wants. The original Epcot had one of the strongest themes in the history of theme parks. What happened to it was that someone decided to try and start catering to "what young/teen/middle aged" America wants, and the results are what we see today. Neglected, sparse, uninteresting pavilions that lack any sort of unifying theme, mission, education or entertainment. The original Future World, in my opinion, strove to "Educate, Enlighten, and Inspire". They started trying to dumb down that concept to appeal to the false sense that the park was "boring", and now we're left with the sad state that exists today.
But was that the problem? "Educate, Enlighten, and Inspire". Not what the public wanted. Like that one WDW docu show says, something like they were screaming for thrill rides at FW and that is why Test Track was born. I am not saying I agree but that is what was said. You can make education fun and interesting, just need the money and imaginion. If Epcot is to compete with Uni, Epcot looses. To me taking out horizons and adding Nemo to the Seas pavillion was the beginning of the end for FW. I don't think WDW wants to do anything with Epcot unless there is a sponser.


Well-Known Member
But was that the problem? "Educate, Enlighten, and Inspire". Not what the public wanted. Like that one WDW docu show says, something like they were screaming for thrill rides at FW and that is why Test Track was born. I am not saying I agree but that is what was said. You can make education fun and interesting, just need the money and imaginion. If Epcot is to compete with Uni, Epcot looses. To me taking out horizons and adding Nemo to the Seas pavillion was the beginning of the end for FW. I don't think WDW wants to do anything with Epcot unless there is a sponser.

If they don't know what to do with EPCOT that doesn't say much for them. There have been great proposals for that park that never happened for whatever reason. WOL, Energy, Imagination, EO. 4 places right now that could be turned into something fantastic that matches EPCOT's theme. They seriously didn't need to lose a dark ride to build a thrill ride. Epcot needs variety, not an identity change.


President of Progress City
I have a better idea. Turn Imagination into an awesome dark ride. Make WOL a thrill ride. And put that Beatles attraction Eddie Soto talked about in the UK. The bullet train in Japan. And for Godsakes, go ahead and give Germany its damn river ride already.

I agree with everything you just said, Thought make Imagination the awesome dark ride. Epcot is my love but its help.


The Epcot Manifesto
Honestly, at this point, I just wish they would focus on fixing Future World. UoE, Imagination, SSE, The Seas, the space formerly known as WoL, innoventions, even Soarin' all need major love. World Showcase could use some attention of course, but it all is MILES ahead of Future World at this point.


Well-Known Member
But is that concept what young/ teen/middle age want? Who is Epcot suppose to appeal to? Apparently the once glorious concept did not go over. To me right now for at least FW, I don't know what or should be put in there to appeal to all the masses. IMO.
Does it have to be?
I'm afraid it does. Those of us that remember the original with detail are getting long in the tooth now. People like myself first went to it in 83, that was 30 years ago. I was 35 at the time. Do the math that makes me 65. Yea - yea, I know 65 is the new 40. Bull. 65 is 65 and the yearly trips are numbered. I would love for Disney to cater to my tastes, but that would be a formula for failure. There are not enough of us left that still feel the way we did in 1982. They have to appeal to the current young to middle age adults in order to draw them in. It's reality. What we thought was great in the 80's does not influence anymore.


Well-Known Member
I got to see the upstairs of Imagination on my recent trip (completely legit, too!). I never visited Epcot while it was open so I was very interested in seeing it. It was just sad especially since some of the signage and props are still up there. I still don't understand why they closed this and the WoL pavilion.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I got to see the upstairs of Imagination on my recent trip (completely legit, too!). I never visited Epcot while it was open so I was very interested in seeing it. It was just sad especially since some of the signage and props are still up there. I still don't understand why they closed this and the WoL pavilion.
To pad their Christmas bonuses!


Resident Curmudgeon
I've never understood why EPCOT has never had a NASA pavillion where NASA could showcase some of their neat technologies, Robotics, Remote Sensing, Energy technologies, I've always thought a program a rover attraction would have lines out the door in much the same way 'Sum of all Thrills' does, Especially if they have a REAL rover there on a simulated Moon/Mars landscape. Moon probably better for show purposes as lightspeed delay is 1.3 second in each direction, Mars is 8 minutes 20 seconds.

Show people just how tricky programming a rover is with the lightspeed delay in sending and acknowledging commands, Have a periodic live feed to the ISS via Ham Radio, Have FIRST and Vex Robotics teams demonstrate their robots. Have live feeds from missions etc.

Yes I know KSC has a visitors center DW and I are members of the Commanders Club and we were there for STS-135, But how many people make the trip to KSC?.

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