One Little Spark...
Ah ha! Now I know how old you are
I know, I get the gut feeling when a word is wrong, but I can't always figure it out.
The problem is grammar a lot of times. So many people use spell check for grammar...but spell check doesn't get that!
I was a frustrated newspaper editor...my spelling may be bad but my grammar is always right.
Well, I did say nearly...but it gives you a general idea, yes.
Grammar is something I've not been too keen upon, though I learned a lot when I finally got an old school teacher who taught us to diagram sentences. I tend to ignore the little rules. Such as using a comma before saying "too"...however, "too" vs "to" annoys me. As does people who write "loose" when they mean "lose"...
There's a short list of minor things that annoy me that I keep to myself most of the time.
People who are grammar fanatics annoy me, especially when they get put on a creative task, as they insist silly things, like commas where they break up a layout or picture, etc...long story (I used to do reprographics and layout work, similar to your editing work)...in fact, I used to put in grammatical and spelling errors just to throw those sorts for a loop so they'd ignore larger layout design changes I made. Yeesh, development by government committee...never fun...
Anyhow, neither here nor there regarding the topic of this thread.