Active Member
This.Ok, I've been lurking at the entire thread and choose not to comment on the trolling and banning of people because I don't want to get caught up with that but I do have a comment on people saying that the 90's was the "hey day" or best time in WDW.
I worked at WDW from 1995-1997 and I have friends who have worked there from 1989 to the present. Here's the differences from my personal experience with WDW.
When I worked there CM's were occasionally disgruntled employees or having bad days because it's a job and that is to be expected but it was fairly rare because we were actually treated pretty good. We were recognized constantly for good service and by recognized I mean that I got things like a new TV, a trip to Disneyland California, a 4-day cruise for two people and a tour of Animal Kingdom with 19 other CM's by Joe Rohde a few months before the park opened. I got these not only from having good guest comments but from helping out fellow CM's. Basically anytime I was spotted doing something great my name was dropped into a hat and if drawn, I was a happy girl. Because I was treated so great I gave 110% to my job - it was a win-win for Disney...happy CM = happy guests = better guest comments = happy CM.
Comments from guests and FL residents along with CM's at the time were that Disney World was so much more fun, cleaner, better etc than Universal, Sea World and other theme parks in the area. Those comments are getting fewer and far between. My friends that are CM's now have said that they tend to get more comments on why Disney isn't exciting, as nice, as fun as other parks. My recent visit to Universal was great and there were a lot of attractions I found to be suprior technology to Disney or at least better utilized. I wish I could confidently tell people Disney is way better than Universal like I used to but now I encourage some people to include Universal days in their "Disney" vacations.
Attractions go 101, they need refurbs, they get worn out and they require upkeep. My location had a system for reporting anything that was wrong from a safety issue to a burnt out lightbulb. If it was an easy fix, I generally reported it one day and it was repaired before my next shift. We were encouraged to report things that were not "Good Show" and we were rewarded for pointing these things out. It wasn't considered complaining, it was considered to be "Quality Control".
We had a GSM team who's job was to measure "Guest Satisfaction Measurement". If we noticed that a couple of guests commented on a certain thing - for example, where can I get an ice-cream (this is an actual example but I don't recall the exact numbers) we counted that for a specified amount of time (say 3 weeks) and then presented to our GSM manager - "In 3 weeks we had 304 guests ask about ice cream." A week later an ice cream cart was placed closer to our location.
I realize this is small but it showed that the CM's know first hand what the guests want - sometimes when management and the "Disney bigwigs" don't. It may not be a big thing but we got an ice-cream cart - and a greeter in our area with guidemaps to answer questions, and a better area for our entertainers, and a higher quality restaurant. We got those because CM's cared, managers listened and TDO responded.
I don't feel like Disney has been as receptive about "Guest Satisfaction Measurements" as they used to be. To my knowledge they don;t track this anymore at all (at least not in my former location) We often tracked 4 or 5 different things at a time. Not all of them came to fruition but enough did that I felt like we were being heard and I was a channel for guests to have their say.
So I guess to sum it up, my two complaints about WDW today compared to WDW in the 80's and 90's is that guests and CMs concerns are not addressed or even acknowledged and WDW is no longer a front runner attraction in terms of "show" and technological advancement - they have not evolved as quickly as other parks have. They are no longer the one to watch - they are the one scrambling to catch up. I also personally feel like they may be dragging out the Fantasyland expansion so it gives them something to hype for years instead of months.
This doesn't mean I dislike Disney. I am not canceling any upcoming trips or boycotting anything. In fact I always have a good time there and am looking forward to my upcoming visit but I have to say that seeing how things are shaping up on the other coast I would be tempted to skip a trip to WDW and go there instead.
Above all things, this.
As another former CM, I know exactly where you are coming from and it makes me sad.