Two coasts: One very different world

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
This thread is utterly ridiculous. You're comparing one tiny part of our own billion dollar multi year expansion (which isn't even done yet) to the entirety of a completed project. Perhaps if the budget of Casey Jr. was 1.7 billion and had taken years to complete, your comparison would hold water.
I'm hardly a fanboi and have no problem admitting that WDW needs some help and that DL is moving in all the right directions comparatively these days, but to act like a small part of our expansion is the same thing as the completion of their entire expansion is lunacy.

Also, where is this lavish praise we're supposedly showering all over Casey Jr.? I must have missed that. People have said it's well done, because it is. NOBODY is saying it's as good as DCA's whole expansion because it's not supposed to be.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think he was trolling. I just feel that if fans want to make WDW better, they should stop patronizing it until it gets better. they won't do anything until they're really hurting.

Thanks for the complement on the avatar!

While I don't know if I'd go so far as to stay stop going (maybe just less time and try some of Orlando's other offerings), I do agree with you about Disney not doing anything until it starts hurting them where it the money vault. Which, if you look at the universal thread is partly why I'm so excited for the new stuff at universal. Hopefully it'll help push them closer to the edge and we can finally get something great!

And yay totoro! :)


Well-Known Member
That's because all the big fan sites are currently in Disneyland....

Check Twitter, which is where the real action in the Disney fan community happens.
Twenty tweets about it with either the hashtag Storybook Circus or New Fantasyland or WDW today and some of those involve conversations. Over 30 already for DCA or Carsland.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
While I don't know if I'd go so far as to stay stop going (maybe just less time and try some of Orlando's other offerings), I do agree with you about Disney not doing anything until it starts hurting them where it the money vault. Which, if you look at the universal thread is partly why I'm so excited for the new stuff at universal. Hopefully it'll help push them closer to the edge and we can finally get something great!

And yay totoro! :)

And even then, all WDW would do is jack up prices to make up the difference in lost revenue from people leaving property.. They STILL wouldn't add anything LOL... Oh, maybe they will trot out something else from the late 70's getting the fanboys to drool themselves...


Well-Known Member
Why do you feel it necessary to manufacture controversy here?

This is a WDW focused site, is it not? Is it in any way surprising that members of this site would be excited about even a trivial enhancement to the resort they are most interested in when compared to a resort they likely have never visited and may never visit?

Yes, it's a trivial addition. Yes, it in no way compares to the complete reworking and expansion of DCA. Those with half a brain already implicitly understand this while the true pixie dust snorters may not even be able to locate California on a map...of California. So really, what's the point of this exercise?

TDO views their patronage as primarily composed of one-in-a-lifetimers, international travelers, and nostalgia ridden diehards as opposed to a captive local population of return visitors. How is any attempt at a patron population holding them accountable for quality improvements ever going to come close to moving the needle of progress? It won't because TDO can continue to fatten their bottom line from the wallets of the uninformed.

The voice of reason. I like it. And you nailed it.

WDW is the most popular theme park in the world. People from all over the world come to Orlando for it. Just count the languages you hear next time. From managements view why put money in when people are already giving it to you by the millions? The ticket price just went up and they will still pack the place to capacity over the summer and holidays just like last year. Don't misunderstand me, I want them to do more. But these are businessmen, not theme park fans like us. Put enough in to keep people coming and charge as much as you can for it. That's the world.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
So, on one coast Disney officially debuts the end product of a five year $1.7 billion (yes, that is what it cost when you add in TSMM and WoC) project where quality and care and the Disney Details all came together to vastly improve a troubled (although quality) park.

Fans are getting all hot and bothered over this (and the three-hour plus waits for RSRs) and who can blame them.

Quality should be celebrated and rewarded. That's what makes the creative and financial worlds sing together in harmony.

Now, on the other coast ... you have some walls removed around a children's water play area ... with theming to be sure, but not that far removed from McDonald's playlands and Chuck E Cheese type ballpits.

Really. A tiny (insiginificant?) 'addition' (that WDI likely billed an absurd sum of money to build and design) that only diaper dandies can enjoy and one might wonder whether it even should have a place in the MK getting the same type of over-the-top praise and attention amongst the WDW fan community as a multi-year, multi-billion dollar project's completion is on the other coast.

Does anyone see why things are so different at WDW? It's not hard.

You have no power here. Now begone before someone drops a house on you, too!

Jim Handy

Active Member
The voice of reason. I like it. And you nailed it.

WDW is the most popular theme park in the world. People from all over the world come to Orlando for it. Just count the languages you hear next time. From managements view why put money in when people are already giving it to you by the millions? The ticket price just went up and they will still pack the place to capacity over the summer and holidays just like last year. Don't misunderstand me, I want them to do more. But these are businessmen, not theme park fans like us. Put enough in to keep people coming and charge as much as you can for it. That's the world.

Every time someone posts something like the bold part, part of me dies.

WDW has always been successful, and it never used to stop them from making it better.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
The question boils down to whether a children's water and urine and poopie play area should even be called an attraction.

Call me cynical, but I don't think it qualifies.

Sometimes a trash can is just a trash can, even if it is nicely themed.

You are cynical.


Active Member
TDO views their patronage as primarily composed of one-in-a-lifetimers, international travelers, and nostalgia ridden diehards as opposed to a captive local population of return visitors. How is any attempt at a patron population holding them accountable for quality improvements ever going to come close to moving the needle of progress? It won't because TDO can continue to fatten their bottom line from the wallets of the uninformed.

Sad but true.

I fear WDW will remain the cash cow for the foreseeable future, unless DL manages to siphon off some of that revenue with its additions.


Well-Known Member
It appears to me that someone at The Walt Disney Company has decided that WDW and DL are going to follow different business models. DL is a theme park with a few hotels - but in order to be profitable it has to excel at being a theme park as that is it's main business. WDW is viewed as a hotel chain and property development company with the addition of theme parks, so in order to be profitable, the theme parks have to be kept at a level that keeps the hotel and property development business going.

Not good at all... :(


Well-Known Member
I know it's been mentioned earlier, but it's still worth mentioning. Maybe we should stop going to WDW for a while? With the quality of the new attractions at DCA and the quality of the maintenance at both parks, It seems appropriate to punish TDO for not putting out a quality product. If only more people would realize this...
Heck, an even better idea, go travel to a foreign country. I hear Norway is nice this time of year! Maybe we'll find some trolls... Oh Wait!

This is very true! But it doesn't matter how hard or far the quality of WDW deteriorates to, people will still book their trips and complain about how bad the maintenance is, how stale the place is, etc. Maybe they think the place is really really magical, in that every thread here that 'discusses' the faulty quality is just for discussion and when they get there after spending more then last year because of inflation, that WDW will magically look like it did in 1975.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This thread is utterly ridiculous. You're comparing one tiny part of our own billion dollar multi year expansion (which isn't even done yet) to the entirety of a completed project. Perhaps if the budget of Casey Jr. was 1.7 billion and had taken years to complete, your comparison would hold water.
Huh? Where is there a billion dollar expansion at Walt Disney World?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I never have been able to understand why people post in a thread that they think is unnecessary to begin with.

Saying a thread is unnecessary is as much an opinion as any of the other prattle being tossed about....

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