Two coasts: One very different world


Well-Known Member
A tiny (insiginificant?) 'addition' (that WDI likely billed an absurd sum of money to build and design) that only diaper dandies can enjoy and one might wonder whether it even should have a place in the MK getting the same type of over-the-top praise and attention amongst the WDW fan community as a multi-year, multi-billion dollar project's completion is on the other coast.

Why do you feel it necessary to manufacture controversy here?

This is a WDW focused site, is it not? Is it in any way surprising that members of this site would be excited about even a trivial enhancement to the resort they are most interested in when compared to a resort they likely have never visited and may never visit?

Yes, it's a trivial addition. Yes, it in no way compares to the complete reworking and expansion of DCA. Those with half a brain already implicitly understand this while the true pixie dust snorters may not even be able to locate California on a map...of California. So really, what's the point of this exercise?

TDO views their patronage as primarily composed of one-in-a-lifetimers, international travelers, and nostalgia ridden diehards as opposed to a captive local population of return visitors. How is any attempt at a patron population holding them accountable for quality improvements ever going to come close to moving the needle of progress? It won't because TDO can continue to fatten their bottom line from the wallets of the uninformed.


Well-Known Member
I'm confused. Who is making a big deal about this? It's had two tweets from Disney Parks and one article with pictures on the Disney Parks Blog.

Carsland has had dozens of tweets and 6 articles on the blog just in the past 24 hours.

I just don't see the equivalent praise you are citing. Perhaps you could link some other sources that demonstrate this viewpoint?


Well-Known Member
I'm confused. Who is making a big deal about this? It's had two tweets from Disney Parks and one article with pictures on the Disney Parks Blog.

Carsland has had dozens of tweets and 6 articles on the blog just in the past 24 hours.

I just don't see the equivalent praise you are citing. Perhaps you could link some other sources that demonstrate this viewpoint?

Agree, all the bloggers are off enjoying their free trip to CA. No ones minding the store


Well-Known Member
Agree, all the bloggers are off enjoying their free trip to CA. No ones minding the store
So I'm not crazy and there hasn't been the "over-the-top praise and attention amongst the WDW fan community" that '74 is citing?

EDIT: So I check real quick all of the social media "offenders" who's name are thrown around here and not a single one of them has this water play area on their front page. Everything is about the re-opening of DCA.


Well-Known Member
I am most likely in the minority here, but I like WDW the way it is. I don't WANT huge new expansions or a new attraction to open every week. Seriously, what is wrong with people that they can't appreciate WDW and have to compare it negatively to DL? Yes, Carsland looks really amazing, but you know what? Lots of other things are amazing too...including WDW. If you go to WDW and find it boring because there haven't been any "major" new attractions in however many years, then I genuinely feel sorry for you. If four parks, two water parks, Downtown Disney, more than a dozen hotels, and about a million restaurants aren't enough and you are still complaining that it's not good enough...then maybe it's you that has problems, and not Disney management.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line anything built on Disneyland will be way better than anything built here. The only time WDW topped Disneyland was during the EPCOT Center era, they didn't have one.


Well-Known Member
I think it just goes with what you know and prefer. I've been to both resorts numerous times and I can tell you that my family and I along with the few friends i've brought with me over the years will always prefer Walt Disney World over Disneyland Resort. I hate the cramp feel of Disneyland park. The theming is nice but the congestion of the park will never win me over. I'm glad to see that DCA got the love it needed, because the park was a joke prior to the relaunch. I guess now it's just the studios that is the joke that needs relaunched. Again though it's just personal preference.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Um, Disney's California Adventure park needed a huge upgrade, the park was rather dead for the people who don't know. When it first opened the main complaint was the park didn't have much to offer repeat visits, it was a half a day park, it was nothing more than that. It had a great Aladin show, Soarin', a nice coaster and couple nice attractions here and there but the park was rushed, the park was not finished.

Guess what, Disney listened, they finished the park.

While people want to instigate they robbed from WDW to pay DL, I highly doubt thats the case. Disney just tied up the looose ends for a park dangling on a wire, it needed it, it deserved it, it got it.

Jimmy Thick- Now go enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
By media outlets all over the country and theme park fans worldwide? No. But within the Disney fan community? In some places, yes.

Sure. Whatever you say.
Where? See my post above. I looked at all the big fan sites. It's not there. It's not even on the front page.

If you can link a site that is making a big deal about it, please do because I've check 5 different sites and I haven't seen anything.

If you would like I could PM you the links so you can see for yourself.

Jim Handy

Active Member
Where? See my post above. I looked at all the big fan sites. It's not there. It's not even on the front page.

If you can link a site that is making a big deal about it, please do because I've check 5 different sites and I haven't seen anything.

If you would like I could PM you the links so you can see for yourself.
That's because all the big fan sites are currently in Disneyland....

Check Twitter, which is where the real action in the Disney fan community happens.

Jim Handy

Active Member
Bottom line anything built on Disneyland will be way better than anything built here. The only time WDW topped Disneyland was during the EPCOT Center era, they didn't have one.
This is false.

WDW was king until they slipped post-2003 pretty much from the mid 60s. It was around that time (04/05) DL became king.


Well-Known Member
I am sure 74 will not like this much but I will say it again...This post was really not needed as every thread contains the same debate and no where is there real news or rumors...

Jim Handy

Active Member
I am sure 74 will not like this much but I will say it again...This post was really not needed as every thread contains the same debate and no where is there real news or rumors...
The imbalance between WDW and DL creative and financial investment is an issue larger than Cars Land vs Storybook Circus.


Well-Known Member
Where? See my post above. I looked at all the big fan sites. It's not there. It's not even on the front page.

If you can link a site that is making a big deal about it, please do because I've check 5 different sites and I haven't seen anything.

If you would like I could PM you the links so you can see for yourself.
Touringplans is on twitter...but their main wdw cheerleader is the ultimate lifestyler...they must've given the freebies to the higher ranks this time


Well-Known Member
I don't think he was trolling if you thought that. He just stated the facts about what is going on at DL vs. WDW. I think Casey's whatever it's called is cute, but at the end of the day it's a pretty playground. NFE is opening but it's no Carsland. It's not revolutionary. It doesn't push boundaries. I'm sure I'll enjoy it but they certainly could have done more.
I didn't think he was trolling. I just feel that if fans want to make WDW better, they should stop patronizing it until it gets better. they won't do anything until they're really hurting.

Thanks for the complement on the avatar!

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