TTA News...

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Well-Known Member
Basically a copy/paste of my post on another thread. Anyone else feel this way about the introduction?
Okay, so I found a video on YouTube with the ORAC-1 narration. WOW--it really is similar to the newer narration.
Personally, I still favor the "Tom Morrow" narration, but the ORAC-1 narration seems superior to the new if only because of this:
"his" introduction. By the narrator introducing himself as "ORAC-1", you immediately have the feeling that you are being guided by a robot or computer of some sort, which helps to maintain the futuristic feel and the fourth wall.
The new narration (so far as we've been able to hear it) includes no such introduction, which leaves us to assume that we are being directed by some recorded, present-day, far-too-chipper, anonymous HUMAN. It just breaks the illusion for me (and isn't "illusion" part of the reason I like WDW over Six Flags?).

Agree, and its not that new one is horrible, its just that it totally lacks any creativity, originality, or imagination.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
As far as I know, Tomorrowland is still considered a city metropolis and doesn't really have any plans for a retheme anytime soon.

I think the point that most people are missing here is that we are no longer in the 70's. This type of narration might have made sense when Tomorrowland was stark white and themed on (outdated) optimistic futurism and the WEDway was a new type of transportation system.

But guess what? 34 years later, this type of narration doesn't work. Not with Tomorrowland the way it is now. It clashes with everything that Tomorrowland represents now.

Luckily, from what I've noticed over the past few days... this is far from finalized and they still seem to be tweaking things... so we'll see.


Only had to listen to a couple minutes to know I don't like it. As others have said, there are just some things they should leave alone. The voice and narration was a HUGE part of the TL atmosphere.

I understand change, when it's necessary. But why change that? Was it broken? Is this enhancing the ride any?

This is the problem. People listen to it and immediately hate it. I'm guessing most of you had your mind made up before you even listened to it. But everyone hates change don't they.:rolleyes:

And to the "why fix what isn't broken?" argument. Think about attractions like Haunted Mansion. Was the ride broken? Nope. After the refurb, it's considered to be WDW best attraction. But why fix what isn't broken right?


Well-Known Member
This is the problem. People listen to it and immediately hate it. I'm guessing most of you had your mind made up before you even listened to it. But everyone hates change don't they.:rolleyes:

And to the "why fix what isn't broken?" argument. Think about attractions like Haunted Mansion. Was the ride broken? Nope. After the refurb, it's considered to be WDW best attraction. But why fix what isn't broken right?
lets just hope they dont take it out like they did in Disneyland!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
And to the "why fix what isn't broken?" argument. Think about attractions like Haunted Mansion. Was the ride broken? Nope. After the refurb, it's considered to be WDW best attraction. But why fix what isn't broken right?

Actually, it was pretty broken. The audio was awful, effects weren't working, and it was in bad shape and desperately needed reworking. The little fixes and additions were the icing on the cake.

The Conundrum

New Member
One of the best lines on the TTA was removed years ago when they got rid of Timekeeper. They have been removing several lines of narration from the ride over the years and teh only thing they added was the annoying and out of sync buzz lightyear voiceover in 1998.


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]TTA Narration: Now approaching Metropolis Science Center! Today at the Metropolis Science Center is the greatest invention of all time-a time machine! Be sure to stop by and meet the inventor, The Timekeeper. He'd love to take the time to take you through time! [/FONT]​

and just look at this pic! isn't it so much better than campy 1994 tomorrowland?


I mean look at that! damn it looks like something out of the new Star Trek movie. Isn't this version of T-Land so much better? Why fight the imagineers trying to restore it.

The current version with the garish Buzz facade looks like a 90s comic artists acid trip.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland `94 is long dead. SGE started it, TLF continued it. WDI will finish it.

Now I'm patiently waiting for the current slate of attractions to get ripped out :lol:

'94 New Tomorrowland died on October 11, 2003. It's absolutely terrible that it died that soon, but hopefully the current attractions will last that long as well and Tomorrowland will be a great land again.


Well-Known Member
These folks saying how the TTA was the last thing that connected the land as a community....I'm not trying to ruin the magic....but compared to, say, Disneyland's Fantasyland, or Disneyland Paris' Discoveryland......really? WDW's tomorrowland, a metropolis theme, you're kidding right?

Because tomorrowland 94 was a half donkey job, how can anyone justify that the TTA helped tie in the metropolis theme of half finished facades, 1970s architecure, a smelly county fair car ride from the 1970s, empty skyway station, rarely used galaxy palace theater, constant temporary stages, and overgrown plants and trees. And this ride really helped with the theme of tomorrowland? And you can see the Contemporary from the park, and a poorly painted Space Mountain? Let alone the TTA was and still is covered in bird droppings all over the place, a rusty track, broken LIM boxes.

Good riddance.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
These folks saying how the TTA was the last thing that connected the land as a community....I'm not trying to ruin the magic....but compared to, say, Disneyland's Fantasyland, or Disneyland Paris' Discoveryland......really? WDW's tomorrowland, a metropolis theme, you're kidding right?

Because tomorrowland 94 was a half donkey job, how can anyone justify that the TTA helped tie in the metropolis theme of half finished facades, 1970s architecure, a smelly county fair car ride from the 1970s, empty skyway station, rarely used galaxy palace theater, constant temporary stages, and overgrown plants and trees. And this ride really helped with the theme of tomorrowland? And you can see the Contemporary from the park, and a poorly painted Space Mountain?

Good riddance.

Many things wrong with this post.

The TTA did and DOES STILL evoke as sense if community.

The Contrmporary is SUPPOSED to be seen from TL.

Constant updates/change is good.(I think.)


Active Member
These folks saying how the TTA was the last thing that connected the land as a community....I'm not trying to ruin the magic....but compared to, say, Disneyland's Fantasyland, or Disneyland Paris' Discoveryland......really? WDW's tomorrowland, a metropolis theme, you're kidding right?

Because tomorrowland 94 was a half donkey job, how can anyone justify that the TTA helped tie in the metropolis theme of half finished facades, 1970s architecure, a smelly county fair car ride from the 1970s, empty skyway station, rarely used galaxy palace theater, constant temporary stages, and overgrown plants and trees. And this ride really helped with the theme of tomorrowland? And you can see the Contemporary from the park, and a poorly painted Space Mountain? Let alone the TTA was and still is covered in bird droppings all over the place, a rusty track, broken LIM boxes.

Good riddance.

Do you like TLand at all?


Well-Known Member
I find it amusing that making weak homages to the 70's attractions by using the names Tom Morrow and Mr. Johnson, an obnoxious "computer" voice, and a couple of bad puns about tentacles and rings seem to equal a creative, immersive, and imaginative "theme" to some people.

I know we all get nostalgic about different things, but I'm afraid I can't find rose-colored glasses dark enough for me to feel the slightest bit bad about the old TTA narration leaving.

The new one isn't perfect, but I'm willing to give it a chance.



[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]TTA Narration: Now approaching Metropolis Science Center! Today at the Metropolis Science Center is the greatest invention of all time-a time machine! Be sure to stop by and meet the inventor, The Timekeeper. He'd love to take the time to take you through time! [/FONT]​

Wow...that sounds awfully like an advertisement for the Timekeeper...doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
Wow...that sounds awfully like an advertisement for the Timekeeper...doesn't it?

Of course it is. It is done in a much more creative way than the current narration and the ORAC-1 style though. Also I would be willing to bet that the script was written when The Timekeeper was slated to be called Transportarium (sp?) and therefore wouldn't have even mentioned the attraction's name. Regardless, you can't compare the Timekeeper quote to the current script. It's night and day. Now I can appreciate the throwback to the older style and I don't think it ruins the entire attraction, but isn't definitely not the same quality.


Well-Known Member
Do you like TLand at all?

Some of it. :lookaroun

Many things wrong with this post.

The TTA did and DOES STILL evoke as sense if community.

The Contrmporary is SUPPOSED to be seen from TL.

Constant updates/change is good.(I think.)

1.) Yes it does, I was reffering to in older posts the 94 version being very relevant for its time, but by 2009 it was a shadow of its former self. As someone else said, Tomorrowland 94 died in 2003.

2.) No, it was supposed to be seen as a backdrop in the original concept of a corporate and American tomorrowland of the early to mid 70s.

3.) Yes to changes, especially after what has become of WDW's Tomorrowland. That's why I support the TTA change, because not only has a 15 year narration finally changed, but it brings new narration to what is currently going on in tomorrowland. I may not enjoy Stitch and Milf, and Buzz is pretty basic compared to its foreign counterparts, but the new narration is overall better IMO rather then riding around with a computerized voice of boarding calls and hardly any descriptions left because nearly everything from tomorrowland 94 was gone by 2009.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I'm not going to read through 20+ pages, but removing the "Now approaching" spiels and chimes was such a ridiculously stupid move. I wouldn't have minded a few tweaks, but that voice and chime was literally a part of Tomorrowland and not just the TTA. It MADE the atmosphere work.

But who needs to keep something everybody knows and loves when we can utilize that space to shove our liscensed characters down your throat even more??? Why turn this wonderfully simple attraction into nothing but an advertisement for the other attractions?

Some of you don't seem to get what the big deal is, but this change is akin to removing "Please stand clear of the doors!" from the monorail. Its something you just don't touch. This should have been a no-brainer.

Oh, and I'm not just bitter because they removed the audio where I got my username from!
Exactly. They could have made a hybrid of the two.

This would work well, if TL were to get a massive change in theme.
Look on the bright side, they could have changed it to "Stitch's transportation authority".

Anyway, I'll give my opinion on it in two weeks.
Hah! I say the same thing about SSE.

It could always be worse.

I think thats a good way of putting it. I'll learn to like this new spiel, that I have no doubt about. All the same, '94 Tomorrowland Transit Authority will always have that special nostalgia for me. :o

(Gosh, first SSE '94, now TTA '94... I'm really into the '94 stuff. :lol:)
This too. I don't remember the ORAC-1 Narr...I remember this.

1994 was a good year for Disney. :o

We see the light! :lookaroun :sohappy:

The script from 1994...what was in 2009 was nothing more than a shadow its former truly was a mercy killing....

***THREAD DRIFT*** as of right now, it looks like they will be making the Space Mountain entrance building and arcade fresh with new, more traditonal tomorrowlandish colors.....and while space mountain when it reopens , wont be a 2.0 by any means, hopefully it will appear fresh and rejuvinated....and here's hoping the CoP can get some attention once SM reopens.

Space Mtn, Peoplemover (feels great to call it that again), and CoP are all that is left from old tomorrowland, in their respective 1970s architecture. Perhaps if they can have some faux tomorrowland community exhibits in the Space Mountain post show, or CoP: presented by the Metro Retro Historical society, it can help connect these attractions all together.
That would be fantasmic.

I would not be surprised, seeing what else is being done.
You guys don't think you're overanalyzing a very simple ride?
That's what we do.

If you don't want to, you don't have to.

I can't imagine what they would do if they changed the spiel on the Monorail... WDW transportation would be RUINED


Active Member
One of the best lines on the TTA was removed years ago when they got rid of Timekeeper. They have been removing several lines of narration from the ride over the years and teh only thing they added was the annoying and out of sync buzz lightyear voiceover in 1998.


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]TTA Narration: Now approaching Metropolis Science Center! Today at the Metropolis Science Center is the greatest invention of all time-a time machine! Be sure to stop by and meet the inventor, The Timekeeper. He'd love to take the time to take you through time! [/FONT]​

and just look at this pic! isn't it so much better than campy 1994 tomorrowland?


I mean look at that! damn it looks like something out of the new Star Trek movie. Isn't this version of T-Land so much better? Why fight the imagineers trying to restore it.

The current version with the garish Buzz facade looks like a 90s comic artists acid trip.

NO! Sorry Conundrum but I like my space port theme. I don't see why they can't just do future world like that more and leave the space/alien theme in Tomorrowland. I say reincorporate XS Tech and build off that again. XS Tech gave it such a cool backstory much better then say Buy'n'Large could. The colors of TL are so vibrant and beautiful at night, it's second to none at WDW. Yes the white gives it that nice clean feel but this tops it. The sounds, colors, and atmosphere of TL was just perfect, don't change it.

Any updates from today? New Narration? Cast Members looking for opinions?


Active Member
That's what we do.

If you don't want to, you don't have to.

It's a ride meant to relax and take you through TLand. Why does the spiel matter? I'm all for overanalyzing complicated issues and rumors, but this is overboard. Just my opinion. It's fun seeing everyone bicker and me not being involved :D


Well-Known Member
Whoever wrote the new script used an excepert from the 1975 script refering to the CoP. It's not 4 different familys. It's one family that ages slightly between each scene. You are meeting the family for the very first time each Act you go to. :lookaroun :hammer:


Original Poster
and just look at this pic! isn't it so much better than campy 1994 tomorrowland?
Nope. Not at all. At least, I don't think so....:shrug:
I much prefer the "future that never was" theme to any of the others.
Honestly, I even much prefer DL's TL 98 to that old stark white look.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
One of the best lines on the TTA was removed years ago when they got rid of Timekeeper. They have been removing several lines of narration from the ride over the years and teh only thing they added was the annoying and out of sync buzz lightyear voiceover in 1998.


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]TTA Narration: Now approaching Metropolis Science Center! Today at the Metropolis Science Center is the greatest invention of all time-a time machine! Be sure to stop by and meet the inventor, The Timekeeper. He'd love to take the time to take you through time! [/FONT]​

and just look at this pic! isn't it so much better than campy 1994 tomorrowland?


I mean look at that! damn it looks like something out of the new Star Trek movie. Isn't this version of T-Land so much better? Why fight the imagineers trying to restore it.

The current version with the garish Buzz facade looks like a 90s comic artists acid trip.
It looks very industrial.
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