TTA Audio Alterations


Well-Known Member
In fact its probably on its way back to the Peoplemover name. Two recent construction permits labeled Peoplemover graphics package was recently approved.

That would be cool.

You know, I kind of like how TL is now, except for MILF and Stitch, but they don't really ruin the land for me.


Well-Known Member
Apparently it doesnt when He has a ride that hardly has a wait, and a show that failed less then a month into running. TTA however always has people on it and more people are still a fan of the TTA over some blue alien.

But hey at least TTA actually has audio and they brought back some parts of the original. The audio isnt a big deal at all. TL is likely to be receiving the next makeover soon anyway.

In defense of Stitch (the character)... the show failing had nothing to do with Stitch... it was just a bad show. I don't think it mattered what character they used for it... it wasn't an entertaining show!

Both times I went through space was 101 so the music may have been turned off for that reason? I don't know if the SM audio is linked to the TTA audio in that section?

I hope so! It's almost like the ride wasn't finished with the silent section in it!

While the new narration doesn't ruin the ride for me, I do miss the old narration!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I think it sounds like the same voice that does the Living With The Land ride.

I don't like the new TTA spiel - there's no storyline to it anymore. And that's what Disney attractions are all about - storytelling. It's just advertising Tomorrowland attractions. Not very creative there.
I'm not sure which person you're talking about. The woman in the Space Mountain refurb area, or the entire spiel. The entire spiel is the same person that does the current Living with the Land, I believe. The old Living with the Land narrator had a similar voice to the SM refurb stretch, and I love it.


New Member
What stich stageshow failed?

They built this giant ugly stage and it was one of the worst shows Disney has ever done, possibly one of the shortest lived ever?



Premium Member
They built this giant ugly stage and it was one of the worst shows Disney has ever done, possibly one of the shortest lived ever?


Thanks it was under construction two years ago and this year we did not see it used. I actually do not think the stage is horrible though if used properly for quick shows to help draw crowds away from the congestions points. Maybe they could use it for a wall e tie in since he is so popular!! Lol


Well-Known Member
They built this giant ugly stage and it was one of the worst shows Disney has ever done, possibly one of the shortest lived ever?


Looking at the temp set up for Club 626, they probably could install permanent lighting towers with cloth scrims to reduce the sunlight so they could use it more often.


I remember back in 2008 when my daughter was 6 months old and sleeping in her coach, she and I were waiting for DH and DSs while they rode TTA. We sat under a tree/planter nearby and I kept hearing over and over, "Now approaching, Mickey's Star Traders". Hearing those words is/was such a great memory to me.

Isn't it funny how little things like that make a memory? I don't want to speak for everyone when I say this, but I think for me anyway, I am emotionally attached to many things at Disney, including the old audio. Hearing "NOW APPROACHING SPACE MOUNTAIN" or "PAGING MR MORROW...." are what a Disney trip is all about. Sure, I'll get used to the new audio in time, but I'll miss the way it used to be.

For those who think complaining about the new spiel is petty and doesn't matter because it's only a B attraction you must really not know Disney. Disney is all about the small details and telling the story and making sure everything supports that story. Are we or are we not riding the Tomorrowland Transit Authority? The old spiel supported this story by using phrases like "Now Approaching.." or the classic way things used to be subtly advertised while on the attraction. It felt like you where using a transportation system of the future with announcements for up coming stops and advertisements for local attractions. Plus other smaller details like news, weather and traffic reports. All things that you would hear in a community while visiting a major city. It helped support the story of Tomorrowland '94 on a whole. Now the spiel comes off as a boring, cheep spiel about a section of a theme park and on top of that they have to shove even MORE unnecessary character tie ins DOWN OUR THROATS! (Soon mickey will be narrating our trip up Main Street each time we board the Horse drawn Trolleys!)

Is it as big as a deal as say the yeti not working? Probably not. But does it disrupt the story and over all feel of tomorrowland? Yes, because Tomorrowland is not just some section of a theme park. It is a living community, a downtown, a central hub where creatures, aliens, humans, and robots pass through on their way to work, home, or whatever their final destination is. Not having a spiel on the TTA that supports this story is a pretty big deal to me.

Excellent post! I bolded the most important part. The details are what sets Disney apart. Whether it be the footprints of Lady and Tramp outside Tony's, the gossip phone, or the umbrella that makes it rain on the Streets of's those details that set them apart from other theme parks. I hope Tomorrowland is the next land to get some love. It seems to have lost it's way.


New Member
I was on the TTA a few days ago, and when ii heard about the new audio clip last night, I decided to go to MK just to ride it. I can say that the "paging Mr. Morrow" has been included, tho I think it's different than from what used to play. If my memory is correct, the audio clip used to come on right before caursel of progress? right? and she said something like "your party from venus has arrived" Is that correct? It now says something like "your spaceship is waiting to take you to the moon"


Well-Known Member
I was on the TTA a few days ago, and when ii heard about the new audio clip last night, I decided to go to MK just to ride it. I can say that the "paging Mr. Morrow" has been included, tho I think it's different than from what used to play. If my memory is correct, the audio clip used to come on right before caursel of progress? right? and she said something like "your party from venus has arrived" Is that correct? It now says something like "your spaceship is waiting to take you to the moon"

It was "your party from Saturn has arrived, please give them a ring". A pun about Saturn and it's rings, get it?

So if that's the case while I'm glad they brought back "paging Mr. Morrow" I wish they would have used the entire old clip including the part about Saturn and the rings.

But at least it's an improvement, can't wait until September so I can hear it for myself!


Park History nut
Premium Member
I don't want to speak for everyone when I say this, but I think for me anyway, I am emotionally attached to many things at Disney, including the old audio. Hearing "NOW APPROACHING SPACE MOUNTAIN" or "PAGING MR MORROW...." are what a Disney trip is all about.
But insn`t that all relative and unique to the individual? For me, I know the ride as the WEDway and I can still hear ORAC-1s shrills. I can still imagine turning the corner into the Horizons space scene, with the orchestra pelting out the theme, or Tomorrows Child being interrupted by Cronkite. Great memories, but ones long gone. The nature of memories I guess.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Isn't it funny how little things like that make a memory? I don't want to speak for everyone when I say this, but I think for me anyway, I am emotionally attached to many things at Disney, including the old audio. Hearing "NOW APPROACHING SPACE MOUNTAIN" or "PAGING MR MORROW...." are what a Disney trip is all about. Sure, I'll get used to the new audio in time, but I'll miss the way it used to be.

Its truly amazing how much of a difference little details make. Usually for me it tends to be music or sounds like the Innoventions plaza music, star tunnel music, roar of the test track vehicles, etc that really put me in the WDW mood.


Well-Known Member
It was "your party from Saturn has arrived, please give them a ring". A pun about Saturn and it's rings, get it?

So if that's the case while I'm glad they brought back "paging Mr. Morrow" I wish they would have used the entire old clip including the part about Saturn and the rings.

But at least it's an improvement, can't wait until September so I can hear it for myself!

If they are paging Mr. Morrow about a trip to the moon, they're going way back on that reference.

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