One thing I forgot to add, ....its temporary, but how temporary? I mean it's only March and the movie doesn't come out until December! :shrug:
I am guessing I am the only one who likes the look of them with the Tron stuff on them.
actually, even after the Tron overlay, I think having ALL of the monorails painted a solid color with a white accent strip or something would look pretty sweet! I'm tired of the current look.
But the way I read it is its only going on 2 monorails not the entire fleet, so that angle of the argument is a moot point. Most people here simply don't like change regardless of the positive impact it will have on WDW as a whole. There are a number of people here who feel that all the parks in WDW should be covered in plastic and left as they are for all eternity. This is supposed to be a fan site and I used to enjoy coming here to discuss excitement about new attractions, changes, etc... Now all I ever seem to see is people bickering about how they don't like the changes, or the lack of changes, or a rumor they read about, or a press release, or something. I see more negativity on these boards than anything else these days. Which is why I don't visit as much as I used to, it gets old after a while. :shrug:
Change is great. WDW should constantly be in a state of progression. I just don't think tacky looking stickers promoting a movie that doesn't come out for 9 months is such great change.
I would like to challenge (politefully) all those who insist this overlay is "tacky". How is it tacky and not creative? As I said earlier, for those not familiar with tron, the light cycles, which are depicted at the front of the monorail, leave a colored "trail" behind them. So when the monorails are moving, it cretes the effect of a trail behind the light cycle. So, it is not just an advertisement on the monorail, but an advertisement with a creative purpose as well as a practical one.
And besides, I constantly see folks complaining that we need a new, original e-ticket, yet you critisize an effort to make that a reality. If this movie does well, we will be rewarded with a fantastic ride.
And for those who say they do not like tron, are you familiar with it at all? Have you seen the movie or play the game? The game (Tron 2.0) would actually provide a better feel for what is possible for a ride.
I suppose it is just a taste issue. I do not like the look of this overlay. I also find it very hard to believe the paint scheme will create anything close to the illusion of the light cycles.
A Tron ride is not coming to the parks. Unless I am way off in my feel for this franchise. It just does not have anything to excite the masses. It is a sequel to a decades old movie, that was only mildly successful to begin with. I realize the old Disney Films regime spent a fortune on this movie, and now they have to push the marketing to hopefully get to a break even point. I just do not see it having the popularity to justify a presence in the parks.
Wont somebody please wipe the siemens off of Spaceship Earth.:lookaroun
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