All valid points. Clearly We have been starved for improvements so long that minimal improvement is now exciting and note worthy.
To be fair, this isn't exactly a new development. I remember when they first put the Christmas sweater on Figment and people posted love for that.
Two weeks ago that very same Figment had a broken neck
. I couldn't believe they were actually operating the attraction with an audioanimatronic and such blatantly bad condition. In the very least they should have not had him pop up into view and just you listen to his voice. It would have been less sad than seeing a broken neck Figment try to talk to you.
Oh Walt Disney World, you build some of the most amazing attractions, but just not willing to spend the money to maintain them. All because guests are coming from all over the world to see these amazing world class attractions, but I have a question.
What's the point of putting guest on one of the most amazing attractions ever, like Rise of the Resistance, if so many things are broken that it's not amazing anymore?