Tigger Punches Guest??


Well-Known Member
I just had to respond to this. Tigger is now and forever shall be innocent of all wrong doing. I have seen stupid teens punch, pull and verbally and physically harass these wonderful characters and nothing is ever done to the kids. We unfortunately have become a sue happy nation and people will do anything for a quick buck. I fell at the Boardwalk and broke my arm. When I told people I fell at Disney the first thing they said is "did you sue". No, I didn't. It was my fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I fell. Is this Disney's fault I am clumsy? I think not. I think it is about time parents start controlling there kids and start holding them responsible for their actions instead of blaming someone else. Oh and by the way, trying to make a quick buck off of our kids bad behavior. This was on the Channel 6 news sight and is the actual "incident" report. Please view, it does contain the "victims" address and phone number! Free Tigger, Free Tigger, Free Tigger!:cry:http://www.local6.com/download/2007/0108/10698289.pdf
I predict some folks gettin' quite a few phone-calls in the near future!!!!!

...I, however, would never stoop to that level.


There are other members that may, though...

(just pointing that out)



New Member
Yeah, and Tigger said "Yeah...... AND?!" and then SOCKED 'EM in the face!


I agree with a lot of the things that people have said on here. What's really sad is that the dad is making a big thing out of something so small. I bet it was just a stupid tap and nothing more and they will be much richer when they get a out of court settlement from Disney. The poor CM is going to be that will suffer since he's going to get fired. Disney and other theme parks should have some policy enforced when teens or other people try to abuse the people that are inside the costumes. Infact, where were the handlers at this time?

When I was in Disney in 2004, my fiancee actually hit Buzz Lightyear in the back of the head. He was horseplaying with him (even though I was yelling at him at this point) and Buzz raised his fist at him when I took a picture of the two together. When I look back at it, it's a funny picture but sometimes I thought what would have happened if the CM fought back.


New Member
I'll bet the kid was pulling on the costume causing the poor CM inside to get yanked up in his privates. Tigger should have bitten the brat:fork:

Free Tigger!


I would hope that now that it is coming out about what actually happened, the media would treat this family the same way they have treated Tigger. Run their names through the mud. Expose them as liars. Unfortunately that probably won't happen. But it would be nice. They need to have some consequence for ruining someones life for a quick buck and 15 mins of fame. Maybe a full answering machine?:lookaroun


New Member
kinda hard to yank up on the tigger costumn and managed to injure a performers privates as tiggers crotch is lower then the actors crotch. boils down to if you really wanted to nail the actors cotch you'd have to hit tigger right in the abdomin


Well-Known Member
Alright, I saw the news report this morning on the morning news, and I saw the video footage. They replayed it many times. And, my love for WDW notwithstanding, there is no way that I can see what I saw and not be convinced that Tigger willfully clocked this kid. And frankly, it disturbs me that so many of you are so blinded by your unquestioning love and loyalty to Disney that you will believe anything or make any excuse to vindicate Disney or its employees no matter what the evidence shows. Tigger willfully hit this kid and that's all there is to that.

Now, my question is...why? IMO, there almost has to be a little more to the story than that. And I don't say that because of any blind loyalty to Disney that refuses to believe that there could be any malicious wrongdoing on the part of its employees. I say that because I find it hard to believe that an employee of any company would be so stupid as to randomly hit a total stranger just for the heck of it, knowing that his butt will be out on the street as a result, and possibly facing legal action. It just doesn't seem logical. Even most people in jail for assault had some kind of reason for attacking the person they did. Most of them don't just randomly attack a total stranger for no apparent reason whatsoever. So I find it hard to believe that "Tigger" just got a hankerin' to hit someone for no reason. I have to wonder if this kid did something to provoke it. My first thought was that perhaps a female was wearing the costume and this kid was trying to fiddle with her bra strap using the arm that is behind Tigger. But I was informed that it was a male wearing the costume and that the material is too thick to be able to feel a bra strap anyway.

However, with what we see on the video, even if the kid WAS doing something to provoke it, it couldn't have been anything that serious in nature for us not to be able to notice anything. So whatever it may have been, IMO, it could not have possibly warrented a willful clocking across the face. So again, let's not be so blinded by our love for Disney that we can't acknowledge wrongdoing. The blind loyalty I see by many fans of this site reminds me of the blind loyalty that a battered wife has for her wife beating husband. No matter how many times he clobbers her, she stands behind her man and refuses to admit any wrongdoing on his part. :lookaroun

And, on the flipside, I also have to wonder how in the world a slap across the face by a padded hand could cause so many hours of pain to this kid. Either he is a total wuss, or he is trying to milk this thing for all it's worth. Next thing you know, he will be sitting in court with a neckbrace on. :lookaroun

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member

rather than any of us rehash why we think what we think, it's probably best to read the thread again. I know it sounds snarky, especially since it's no longer a thread but a novel, but many of us looked at the same footage you did, time and time again. Call me biased, but weaved throughout arguments and insults and bickering, you'll find cogent reasons for people believing that the CM either acted out of self-defense OR accidentally made contact (as has been pointed out, there's no peripheral vision in the mask, as the CM sees through Tigger's nose, so anyone could argue the CM possibly was flailing for breath and not trying to make contact with the kid's head).

Sure, you'll find a few people making very pure, from-the-heart, "Tigger would NEVER do that" comments. But that ain't all of them, and after over 40 pages of discussion, it's a little insulting to tag on with a comment like " it disturbs me that so many of you are so blinded by your unquestioning love and loyalty to Disney that you will believe anything or make any excuse to vindicate Disney or its employees no matter what the evidence shows." I'm not exactly walking through airports dressed like Piglet handing out flowers and trying to convert people to the Church Of Disneyocity. I developed my opinion after seeing the same news stories and interviews you did. I see a kid pulling down on the back of Tigger's costume in a way that the CM either can't breathe or gets worried the whole costume could tear which would compromise the illusion WDW tries to foster that the characters are real. The CM couldn't see where the kid was, possibly couldn't breathe, and wanted to get the kid off of him before the costume ripped or he suffocated. Does that sound ILlogical? Does that sound like blind loyalty?

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but many people made an effort to state their opinion as clearly and eloquently as possible. We're not stupid, and a comment like yours comes across as mightily faceitious. Let's not make this thread 40 pages longer with admonishments to keep it civil. Let's just say that you saw the footage, you think the CM deliberately hit the kid and you want to know why, WITHOUT lumping in everyone who disagrees with you as blindly loyal.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for a report of the first cyber attack against the family's home computer by an outraged Disney addict.

Slightly OT:

I'd rather be beaten up by 2 nuns than caught dead in a pair of figure skates.

Iakona, bacK atcha:

If Figure Skating was easy, they'd call it Hockey.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Alright, I saw the news report this morning on the morning news, and I saw the video footage. They replayed it many times. And, my love for WDW notwithstanding, there is no way that I can see what I saw and not be convinced that Tigger willfully clocked this kid. And frankly, it disturbs me that so many of you are so blinded by your unquestioning love and loyalty to Disney that you will believe anything or make any excuse to vindicate Disney or its employees no matter what the evidence shows. Tigger willfully hit this kid and that's all there is to that.

Now, my question is...why? IMO, there almost has to be a little more to the story than that. And I don't say that because of any blind loyalty to Disney that refuses to believe that there could be any malicious wrongdoing on the part of its employees. I say that because I find it hard to believe that an employee of any company would be so stupid as to randomly hit a total stranger just for the heck of it, knowing that his butt will be out on the street as a result, and possibly facing legal action. It just doesn't seem logical. Even most people in jail for assault had some kind of reason for attacking the person they did. Most of them don't just randomly attack a total stranger for no apparent reason whatsoever. So I find it hard to believe that "Tigger" just got a hankerin' to hit someone for no reason. I have to wonder if this kid did something to provoke it. My first thought was that perhaps a female was wearing the costume and this kid was trying to fiddle with her bra strap using the arm that is behind Tigger. But I was informed that it was a male wearing the costume and that the material is too thick to be able to feel a bra strap anyway.

However, with what we see on the video, even if the kid WAS doing something to provoke it, it couldn't have been anything that serious in nature for us not to be able to notice anything. So whatever it may have been, IMO, it could not have possibly warrented a willful clocking across the face. So again, let's not be so blinded by our love for Disney that we can't acknowledge wrongdoing. The blind loyalty I see by many fans of this site reminds me of the blind loyalty that a battered wife has for her wife beating husband. No matter how many times he clobbers her, she stands behind her man and refuses to admit any wrongdoing on his part. :lookaroun

And, on the flipside, I also have to wonder how in the world a slap across the face by a padded hand could cause so many hours of pain to this kid. Either he is a total wuss, or he is trying to milk this thing for all it's worth. Next thing you know, he will be sitting in court with a neckbrace on. :lookaroun

If you ask me, there's more evidence that Tigger accidentally hit that kid rather than willingly hitting him. And its really not blind loyalty to Disney. Just IMO.


Well-Known Member

I see a kid pulling down on the back of Tigger's costume in a way that the CM either can't breathe or gets worried the whole costume could tear which would compromise the illusion WDW tries to foster that the characters are real. The CM couldn't see where the kid was, possibly couldn't breathe, and wanted to get the kid off of him before the costume ripped or he suffocated. Does that sound ILlogical? Does that sound like blind loyalty?

If the person was genuinely in danger of being suffocated, then hitting the kid would be logical. But, as much as they want to keep the magic alive, IMO, that can't justify clocking the kid just because he was ripping the costume. To me, that isn't a "whack the kid upside the head" offense. Especially if what I hear is correct, that the material is pretty thick anyway. That was one of the arguments against my theory that the kid could have been trying to snap her bra (if it was a female in the costume). If that material is so thick that you can't pick at a bra underneath, then I would assume it would be thick enough that there is no danger in tearing it from behind.

My first thought was that the kid was starting to lose balance and Tigger was trying to reach back to help him and accidentally hit him as he/she moved his/her arm back. However, that theory fell when we noticed that, prior to hitting the kid, Tigger grabbed the kids arm and put it in sort of an arm lock, and then proceeded to clock him in the face. So it seems pretty intentional to me.

Now, I can't see what the kid was doing with his other arm, so he very well may have been doing something stupid behind Tigger's back. But like I said, it doesn't look like anything threatening enough to warrant such a strike.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Let me try to restate this, so everyone understands. :lol:

The fact that someone wears a "gothy" looking outfit doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make him a punk.

I respectfully disagree. I studied punk culture in a class on subcultures. This kid has followed enough trends to constitiute him as a punk. There is nothing wrong with calling him that. It's obvious to me that this is what his clothes and accessories connote.


New Member
Guys, we all know what this is. This is a punk kid who is able to run rampant through universal Studios, cause, well, they want bad behaving teens to run that park. Then, this punk goes to Disney, and because he can fight Shrek, he figures he can do it to Tigger to. So, as the video shows, he TUGS HARD on Tigger, causing the CM to lose his/her balance, twist around to try to regain their balance, and they accidently come in contact with that punk's face.

Good riddence to this family. Go to Universal for now on. Now their attendance will double to what? 2 people????

Or maybe, this is a Universal Studios employee who needed to get Disney's name in the paper with some bad press because they are trying to cover up a rape that occured there. Oh, how long before news media picked up that story about the rape in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS??? IN THE PARK!!! IN THE QUEUE FOR THE RIDE....

:mad: Watch what you say about Universal! Im a WDW lover but Universal is also a great place, I like it better than Disney. Why? Because Disney is ruining their parks with pixar garbage and Universal still has a lot of the classics like Earthquake, Jaws, Back to the Future, Horror Make up show. and IOA is an amazing park.

Things happen at theme parks The CM was having a bad day, or maybee he was being playfull The family over-reacted. Correct me if Im wrong but this isnt the first time tigger has been in trouble.


Well-Known Member
:mad: Watch what you sat about Universal! Im a WDW lover but Universal is also a great place, I like it better than Disney. Why? Because Disney is ruining their parks with pixar garbage and Universal still has a lot of the classics like Earthquake, Jaws, Back to the Future, Horror Make up show. and IOA is an amazing park.

Things happen at theme parks The CM was having a bad day, or maybee he was being playfull The family over-reacted. Correct me if Im wrong but this isnt the first time tigger has been in trouble.

Welcome to the boards.

...and a hell of an entrance, I might add!


New Member
I'm more than a little concerned about this line in the report:

The report was taken at 10 pm, and the incident occurred at 12:30 pm. 9 1/2 hours later. How can contact that didn't knock the kid's glasses off leave a red mark visible 9 1/2 hours later?

I think there are many unanswered questions about this while incident.

What red mark?


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