Tigger Punches Guest??


New Member
well it just ovet to great britain on the morning news!!!
i watched it a few times and you can see the pull pulling on tigger causing him to lose his balance, tigger then turns, trying to grab something to stop himself falling over the fencing. it just happens to be the kids face he grabs at. the boy is even laughing during the whole thing.those costumes must be really difficult to see out of and when you now youve got a low fence behind you with what looks like a fair drop, your orientation is not going to be very good.poor tigger i hope winnie gives him some extra hunney for that,pity it wasnt his tail that knocked the kid over the fence now theres a story!


I gotta tell you guys...I am from their hometown and know of the family. They are WELL known around town for causing trouble and their kids are always in trouble in class...people in town are NOT backing them!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I gotta disagree with you Askmike1, for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction or so we were taught..... I ran tests and seems to hold true. Course I also got to play with mercury in school too, I don't think they let you do that anymore...... There 's a reason "cause and effect" are taught at the same time...they both mean something and one is the reslt of the other......or at least I thought it was.....Guess the bottom line would be.........if you indeed don't care...which you obviously do, judging by you posts, then stop posting to something you care nothing about. Honestly, I never saw anything by the Union Rep that stated "Hitting"...... Simply put, if you were being choked ,you'd try and get out the situation too,anyone would.... If you say "no" to this......then you are simply fooling yourself.
Chemistry class ruled. Where can I get more Magnesium and Gallium? Anybody know?


Well-Known Member
Informal poll to stir the pot.

How many people that say "Tigger was Justified" or "The Kid Deserved It" are also gun owners?

This is a domino effect of tragic events.

Tragic that the boy acted the way he did to start it.

Tragic that Tigger either "accidently" / "reflexivly" / or had a "lapse of judgment" and raked the eyes of the boy.

Tragic the family reacted they way they did to force this into becoming an issue.

Unless it wasn't a PURE ACCIDENT, Tigger IS NOT IN ANY SITUATION justified in any violent interaction w/guests. It is his job he if risking if he does. Even if it is a "reflexive" action, it still shouldn't EVER happen. It's like a police officer's responsibility with his gun. Use it only if there is IMMEDIATE NEED. Again, it may be a PURE ACCIDENT, which is what the investigation will find.

But Tigger should never "control" guests. I've been in costume, and it sucks, but even a kick in the crotch is something that you just "have to take".

But saying the boy got what he had coming is many things that would get me banned from the site for violating the TOS. Lets listen to Mom and no personal attacks when we KNOW NOTHING beyond the few seconds of video that did leak.


New Member
I'm more than a little concerned about this line in the report:

The report was taken at 10 pm, and the incident occurred at 12:30 pm. 9 1/2 hours later. How can contact that didn't knock the kid's glasses off leave a red mark visible 9 1/2 hours later?

I think there are many unanswered questions about this while incident.


Actually, that report was made SUNDAY NIGHT, they spent SATURDAY NIGHT at the hospital. The incident happened at 12:30 FRIDAY AFTERNOON.

That's more than 9 1/2 hours. And a LOT of actions that could have caused it.

I can see it now...

Police: Did you by any chance ride Rockin' Rollercoaster, Star Tours, Big Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain after the incident?
Kid: Uh... er... no?
Police: Yeah, ok. Right. Then whats with this picture of you on Rockin' Rollercoaster on Saturday?

Hahahah. Punk.

Besides, I dare him to prove that his dad didn't punch him for effect.


This family will end up suffering.

Just hear me out.

You know when the dust has settled, the family probaly will be the one to suffer the most... because of the actions of the father. Looking at the video you have 3 maybe 4 innocent people involved. Tigger, 2 siblings and maybe even the mother. IMO, the teen instigated this and Tigger was trying to break free or re-balance or something. This is not an excuse for the teen, but teens will be teens. The father is the one that should be ashamed. He is draging his family name through the mud for a few bucks. I have not seen a video where the mother is in the interviews with the son and the father. That, and based on how she appears to be genuinley enjoying her day with her family, leads me to believe that she is not sold on this and that this is the fathers doings. So when the dust settles, I predict, Tigger will be freed, Disney's name will be ok, the Magic will continue but this family will suffer. The boy will eventually break down and admit to his dad that he provoked tigger, the dad, embarassed by his own actions will take it out on his son, the mom will then stand with her son causing division with her husband and probably a break down of their family. The 2 siblings will be the ones that really suffer and I feel for them. The dad should treat mom and the other 2 siblings to another trip without him or the oldest son and he should apologize to his family. Speaking as a Dad and husband myself, this burden is on him.


Well-Known Member
Actually, that report was made SUNDAY NIGHT, they spent SATURDAY NIGHT at the hospital. The incident happened at 12:30 FRIDAY AFTERNOON.
That's more than 9 1/2 hours. And a LOT of actions that could have caused it.
I can see it now...
Police: Did you by any chance ride Rockin' Rollercoaster, Star Tours, Big Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain after the incident?
Kid: Uh... er... no?
Police: Yeah, ok. Right. Then whats with this picture of you on Rockin' Rollercoaster on Saturday?

Hahahah. Punk.
Besides, I dare him to prove that his dad didn't punch him for effect.

And the funny part is, those pictures are stored for a while now :) Here Becky, let me punch you in the face so we can claim we got slapped by "Otis"!


Well-Known Member
Just hear me out.

You know when the dust has settled, the family probaly will be the one to suffer the most... because of the actions of the father. Looking at the video you have 3 maybe 4 innocent people involved. Tigger, 2 siblings and maybe even the mother. IMO, the teen instigated this and Tigger was trying to break free or re-balance or something. This is not an excuse for the teen, but teens will be teens. The father is the one that should be ashamed. He is draging his family name through the mud for a few bucks. I have not seen a video where the mother is in the interviews with the son and the father. That, and based on how she appears to be genuinley enjoying her day with her family, leads me to believe that she is not sold on this and that this is the fathers doings. So when the dust settles, I predict, Tigger will be freed, Disney's name will be ok, the Magic will continue but this family will suffer. The boy will eventually break down and admit to his dad that he provoked tigger, the dad, embarassed by his own actions will take it out on his son, the mom will then stand with her son causing division with her husband and probably a break down of their family. The 2 siblings will be the ones that really suffer and I feel for them. The dad should treat mom and the other 2 siblings to another trip without him or the oldest son and he should apologize to his family. Speaking as a Dad and husband myself, this burden is on him.
Wow, that was very deep. I never thought of it from the mother's point of view ...


New Member
Nothing official ...

but from what I've 'heard', he's doing OK (and glad for all the support).

Okay. I love your avatar, Disneydata. I'm so glad you did it after the evening we had! The LED pendant seriously made my night, thanks!

And I'm so glad that Tigger has such a great support system from so many people! Reading these posts makes me feel SO much better about it all!

Did anyone notice that the Gators' victory bumped the story off the news today? Maybe that's a good sign. It seems that its all going away, slowly.

Maybe he'll be able to get back to his life soon, his real life.


Well-Known Member
I would not be surprised to see this as a set up well planned prior to the trip.

Exactly the point I was trying to make a couple of pages back. And IF the family is notorious for causing trouble...well...then the chances are greater I think.


Well-Known Member
I gotta tell you guys...I am from their hometown and know of the family. They are WELL known around town for causing trouble and their kids are always in trouble in class...people in town are NOT backing them!

Thanks for checking in Beckie!!!!! Not terribly surprising!!!!!! Have a Magical Day!!! Belle


New Member
i was half jokingly thinking: if the dad wanted a reimbursement for his trip, he could have at least said so! $5mil law suit? the trip prolly cost them no more that $5k!


Active Member
The more that I watch the video, it looks like the kid was trying to do something to Tigger and in the act of doing this, the kid got what was coming to him for doing that to Tigger. Now thinking about it even though the person in the costrume touch a guest not what Disney likes unless it is meant, he clearly lost his footing and went over to grab something that was near him and he ended up hitting the kid. He should not get fired for what the kid did. Another thing is we don't know how long he worked for the company. If he is within the first 90 days he could get fired for touching another guest. But if he is after those 890 days he could just get suspended for it. I can not wait to see what they are going to do with him.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Unless it wasn't a PURE ACCIDENT, Tigger IS NOT IN ANY SITUATION justified in any violent interaction w/guests. It is his job he if risking if he does. Even if it is a "reflexive" action, it still shouldn't EVER happen. It's like a police officer's responsibility with his gun. Use it only if there is IMMEDIATE NEED. Again, it may be a PURE ACCIDENT, which is what the investigation will find.

I'm not big on pointing out grammatical errors, but in this case, it totally reverses the meaning of the sentence, and so it's a little confusing.

Did you mean to begin that paragraph with "Unless it WAS a PURE ACCIDENT, Tigger IS NOT IN ANY SITUATION justified in any violent interaction w/guests?" (and actually, I could be wrong. It might be "Unless it were a pure accident?" Any English teachers in the hizz wanna help out?)


New Member
This event highlights how much our society has deteriorated. Can anything just be an accident or unforturnate event? Must there always be blame, and "someone must pay?"

I will admit, the first time I viewed the video I thought there was no way that Tigger "accidentally" hit the kid. It does look as if he is throwing a left hook. But after viewing it another 40 times, it is pretty clear what happened. I know that so many 14 year old kids are wiseguys and think they are funny, but it looks to me as if this kid was just being goofy and trying to get in the picture with Tigger. He approaches from the side at a very awkward angle near the curb. I think he may have just grabbed onto Tigger's back for support, but it is clear he is pulling Tigger's head back. Tigger cannot breathe, and his handler is not there to seperate the kid from Tigger. He cannot speak, and really needs to breathe so his right arm clamps down on the offending teen arm and he spins around quickly. He is obviously reaching for the kids arm to disconnect it from his costume and connects with the kid's face. If this was done in anger, I doubt the anger would dissipate so quickly that Tigger would then put his arm around the kid's shoulder.

This was just an unfortunate and unintentional chain of events, I believe on both sides. It is quite a shame and a symptom of what has happened to us as a society that Dad feels the need to completely overreact and become sue happy.:mad: This poor guy has probably lost his job over something so ridiculous. Son will be humiliated for life and will probably need counseling. All because Dad could not admit an accident was an accident. To claim the child was seriously injured is ridiculous. His head is tossed around more on rollercoasters and even the teacups than the slight shove he got from Tigger.

Disney, we want Tigger to keep his job!!!:sohappy: :sohappy:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Yes what I think Tigger did was in self defense, however I do not agree with it. We are all instilled with the fight or flight syndrome. As a Disney Character, I believe that they should at all cost use flight as their mechanism. If you observe Tigger had nothing blocking him to his left. What would have been wrong with stepping to the left breaking the child's hold. He could have then informed his handler of the situation and had this family removed from the park. Liability in this scenario 0%. By all means I am not saying what Tigger did is wrong, but he could have handled the situation more professionally.

There's probably no peripheral vision in the costume. You can only see out of the hole in the schnozz. That's why there's always a handler or "friend" nearby to help the cast members in costume out (though naturally they stay out of the photos). So in this instance, "Tigger" has a couple of kids directly in front of him, almost on him (so any sudden motion might knock THEM over), a fence behind him (that he could easily stumble on or over, especially since he's got the padded butt and tail), no peripheral vision, and he's got a teenager hanging a chunk of his weight on his right. If the CM moves to the left, the kid could lose HIS balance and fall, and since he's holding on to the costume, he could take the CM down at the same time, and perhaps cause damage to the costume where the kids will see the CM inside of it.

And like the cop analogy you mentioned, the CM only had a second to decide the best course of action. Maybe it wasn't the right one, but I could just as easily see bad things happening had he "just stepped to the right" as well. Sounds to me like, intentional or not, the family put the CM in a lose-lose situation.

And even if he chose "flight," Tigger then has no choice but to either a: pose for another picture and risk it happening all over again, or b: walking away and risk the family saying that Tigger burned them out of a treasured magical moment, g.d. it, this ain't the happiest place on earth, ya humps, and still have to deal with Disney management suspending him.

Like I said, it seems lose-lose to me. Sorry I gotta disagree with you.

Oh, and SJFPKT? Just one more question, if you don't mind. If you're a "4th generation police officer," doesn't that mean that you had at least one parent, one grandparent and one great-grandparent who were/are police officers? Because you then go on to mention that both of your parents are lawyers. Were they police officer AND lawyers? Police officers BEFORE lawyers?

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