slappy magoo
Well-Known Member
I don't think it would be a strategy that would work in the long run. Let's say they offered a settlement that was insultingly low and the family thought they could get more out of Disney if they sued. Well now Disney would have hurt their credibility because the family would now be able to say, "They offered to settle, which means they know we have a case". Some would interpret it as an admission of guilt.
and then the hammer comes down. Companies like Disney have a lot of lawyers on hand, all the time and the money necessary to investigate anyone trying to sue. If the family has a high amount of debt, they'll find out. No money in the college fud, wdw will find out. any skeletons in your closet that can't be used in a court of law but you'd never want anyone to know? wdw will find out. And they'll still manage to come across as honest businessmen protecting the reputation of their company, their character & their employees while making the Monacos look like money-grubbing shameless opportunists. They will be dragged through the mud, and it'll always hang over their head. The pittance of the settlement is meant to be insulting. Maybe I come from more cynical stock, but if the monacos were offered 3k and took it, I'd think they looked more guilty. If they had a case, they wouldn't settle at all. Accepting the low figure means they know they aren't going to win, and it's that or nothing. It's not a settlement; it's an investment in schadenfreude.