Tigger Punches Guest??


Well-Known Member
just another note ---
*the father claimed in his police statement that the event occurred on Friday at 12:30pm
*the video shows a sunny day
*I was at the park the same day probably within 100ft of the incident at the time of the incident and it was rather cloudy at that time

so I think that the incident occurred on Saturday and the family is just pulling a scam

and why did the father record the phone conversation? unless he had plans of his own...

this just reads scam!


Well-Known Member
Juan, I think it's possible that it did occur on Friday even though you remember the weather being cloudy that day. I work very, very close to where that video was captured, and Tigger is only there in the morning until around 12:50 so if it happened at 12:30 it makes sense.


I stand behind the CM. They get treated badly at times. It looks to me the kid is messing around and trying to pull Tiggers head off. You can see Tigger pull his right arm down to keep the kid from pulling or pinching Tigger.

We went to WDW in April and most people treat Mickey & co well and with respect. I told my kids to be nice to them as they are busy greeting everyone.


If that's getting clocked in the face then dad's got a glass chin. Should have ended there. Dad will probably make the kid wear a neckbrace to school.


OH GAWD!!!!! They're on the CBS Morning show with a lawyer!!!!!!!

And the story has changed again.

Now the father is saying Tigger has been appearing to be aggressive while he was shooting stills and then was a bit off when a little girl asked for a autograph and then clocked his kid for no reason!!!!!!

And the lawyer is saying all they want is an apoligize?!?!?!?! When do you call a lawyer for that?

Give me a break!!!!!!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, coming into this really late, i know that this point has probably been made.... i dont know what happened, but really, if you think that is a punch then obviously you havent been in a real fight. i would call that a "love pat".


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I agree. That was not a punch.

This is what it looks like when tigger throws a punch.


well, i guess this is the "other" extreme. back in the day, the father would have either told his son to punch him back and not be a wuss, or would have punched him for him.

but now we sue for apologies. i bet this kid gets beat up for this when he gets home.

what is more embarrasing: putting this in the vault and living with the fact that you had an weird situation with tigger on vacation or coming out in the media acting like tigger clocked you to the ground only to watch the video and wonder when the punch is actually coming. this kid is doomed.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member

well, i guess this is the "other" extreme. back in the day, the father would have either told his son to punch him back and not be a wuss, or would have punched him for him.

but now we sue for apologies. i bet this kid gets beat up for this when he gets home.

what is more embarrasing: putting this in the vault and living with the fact that you had an weird situation with tigger on vacation or coming out in the media acting like tigger clocked you to the ground only to watch the video and wonder when the punch is actually coming. this kid is doomed.
If it comes out that this kid was lying and provoked the reaction I can only hope that he suffers the same fate as "the Jedi kid".


New Member
So, when is Tigger gonna tell his side of the story?

(I just wanted to imagine BeckyLSawyer's head spinning. :lol: ) :wave:

After careful consideration, I wouldn't call it a punch. A punch is manly. I'd say it's more like... well, it's a kind of slap. Rhymes with Stitch Cap. :)


Well-Known Member
Well that took a while, I got in on one of the early pages and it seems to be getting more rediculous. One of the rar/race forums got wind of the story and they think the same thing.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
If it comes out that this kid was lying and provoked the reaction I can only hope that he suffers the same fate as "the Jedi kid".

ahhh, i forgot about that guy. yey, wait until his generation gets a hold of this vid. he will probably end up moving or something. well, maybe not, his daddy will just sue again to get the other kids to stop making fun of him.

The Mom

Premium Member
I know that many of you think this is a humorous situation, and that's within your rights, but please remember that a castmember's job is on the line, and even his freedom if he is found guilty of assault.

But, if the guest really was hit (and I have my own opinions on that) it's very cruel to make fun of him and his family just because of the way they look or talk.

I'm also tired of the bickering, and the totally inappropriate or nonsensical remarks.

PLAY NICE!!!! :mad:

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