Tigger Is Innocent!


In one of the other thread on this, a former "friend of Tigger" told what it is like to be Tigger and yes if there was pulling where this kid was pulling it will cause strangling of "Tigger".

So if we go by people who KNOW what it is like I would tend to believe them. Besides the kids face all the way up to the slap had the look of "I'm going to try something I think is funny."


Account Suspended
In one of the other thread on this, a former "friend of Tigger" told what it is like to be Tigger and yes if there was pulling where this kid was pulling it will cause strangling of "Tigger".

So if we go by people who KNOW what it is like I would tend to believe them. Besides the kids face all the way up to the slap had the look of "I'm going to try something I think is funny."

I believe that it could cause strangling if the costume is pulled in just the wrong way, but it's impossible to tell from the video that this is what the kid was doing. People are just assuming that.

Nor can you presume to know so specifically what the kid was thinking, simply by the expression on his face. Quite frankly, all we can say for sure is that the kid is smiling. The last time I checked, smiling at Disney World was not a crime.


Account Suspended

Watch video and I think you might agree. Watch the kid's arm and Tigger.

Yes smiling isn't a crime but I know that smile because I se and my kids did when they were going to do something they hope they can get away with.

I've watched the video plenty of times. And I can't tell (nor can you or anyone else) what the kid is thinking just from the expression on his face. The only thing that we know, and see, clearly is that Tigger slapped him.


Well-Known Member
Dude, what do you have against Tigger? He was trying to defend himself. And I say that because it's the truth, not just because I am such a "big Disney fan".


New Member
OK, first off I am from Boston and resent any comments made about how my accent can equal trash. Second, I have been working for the Disney Company for ten years, two of that in Entertainment, and know full well that that kid was trying to do something with Tigger's neck fur. Third, my family knows Jerry Monaco Sr and he isnt the most honest person in the world. He was always looking for ways to make a quick buck and I guess this is his latest venture. I'm glad to see his son is a chip off the old block(head). :hammer:


Account Suspended
Dude, what do you have against Tigger? He was trying to defend himself. And I say that because it's the truth, not just because I am such a "big Disney fan".

I'm a big Disney fan too! And I have absolutely nothing against Tigger. Tigger is actually my favorite Disney character. If you saw my office at work, it would become immediately apparent to you that I love Tigger. It is because of those reasons (I love Tigger AND Disney) that I'm angry with the CM over this.

The Mom

Premium Member
I just deleted the last three posts, because I refuse to watch another thread on this topic deteriorate into a free for all.

Either behave, or stop posting, but let the people who just want to express an opinion (rather than start an argument) continue to post.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Thought Tigger Supporters would enjoy this...

I was at Downtown Disney last night at Guest Relations with two friends and we told the CM's behind the counter that "We Support Tigger!". The CM's smiled and chuckled a bit, then one of them leaned over and quietly said "We support Tigger too!"

Just thought i would share that .......

I made my statement by wearing my Tigger trading pin too.....



New Member
If that had happened to me when I was a kid, the first thing my Dad would have asked me was what I did to cause that. Some parents today don't believe that their "little angels" would ever do anything wrong, and if something does happen, it must be someone elses fault.:brick:

I agree. As a child I was taught personal boundaries and to respect other people. If I did something wrong, I was punished for it no matter what. I learned what was right and what was not right. Life has changed I know, however ultimate respect of a person, or Charater's, personal boundaries is something that can best be taught by example. Obviously the dad was never taught this or chooses not to enforce it in his family. He's gonna have his hands full later in life.

Banning this family from any Disney park is not harsh. It should happen more often. This CM's personal safety was violated.:fork:
Why there is not focus on that baffles me.
Yes, every character has an attendant, but step back and watch them sometimes. I have often seen them chatting with each other while the character is standing for photos or autographing books.

To those parents out there who are trying to teach their children the correct way of interacting in public, my hat's off to you.
:sohappy: Keep up the good work!!!! I can see the difference in children of parents who work hard on enforcing positive manners and interactions with other people. It isn't easy to be a parent and to take the time to be positive with your kids is the greatest gift you can give them!!!!:D


Well-Known Member
I think it boils down to this........
Lets be real......
What really makes more sense-stop and think

Tigger out of the blue assaulting a guest???????This makes NOOOO sense at all-even if agrivated by the kid.How many people are obnoxious that Tigger deals with on a a daily basis=IM SURE HES USED TO IT.

OR----- Tigger either pushing Jerry Jr in self defense away to protect himself????
Im not C.S.I but its pretty obvious what happened and the mass majority agree.I think Jerry Monaco needs to be banned from WDW Parks.

Ladies and gentleman of the Jury I thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
Check it out-even more proof of what happened....
and through the union Tigger had no idea he had hit the boy until after it was tool late.
Never thought of the "pulling the tail theory" until now


New Member
CM is inocent

Tigger was choked by the kid pulling his costume at the neck. Disney suspended the character with pay and since has returned to work. Disney will not pay the family anything and admits no wrong doing. They refuse to apologize since they believe they have nothing to apologize for. Someone ought to chock that kid and see how he might react.

The CM is the nicest person you could know. He is the guy who helps the lady(she has arthritis) with the disabled child. If he sees her in the store he will a 1/2 hour if necessary to help put the child in the car, unload and load the groceries then help load the wheel chair.

If this goes to court this family will testify, do you think a court will side with the out for money family?


New Member
I was at Downtown Disney last night at Guest Relations with two friends and we told the CM's behind the counter that "We Support Tigger!". The CM's smiled and chuckled a bit, then one of them leaned over and quietly said "We support Tigger too!"

I had a similar experience! My cousin and I had our Tigger shirts and Tigger pins on and got quite a few looks from oblivious guests but the CM's gave us knowing looks and we let out a few of our own "Free Tigger!"s and "We Support Tigger!"s and got a few in return.

This is obviously a plot for some quick cash by the family and is ridiculous. I just hope Disney can realize this and fights for the CM, who is clearly the victim here.

Just my $.02 :animwink:

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