Things that gross you out in WDW.


Naturally Grumpy
Those big beetle looking bugs...I think they are called Palmetto bugs. I was at Fantasmic one night and the lights came on after the show and all you saw was millions of these larger-then-my-dog sized cockroach looking bugs. And what stands out most in my mind is the little kid smacking at them with one of those lighted up swords trying to squish them. And when that didn't work he stepped on them. Still gives me the shivers thinking about it.

(psssst. palmetto bug is just southern polite for big flying cockroach! :lookaroun)


what grosses me out? guests....I never cease to be amazed at what some people would wear, do and act in public...:(


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure of the species technical name but I believe they are known as "Love Bugs". If you have been to WDW in the end of April and through May they are everywhere. SICK:hurl:


New Member
Not a lot about WDW grosses me out but three things immediately come to mind:

1: The stench of the foam in the logs of Splash Mountain. That sour, moist padding just doesn't do it for me.

2. The water in Small World, Splash, Pirates, etc. And I really can't stand when people dip their hands in that water then flick it on other people. (A poncho is a must for me on Splash, if not it's got to be the last ride of the night.)

3. Stinky people, stinky shoes, stinky clothes...especially the ones that forget deodorant. Or don't shower, or wear clean clothes...come on folks. (Perhaps Disney should provide a travel size in the room just as a gentle suggestion?:p)

That's all for now.


New Member
-The other guests

-Turkey legs (I'm join' the club!)

-The other guests

-people who throw food on the ground to feed the birds a la Mary Poppins

-the lack of cleaning in certain parts of WDW

-The other guests

-SGE (gross out humour outside of Temple of Doom is not fun!)

Did I mention the other guests?

Totally agree!! I don't know why but people really get nasty when they're at the World.

In addition to those:
- the smell of musty water on Splash
- gum on rides, tables, or seats
- fresh spit on the sidewalks


Active Member
Those iron bars at the POTC ride. You know how many people touch those things with whatnots on their fingers over the course of the day.


Well-Known Member
For me its noise pollution. Some folks have an overpowering tone to their voice and must constantly be on the phone. When not on the phone they're filming with the phone. When the rides over they're giving a review to someone back home never realizing they do not need a phone. Thats how loud they are. Oh, and that kid who can't stop texting, I mean really kid, your folks paid an arm and a leg for the trip, the least you can do is fake being interested. These types absolutely disgust me to the point of which I'll pass on a ride or show just to not have to stand next to them for the next half-hour.


New Member
I love me some turkey legs and I'm even strangely fond of the love bugs...
but what grosses me out is:

1) the B.O of some of the guests
2)This area right on the bridge to Dinoland in DAK where, if the breeze hits just right, you smell complete dumpster trash. Ugh.


Active Member
While not gross, I agree. They come to Disney in droves and it makes me mad because the waits for rides and shows are longer because of them.

Like americans behave properly when they come here...
And think about all the money brazilians spent in Disney, if we stop going the loss will be huge (economically).


Active Member
The bathrooms just outside of Kali River Rapids usually are pretty bad. Kids shoe-less, and stagnant water in puddles everywhere.

Garbage/Litter really annoys me. It's not a 'gross' factor, but it will absolutely drive me crazy. Especially when it's in a place where I can't at least pick it up myself (on rides).

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