Things that gross you out in WDW.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Two gross things...kid related. A mother changing a very soiled diaper right out in the open, say on the lounge chair next to you...for a kid that looks like they should be out of diapers by now.

That same kid, now running into the wave pool, and knowing that soon that diaper will be soiled again......


Well-Known Member
My wife and daughter got a case of Motezuma's revenge while there this week. My daughter is 6 and loves to touch everything. I also witnessed many people not washing hands in the bathroom. At first I thought it was food poisoning since I didn't get it, but I think it was something they picked up. I am very conscientious about keeping my hands away from my face and do not touch handrails.


That is another thing that I forgot, not washing hands after using the restroom. I have seen mothers changing dirty diapers and not wash their hands. :hurl: My DH says that he sees it all the time in the mens restroom. That's just GROSS!! I never touch the door when we leave a public restroom with my bare hand. :hurl:

I have to admit, I try not to touch handrails or anything if I don't have to. Just thinking about things like that gross me out.

I have not done this at Disney, because the bathrooms are incredibly clean considering how many people come in and out of them, but there have been times where I have told my 4 year old not to wash his hands in a public sink. Seriously - some of them are so gross, I can't see touching the faucet to turn it on and in most cases they don't have paper towels to use as a barrier or if they do, you have to touch the gross lever to get them out. In my opinion, it kind of defeats he purpose. I sometimes get some looks, but I feel better just giving him some anti bacterial gel from my purse once we are out and don't have to touch door handles and stuff.


When we were there last, only one thing really grossed me out. It was the guy sitting across from me waiting for the train in animal Kingdom. He took his shoes off and was picking his toes and rubbing his bare feet. Yuck!


I think the turkey legs are...delicious! Their beautiful, meaty texture with the flesh of heaven. Chewing the skin of a roasted animal...yum!

Sorry everybody ;)

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
-The other guests

-Turkey legs (I'm join' the club!)

-The other guests

-people who throw food on the ground to feed the birds a la Mary Poppins

-the lack of cleaning in certain parts of WDW

-The other guests

-SGE (gross out humour outside of Temple of Doom is not fun!)

Did I mention the other guests?

Ha ha ..nice. I will have to agree, it is usually the 'other Guests' that provide the gross-factor to my WDW experience. I can handle bird poo here and there in the Park...i can handle maybe a 'protein spill' outside of well as watching a tiger at Animal Kingdom crouch by the water and then poo with seemingly ballet-like agility....and maybe even a scene one may come on in a restroom after somene previously had a 'accident'...

...but i CANNOT handle watching a Guest change their childs' messy, stinking diaper on top of a trash can in FULL PUBLIC VIEW...while the child ( who seemed a little too old for a diaper..) is held up kicking and screaming while 'Mom' cleans off the rather soiled bare bottom. Did i mention it was in full public view? On WDW Property?

Gad...the horror...........



Well-Known Member
That is another thing that I forgot, not washing hands after using the restroom. I have seen mothers changing dirty diapers and not wash their hands. :hurl: My DH says that he sees it all the time in the mens restroom. That's just GROSS!! I never touch the door when we leave a public restroom with my bare hand. :hurl:

I have to admit, I try not to touch handrails or anything if I don't have to. Just thinking about things like that gross me out.

Guys are the WORST for not washing their hands after going and you are right, that is just plain gross. I will try not to touch the faucet or door handle if I can help it, especially after just washing my hands. I usually will try to use my sleeve or a paper towel instead of touching it with my bare hand.

I am with you on the handrail issue too. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
I have not done this at Disney, because the bathrooms are incredibly clean considering how many people come in and out of them, but there have been times where I have told my 4 year old not to wash his hands in a public sink. Seriously - some of them are so gross, I can't see touching the faucet to turn it on and in most cases they don't have paper towels to use as a barrier or if they do, you have to touch the gross lever to get them out. In my opinion, it kind of defeats he purpose. I sometimes get some looks, but I feel better just giving him some anti bacterial gel from my purse once we are out and don't have to touch door handles and stuff.

I know this sounds weird, but if I don't have a paper towel or a long sleeve shirt on to use instead of my bare hand, I usually just use my elbow to get the paper towel out. Just give it a few pumps with the old elbow and voila, paper towel! Works like a charm!. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Now pass me that turkey leg while the wife changes the toddler's diaper right here on a food service tray (something I have often seen) so we can go back to the resort and take the kid in the pool so it can crap in there and close it for everyone.

I had completely forgot this happened to us. Once in the pool at Coronado Springs (pool was packed and they evacuated everyone while we watched the 'floating present' drift by where we had just been swimming), and then once when a little boy (who I know couldn't help it, but it's still gross...) vomited in the pool near the exit stairs at ASMu's main pool.

Also, on a side note, one other thing is getting a towel or washcloth either already in the room or from Mousekeeping that has stains on it. I understand the tens of thousands of towels and washcloths they have to launder each day, but seeing one with a stain makes me wonder what it was in the first place....


Well-Known Member
When the heat and humidity really sinks in, the aroma from the trashcans just about knocks me over. The 3D glasses freak me out to-how often do they sanitize them, after every show or at the end of the day?


Well-Known Member
Excerpt for the Orlando Sentinel, 2/5:

"What will you celebrate in 2009?" Disney parks has asked their guests in their newest marketing campaign. The answer from James Rasulo, Chairman of the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts in a Monday interview, "Getting healthy! WDW is adding to their guest experience by providing opportunities for guests to bolster their immune systems!"

In an effort to combat the health crisis, Disney has hired CM's to use bathrooms all over the park and touch everything they can from doorknobs to touchscreens to handrails.

Disney has considered hiring dedicated food service tray-lickers, but CEO Robert Iger has said it "might be cost prohibitive at this time, and cuts have been necessary in our plans for this program. We think that a healthier guest can have a more magical experience at Disney Parks, and hope our visitors embrace the experience."

Disney is also emplying Text-Messangers to report or queue length and other problems in the parks. This is in response to increasing maintenace inquiries by guests.

Look for these plain-clothed CM's during your next Walt Disney World visit and throughout 2009.


Uhh!:hurl: there should be a Warning on this Thread, all the talk of Spit, Barf, and things that come out of the nose are really making me sick.

I think the warning is the title itself :ROFLOL:

For the posters talking about cell phones, I have noticed lately that some of the retirees are using them more than the kids!


Well-Known Member
The bathroom thing has always grossed me out.....people, use the sinks! (Hope they aren't at the buffet handling my food!)

the bathroom sinks are what grosses me out!
so many people touching the knobs and soap despenser and paper towel buttons and hand dryer buttons. ewww

i personally never use the sinks but i always keep a bottle of germ X in my purse. i'm probably one of those people you see coming out of a stahl and leaving and think "ew she didnt wash her hands" but i use germ X right after, i swear! haha. maybe i should start putting it on in the bathroom so people don't talk.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever been to New York? If not, I guess you would hate it :hammer:

Also, I am sorry to all of those who hate the PDA thing as I am guilty of it very often when I'm at Disney. Although I don't start making out with or humping my girl in the middle of the park, that's just a little excessive :lol:. Nothing wrong with a little kissing!
I my husband and I do this often..:D..and we are always holding hands..
the bathroom sinks are what grosses me out!
so many people touching the knobs and soap despenser and paper towel buttons and hand dryer buttons. ewww

i personally never use the sinks but i always keep a bottle of germ X in my purse. i'm probably one of those people you see coming out of a stahl and leaving and think "ew she didnt wash her hands" but i use germ X right after, i swear! haha. maybe i should start putting it on in the bathroom so people don't talk.
I always have hand sanitizer with me and use it many many times a day...

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