The weather is here...I wish you were beautiful...or something like that!

Hello again, my WDWMagic peeps! Welcome back for another installment in the many adventures of SweetPee's family!

Not gonna get too organized or crazy piecing this one together. It's against the rules after such a kicked-back journey. If you don't know us yet, check out a few of the old reports in my signature. There's more than enough there for you to get to know us.

No big who, what, when, or where's for ya this time, either. Wanna know? Read more. Sometimes you just gotta go with what you get and enjoy the ride. Hope you'll come along. The more the merrier. Let's hit the highway yet again....:wave:


New Member
I'm really considering discovery cove for the next fl trip and then using the 14 day pass to hit aquatical and more

Do it! We went last time we were in FL and loved it. It was so relaxing...and swimming with the dolphins (amazing!!). We loved it so much, we'll go back every time we had down to FL now.


Active Member
For those who've read about the "cheaper" route to Atlantis by booking a room at the Comfort Suites on Paradise Island right next to Atlantis with the full access to the Aquaventure, let me tell you why I did NOT book that route. Believe me, I poured over Atlantis & all the options to get there for days. When you book the room directly thru Comfort Suites it'll quote you the best nightly rate which isn't that terrible even with taxes. I think ours was coming out to $314. When you arrive in Nassau you need to grab a cab over to the hotel. For whatever reason, from my research I was banking on like $20 each way. Not sure how I got to that number. Once you get to Comfort Suites you have to go check-in and check-out at the same time. They'll give you your wristbands and then charge you the additional fine print fees you may not have noticed in that fine print on their website when you booked the room. It's like cleaning fees, some sort of utility fees, or something like that. Even if you don't ever step a toe in those rooms you have to pay. The fees alone added up to an additional like $175 for my family of 4 (due to the ages of my boys). Don't believe they do that??? Research it. I couldn't believe it either but I researched and found where they absolutely do this and there's no skirting it. So booking thru Comfort Suites would've cost me $529. We would've had to do the walk from CS to Atlantis (a little futher than the direct drop at Atlantis). Lunch wasn't included. I knew food was pricy so once you added in the cost of lunch we were still pushing $600. Comfort Suites would've saved a little over $70 but once you're up in that realm the assurance of booking thru Disney and knowing they aren't going to leave you behind if you don't make it back on-time if there's a problem between your ship, your destination, and back to the ship becomes more worth it to just bite the bullet. So we booked direct. I don't regret it one bit, either.

So we loaded onto the bus that was waiting for us. Wanna go for a thrill ride?! Book an Atlantis excursion! We were flying thru traffic on the narrow streets in town zipping along, passing cars, etc. If anyone had made the mistake of stepping off a curb onto the street they'd have been toast. Of course we're all in the back of the bus with our arms in the air like idiots. :lol: And, OMG! Wanna hear something interesting?!?! Listen to Bahamian talk radio after a big election! Those guys didn't hold back talkin' about the island's dirty laundry all over the airwaves. We kept lookin' at each other wide-eyed. Even in paradise there's no escaping political BS. :lol:

I have to agree...$70 extra is more than worth it for peace of mind (and sanity!).

I totally love riding in the Bahamian vans and taxis...always a thrill! Next time try a water taxi (thrill in the sense of fearing death! LOL).

In no time we were pulling up in front of Atlantis. Now, I'm not entirely sure this was the front entrance. I suspect it was some sort of side entrance. We didn't see any check-in desks or grand lobbies. Nope. We walked in and ther were high-end shops like Gucci, etc.

Yeah, that is totally a side entrance. What a bummer they did not take you through the main entrance. The domed ceiling in the lobby is gorgeous!

Could you imagine having your address here on Dog Flea Alley???

Now, that is just so wrong! (And here I though Jacksonville's No Road was a ridiculous name for a street.)

Complete with my favorite Crispy TREATS!!!

Free cocktails and the treat of champions. Lovin' my life!

Just when you think it can't get any better, Daisy shows up! But, dang! What's with my hair???

First of all, your hair always looks fabulous! (Hell, I would be happy if mine would "sit still" for just five minutes - mind of its own, so much so that I have completely given up on it!)

And, oh yeah! How about that whole private thing and drinks and crispy treats? I told DH that alone was worth the upgrade when we did so a few years ago. :ROFLOL:

We had a visit from Stitch. Not a fan, and before the party (when Danny told us a special guest would make an appearance) I said, "Just will be Stitch." :ROFLOL: Somehow, though, I do like Stitch when on a cruise. Just not WDW. I'm weird.

And how I miss those "free" margaritas and crispy treats!

The reception was nice. We enjoyed it a lot. I had 3 Bahama Mamas. I ate 2 crispie treats and stashed 2 for later. My tackiness never ends. LOL!

On the front of the ship, I looked down & saw this little gem. I guess if the ship goes down I can help the intestigation by showing the authorities where to find what they need:

I do know a few crispy treats made it back to the stateroom with us, as well!

Well, that little gem of a pic definitely helps...if you don't go down with the ship! :ROFLOL: Very cool find and picture!

Well, I'll do a more thorough review later but to answer your question "Is it worth the cost?" I'd have to say no...and yes. It's a LOT of money. We didn't do a fraction of what's there because we wore out early & wanted to be back for the reception. Sane people wouldn't pay that then decide not to do what they paid for. Yes it was worth it for the simple fact that now I've been there and seen it. I won't have to look over there and wonder or wish. Tracey & I both are still glad we did it. We have no regrets. It was definitely worth it to have the experience. But would we pay to do it again? Eh, maybe. Doubtful. If it was just Tracey & I without the kids on a getaway I might do it again. It's beautiful and relaxing. We'd like to see the aquariums still. Bringing the boys doubles the cost so for $675-ish, no, we wouldn't be likely to do it again. I know. I'm no help, huh? Tracey says my woman's logic makes no sense. I guarantee the chicks out there understand.

Atlantis has better slides and the river is way more fun but the story, wit, & theme don't exist. Which is worth more to you?? Both have value. Just depends. We like both.

Compare TL and Atlantis to Schlitterbahn?? Not even close! TL & Atlantis spank Schlitterbahn every day & twice on Sunday!

LOL! My DH says the same exact thing about woman's logic! I totally understand. :ROFLOL:

On the road back to Texas from Alabama.... Cannot believe I forgot to tell the funniest story from Atlantis.... The title for my report was almost "Don't put your feet in the water at Atlantis!" because of this!!!

We were floating along the river when we came around a bend and happened upon a younger family of 4: dad in a double tube with his son of maybe 4 or 5 years old and mom in a double tube with an even younger little girl. The little boy was giggling and shouted towards his mom, "Don't put your feet in the water!!!! Dad just farted in it!!!!!" Tracey & I both shot our feet skyward and Tracey said, "Thanks for the tip, buddy!" The dad laughed & was a good sport but as a parent I totally know in that moment he was wishing he could get either himself or that kid to the bottom of the river. Lol! Chandler & Brian died laughing. Kids are freakin' awesome! :ROFLOL:

OMG! Hilarious!!! There is always a good kids story from vacations, isn't there? :D


Well-Known Member
Wow- now you've really got me thinking Atlantis for either my bday or anniversary next year. Looks soooooo nice! And I think DH might actually go for that one! Sounds like you guys had a great time! :D


Well-Known Member
Awesome sunset! Thank you for the report on Atlantis. We
looked at booking a trip there but thought the price was outrageous.
I like the idea of doing a day as part of a cruise. Sorry about Chandler
on the water slide - glad it wasnt worse.

I loved how you and Tracy were the first ones at cocktail hour and watched
others down below waiting to get on board.:ROFLOL:

looking forward to more...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your "Yes to the Dress" story has me in stitches - Carly just got her prom dress (STUNNING) and we did the same thing. And I was just watching it - the girl was getting married at the Wedding Pavillion. Kill me or take me there. I spent the entire weekend trying to convince Andrew that we need to cruise and he's not about it at all - maybe if we get hitched I can make that happen.

You look stunning still! The picture with the Captain isn't the best though - I hate when CMs don't take the picture thing seriously. I know you take like a million pictures a day, but we're on vacation. We want them! There were a few fails on our cruise in February that were bitterly disappointing. We waited in line forever to see Mickey and the pictures turned out all dark :(

Looks like you're having the best-y best time! More please!

The 'Yes to the Dress' moment was great! The cream dress ended up being a total fiasco but I did end up keeping it in the end. I still don't like it as much as everyone else seems to. It's amazing I even wore something I wasn't totally in love with. I'm thinking this is a sign of improvement with the over-active self-image issues... Yes?

What is it Andrew is opposed to with cruising??? I know I had some misconceptions that deterred me for years. Maybe we can analyze then educated him! Anything to help one of my gurlz!

I'm here!

Amazing TR as always. I need to get cracking on mine at some point, but the more I read through yours the more I realize how few pictures I really took. I felt like I was snapping them all the time but I missed so many great details you caught. I am just going to point people to yours! LOL

I love the cream dress too, and meant to tell you that after we saw you at Twice Charmed but lost track of you after the show.

I adored that Grand Marnier souffle too! YUM!

I keep watching for your trip report! Be sure to post a link to our cruise group when you get it going. I need to recheck that board, too. Whew! No rest for the weary!

I'm amazed so many of our cruise group said they saw us all over the cruise. I swear, I don't see anybody! I could run smack into you all and still not see you. I just don't really look at faces. I'm into what I'm doing. I feel so bad! I bet everyone thinks I'm a total snot! :lol:

Loving it all!

You are living the dream.....
16 y/o that can help drive, looking fabulous in a bikini, Upgrading to one bedroom, The plane in Key West, beautiful family pics with you in the off-white dress, eating,drinking and being merry all while having a ball with the ones you love.

Never been on a cruise, it is on my bucket list.

As always, thanks for being such a great story teller and taking great pics!

You totally nailed it! It is living a dream some days. Thanks for enjoying my story and even my crappy pictures. LOL! You really should take a cruise someday. It's really interesting...a whole different kind of vacation. If you want to get your toes wet I know this great girls-only Disney cruise coming up in September 2013... **giggles**

On our dream cruise, in hindsight, there were not enough photographers. Besides the meet & greets we only saw them at the dinner, getting on the boat, getting off the boat at ccay, and really no where else. So At the end of the trip when the wife got all interested in the book or cd... We found we didn't have enough photos to fill the book and you can't change the page themes :(

Tips for others is seek out the photographers when you can. You can always not get the photos but you can't make more afterwards

I do know you can also go to Shutters (or maybe also call?) and set up a private shoot on the ship. I don't know what fees might be associated but I've vaguely caught bits & pieces in all my obsessive cruise-studies mentioning it. I agree, you gotta work at getting the Shutters shots because if you don't you might regret it later.

Woo Hooooooo!!!! You have a trip report!!!! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

So glad! It's not like I have laundry to do, or teacher gifts to wrap, or a party to throw tomorrow........ and it's only midnight....... but I'm totally going to read this thing all the way to the end! Ha! :lol::D

So excited!

Glad to have you along for the ride!

I would love for you to do a non-Disney cruise trip report! When you do, let me know where you post it!

Oh you know me, I will. I'll try to keep ya posted or figure out some way to infuse it over here.

I love how you celebrate and remember May 11th. My hubby and I do that still and people think we are sort of weird. So that is awesome.

I love the Lumiere (Sp?) restaurant. That would dif be were I would want to go, since ya its my fave movie. Though I am pretty sure the hubs would have to stop me I would really want to sing Be our Guest as I walked in...

Loving the pics, you look gorgeous I don't know why you are worried....

And the shot with the rain in the looming distance is kind of awesome.

Tracey is the one who remembers all the little "special" dates to celebrate. I think he retains that stuff in his "I'm a smarty-pants" file. LOL! We generally observe the little dates like that with a little acknowledgement of some sort. Nothing huge. Just that we remember together. It means something.

BatB is my favorite princess movie, too. I was afraid to tell Tracey that for years. LOL! I didn't want him to think I thought of him as 'The Beast'. When we met we lived in a very small town. I think I was more social than he was. Maybe it's because I had lived there longer. When people I knew would find out who I was dating after Tracey & I got together and especially after we got engaged they'd all say things like: "But he's a nobody" or "Why him?" or "You can do better". Of course this annoyed me to no end. I wasn't from that little town. I didn't see the world the way those kids did. I didn't see people the way they did. I never wanted to conform to what they all thought was acceptable. (("I want much more than this provincial life....")) I never assessed my suitors by their social hierarchy, financial status, or appearance. It was the worth of what was on the inside. Tracey made me laugh. ((Remember, Jessica Rabbit chose Roger because he made her laugh.)) He was fiercely loving and loyal especially with his family. He was so unlike the rest of the town...which is what made him perfect to me. So, yeah, BatB is special to me. It reminds me of that pivotal time in my own life when I walked away from small-town-Alabama and embarked on my own adventure....and it's been amazing! Think about it. This month is 19 years that Tracey & I have been together. We only knew each other 4 months before we got married. This means as of now, Tracey has been my other half for literally HALF of my entire life. That's sooooo coooooool!

The rain approach pics turned out neat! What I wish the pics could capture is the smell in the air. You know how rain smells, right? Well, it's the smell of the salt/sea plus approaching rain. It's amazing!

I love how you celebrate and remember May 11th. My hubby and I do that still and people think we are sort of weird. So that is awesome.

Foreverbelle, me too! Me & Fiance' celebrate our anniversary as the 1st day we met which is May 15th ......and people think we are sort of weird for doing it that way too. We just celebrated our "Sweet 16" a few days ago! Soooo they can bite me! LOL!

Kelly, I love how you "told each other off" on your 1st meeting! :ROFLOL:

oh and the "Cream" dress!!!! OMG!!! I love love love love it!

We totally met telling each other off. First words spoken to one another:

(Tracey walks up holding a beer in one hand a cigarette in the other to the pool where I'm swimming with my friend, his next younger brother, & one of his friends)

Me: "Smoking and drinking don't make you cool, you know."

Him: "Who the f--- are you? My mother?"

Me: "I guess I should be. It's apparent she's not doing her job."

It didn't go well from there but the next day we crossed paths again (strategically on my part) which went much better. I did stand him up for our supposed 2nd date which caused him to not speak to me for like a week. But, that's what sealed the deal. The more determined he was to not speak to me made me that much more determined to get his attention. Get his attention I did...with fervor!!! Heehee!

Ain't it romantic?!?! LOL!

I'm glad everyone loves that cream dress. I'm serious as a heart attack when I say I really don't. That's so odd!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love the report so far, Kelly! You look fabulous in ALL of the pictures. Really enjoying your stories, as usual. Can't wait for more!

I'm so glad you're enjoying the trip with us! :wave:

Kelly - loving your report!

One heck of an upgrade – the room is awesome! I agree if those knick-knacks were not bolted down they would be in my bag.

If I were a teen I would enjoy Vibe more on the Magic, as well. I’m not very techy and prefer quieter, lounge type places.

I laughed when you showed pictures of Tracey’s two favorite art works. My husband and I love both of those movies for reasons that are very close to our relationship. Wall-E holds a special place for us because it was one of our first dates. We have a plush Wall-E and Eve on our dresser now. Up was our last date in Nashville right before we moved from there. I cried the whole time because that movie was marking a continued adventure for us. I’m on Tracey’s side with these!

I want to go on a Disney cruise so badly! I’ve only been on one cruise before through Royal Caribbean, which was nice, but I can’t wait to step onboard a Disney cruise. Is it sad that one of the reasons why I really want to go on a Disney cruise instead of the others is because I can do my own laundry and not be charged an arm and a leg for it?

Also, you look great! Good for you for working out while on the cruise. Odd question but did you take any pictures of the gym?

Oh I know! Up! & Wall-E...both movies we have fond memories of sitting in the theater together holding hands and crying. Seriously. Amazing, touching films. The artwork is like hanging the memories and emotions on the wall. Looking back, I regret making Tracey promise not to buy the Up! painting. I really do want that one. :D

Well, on the Disney cruise you can do your own wash but no promises on the arms & legs. At $2 to wash and $2 to dry each load plus $1 for detergent (if you don't bring the Tide pods like I did) adds up.

You definitely should jump in on the girls cruise! It's a great opportunity to give it a spin... **poke*poke**

I didn't take any pics of the gym. Believe me, I was so unhappy about even being in there. I had built myself up on the thought of a relaxing run with the sea as my scenery. Running at home is so flat, dull, & boring. I was sooooo looking forward to that run on the ship.

Hi Kelly! My name is Christy and I'm a lurker. I came out of lurkdom once a long time ago to comment on one of Holly's reports and my computer promptly died. I learned my lesson and went back to lurking. I am a talker by nature and it's really hard for me to sit here shutting up when i have sooooo much to say so I'm gonna try this again. Plus, you are way too nice and friendly to ignore. I realize that as long as you didn't know I was here and not responding you couldn't feel ignored by me..but I felt guilty anyway...I do guilt well, actually.
So on to my "reply" (with fingers crossed that computer can handle it)!! First, YAY! I love your reports! So ready to read!!! I didn't remember that I should take notes on what I wanted to say until page 2...but on page one here's what I have to say (that's still in my memory). Mainly, GOOD FOR YOU to do the swimsuit shots! You look GREAT! But I think even if I had a perfect body, it would still be stressin' me out to take that first swimsuit-clad step out in front of people. Of course I've never had the perfect body so I can't be sure!!!
You always make me cry when you have to leave your doggy baby! I just caught myself at the end of page 2 wondering if you had checked in on her yet. Also, I love that you get to visit family for a bit on the way down every time! Very cool and bonus doughnuts...awesomely cool!
On page 2 I took notes!
Post 19...Wondered if the books (the ones on the shelves on either side of the tv) are real? Saw the piggies and while I was saying inside my head "good grief people will steal these things" I read your comment that they are glued down LOL. So now also wondering...if the books ARE real, are they glued down too? Or can you remove and read?
Post 20-I love YOUR vanity-another reason for me to be thankful my son is a son! Adore that they had flowers waiting in your room...and the card story is funny (and close to what would happen with my guys)
Post 23-I didn't know about Godmothers for the ships but glad Patricia Disney is one. I'll have to research this Godmother thing!
Post 24-How cute is that drink stirry stick in your hubby's drink????
Post 25-I did not know there was a webcam showing the ships coming and going! Gotta check this out! Thanks!
Post 26-The pilot boat video was terrific! However, I am glad I'm not the pilot because I would've tripped, knocked myself unconcious, fell into the water and been eaten by sharks!
That's as far as I've gotten. I decided the notes were piling up fast and that I should comment before I ended up with 40 pages and said the heck with it and went back to my life of lurkiness. But this writing takes up reading gotta get back to it!! Can't wait to read the rest and I'll be checking back in later!

Hiya, Christy! Welcome back from lurk-dom! I'm honored you chose my report come chatter on. I love to talk so you've come to the right place!

Ugh! The swimsuit shots. I'm really trying to stop being so tough on myself. You know, even when I *did* have a picture-perfect bod in my younger years before I had my babies I thought I was a moo-ey. Good grief. I shoulda been prancin' around nekkid! What I see and what the rest of the world sees are 2 veeery different things. Us girls are always our own toughest critics. We should all be a bit nicer to ourselves, huh?

I'm such a sap when it comes to our little dog. She's my first. I didn't know anymore about dogs when I got her as I did babies when I had one of those. I learned to be a good dog mom the same way I did being a good mommy. Trial and error. Thank goodness Riley has a good sense of humor. Or maybe she's just that forgiving. She loves me in spite of everything. How does one leave their beloved little sidekick behind anywhere and not feel even a little bad about that??? I really stress when it comes to leaving her. I wish you could've seen us at the Pet Paradise. Tracey picked her up and said, "I know you can't do this so kiss her goodbye and go sit in the truck. I'll be out in a minute." I snuzzled her furry little face, whispered my I-love-yous, bit my lip, and ran to the truck in tears. It's so stinkin' pathetic! :lol:

The books on our shelf in the stateroom were real. Chandler said he thumbed thru 'The Odyssey' because he was curious why I loathed it. Also, if you look closely at the picture, the book on the far left had been moved. It's not sitting flush on the shelf.

Yep, each of Disney's ships has a godmother:

Disney Magic: Patricia Disney
Disney Wonder: Tinker bell
Disney Dream: Jennifer Hudson
Disney Fantasy: Mariah Carey (<--this is the one that has us all scrathin' our heads)

The pilot transfer video was sorta anti-climatic in a way because he just stepped across. I think your version would be far more entertaining... LOL!

Keep commenting! I don't mind at all! :wave:

Hi Kelly :wave: Lemme tell you this report making me that much more excited for our girls cruise!!!!!

My mom has been telling me about your report since you started it and I finally got around to getting on here and reading it! I find after a long day at work staring at a computer screen, I tend not to stay on here very much once I get home

I looove it!!!! Loooove the pics you got from the ride in the friendly skies! I cannot wait to see water that beautiful!!! And that sunset...seriously? no words can even describe it in the pictures.

Your family also looks stunning on that cruise ship!!!!

Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip!!!

This report makes me oober-excited for the girls cruise, too! I can't wait! I keep trying to find ways to book additional time onboard before or after just because I know 4 days will go by so fast. It's going to be so much fun!

Thanks for all the kind words about my little family and all the pictures of our adventures. I try so hard but know I'll never come out with Tammy-worthy shots because I won't make the jump to a D-SLR. I just don't think I'd take the time to learn to fully utilize a camera like that.

Glad you're on the adventure with us! More shall come soon because I've got to wrap this thing up to get moving packing for the big move. Looks like we have a renter already..... *sigh**

Okay...I was not meant to talk. I just finished reading your entire report and then wrote my comments on every little detail starting with page 3, I think, and was typing my last sentence when my page magically refreshed and erased all 2 kizillion words I just typed. Going to cry myself to sleep now and try again tomorrow. I think. Unless my computer is abducted tonight by aliens on a mission to keep me lurking forever. But I love, love, love the report so far!!!!!!

I hate when that happens to me! I had my whole first day of this report typed up and it got eaten by the computer gremlins (aka my very own click-happy fingers). I shouted and stomped and cursed for 5 minutes! LOL!

Awesome stuff as always, Kelly! Can't wait to read more.... Still stinks that you guys won't be on the Fantasy with us in September, but we'll make it...

Very awesome you got to fly around Key West like that. You need to send me the info you got for Maho beach in St Maarten, I still want to go and maybe get some video and pics for Tracey.

I remember you posted about Typhoon Lagoon and asked people for their "secret spots" to set up camp for the day. We are going to TL on our June trip in a few weeks. Did you find that spot you were looking for? Was it nice? And how do you get to it? The whole family is going this year and we have never been yet, so your pictures there got me really excited about it. Can't wait

Thanks Kelly...anxiously awaiting the next installment of the report

Awwww...I'm gonna miss y'all on the Fantasy, too!

I think for Maho Beach I had found some companies that did private tours that I was going to book transport to/from Maho Beach with. If you go to Trip Advisor and search for St. Maarten tour you'll turn some up. Also, google Maho Beach tour and you'll find links that way. Just be sure to dig up info on whatever folks you want to book with that aren't thru the cruise line. You don't want to end up missing the ship when it leaves. Tourism being so big in these ports, tho, there are lots of reputable people. That's how I found our Key West sea plane tour. I googled for it then spent time looking up reviews and other such info to make sure they were reputable and decent. My biggest thing is not being in a big herd of people if I can avoid it. I'd much rather march to the beat of my own drum. I hate hate hate being in a herd. :D

Typhoon Lagoon! We did find the spot I was told about! Try to get there as early as possible. When you walk in, go around to the right past the lockers, past where Crushin' Gusher is, and look for the covered hut areas tucked towards the back by the trees. These are great spots off the beaten path. Plenty of shade. Not gonna get people running past kicking up sand. Try googling some Typhoon Lagoon maps. You'll kinda see where I'm talkin' about. :wave:

I'm following along!! I haven't started the cruise portion yet because we've got visitors at the house for Memorial Day Weekend. However, you KNOW I love all of the Disney H2O details!!! I love the water parks! I'm so glad you guys finally experienced one of them.

I'm so glad we finally went to one of the waterparks, too! Who knew they were so awesome?! Sheesh! What was I thinkin' all these years?!

Don't leave us hangin'

After I get all these comments acknowledged I'll be gettin' to it soon. Looks like we'll need to be out of the house by 6/23 so I have a real need to wrap this thing up and get focused on packing! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Eee, Kelly - your TRs are so much fun because you really do put just the right amount of pictures in. Like, little caption, couple of pictures.. not little caption, OVERBOARD WITH THE PICTURES SO KENZIE DOESN'T BOTHER TO LOOK AT THEM. It's nice!

What isn't nice is the pictures of the lighthouse, because when I woke up in August on the Dreamz that is what I saw out our balcony. With Carly going to university and me going for my second degree, with different weeks off for spring break, it's not looking like we'll be seeing that lighthouse anytime soon. And Andrew is against cruises. Wah!

I'm loving the Atlantis pictures! I want to do that so bad - my grandparents took some random tour when they were in Nassau (same cruise as you took!) a few years ago - just hopped on some bus to tour Nassau with a crew of people (so out of character for them) - but they have pictures from Atlantis and they're tres awesome as well. Personally, it makes me think of the Mary Kate and Ashley movie when they were there - Holiday in the Sun. I wanna be on a Holiday in the Sun!

Sounds like you've got some busy days ahead - hang in!

Awww...thanks, Kenz, for likin' my reports. I think I talk too much. I try to be less-wordy but that's like physically impossible for me. Thank God I don't drink-n-post. I'd neeeever shut up then.... LOL!

I'm sad you and Carly are going in different directions these days. Some of the seasons of life do that. It makes the times when the stars align for you all the more special. It's really tough for Tracey's family to get all together, too. Very rare. But when all the siblings land in the same spot at the same time it's truly a gift and we all savor every moment (then complain about this one or that one later).

OMG! My niece, Sydney, used to love the Mary Kate & Ashley movies! I don't think I ever watched one, tho. I just remember her on Christmas morning getting those movies on VHS and squealing with joy. LOL! My first amazing look at Atlantis was when Oprah was there after they first opened. The boys were little squirts and we lived such a modest little simple life then. I remember seeing it and thinking, "Wow, I wish I could see that." I don't think I ever thought I actually would. I might as well have been wishing to see the moon. And now I've seen it. That's the coolest part for me. I actually was there. I see the commercials now and it's still surreal. I've been there.

Many busy days ahead. Ugh! But isn't that life? Sure beats the alternative so I'll be happy and keep pushing on. I think I'm with you, tho. I wanna be on a holiday in the sun again, too.

Ack! So much to say! I should have taken notes like everyone else, but alas did not (on the first part ) I love the pictures of your little men so much! Especially your red headed "big" guy - makes me think of what my red headed "big" guy will look like in a few years and it makes me smile! I'm having a hard time with him growing up in grade school, I don't know how I'll survive when he's driving! Ha!

If you enjoyed Atlantis, you should go back just to stay! They are running amazing specials ALL the time now - one of my favorite sites for their specials is - you should sign up for their weekly email. I don't know what flights are running to the Bahamas right now, but rooms at Atlantis can be had for a fraction of what they cost just 5 years ago. We love the Reef, but have heard good things about the Beach Tower and Coral Tower as well. As you noticed though, they don't make their money on the rooms - that casino and the food prices alone, will make them big money! But at least at the Reef you have a kitchen (but - once again- groceries are expensive!) I have to say, going to Disney has spoiled me into the 'all inclusive' thing. I hardly want to go somewhere like Atlantis anymore.

Driving in the Bahamas - if I can ever get a copy or a youtube link - you should see the cab ride back to the Dream that we had when we were in Nassua! My brother in law video taped it (he also video taped all 19 - yes NINETEEN - of us getting out of the ONE minivan that came back to get us from the church, that's a story in itself) it's a miracle we are alive! Even my sister-in-law (born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica) and my brother in law (who has lived in 3rd world countries for nearly 30 years now) were a little taken aback by the wild ride.

As always, beautiful pictures, beautiful trip report. Thanks for taking us inside all the 'golden ticket' events!

Carry on.............

I know! I see the pics of your little redheaded 'big guy' and it's a flashback moment for me, too. I don't know if it's because Chandler was my firstborn or what but I always looked at him and wondered how different he might look when he wasn't a little boy anymore. Would he still look like my sweet little boy? I think with Brian it was easier althought I wondered what was going on behind his eyes more. To me, Brian was going to look like his daddy. That's why I didn't wonder.

Look familiar?


That picture seems like it was just yesterday. It all goes by in blur. I do have a secret appreciation, tho, for your TRs as well. Your 'big guy' definitely takes me back. I will say, I have my moments when I look at Chandler and still see the same smile and chubby cheeks just like in ^this^ picture. But then there's moments when I need a hug, he comes to lift my spirits, and he's nothing like the picture. He's more a man than a boy. I'm proud of the man he's growing into. I know that sweet little boy will always be in there, too. Even when they're taller than me, they're still my babies. I think they always will be. :animwink:

I could see doing a long weekend at Atlantis. It got pretty busy in the afternoon, tho. Plus, a DJ poolside? Really? That's like a big red flag for me. Also, the girl in front of us at the spot where we got our lunch purchased some frozen cocktails and we noticed her ID was not that of a 21 year old. The orientation of the license is different for under 21s in Florida (we hold a Florida residency). So it hit me that for those under 21s who can afford a fun getaway like Atlantis, an additional draw would be that the drinking age isn't what it is stateside. Or I'm guessing it isn't because they carded the girl but she still purchased the drinks. Another red flag. I don't think we were there long enough to get a solid read on the party vibe.

I'll have to look up that travel site. I'm all about a bargain especially with travel!

I'd love to see that youtube video if you get a link!

Golden Ticket events!!!! I love it! :lol:

Here I go again...wish me luck! I'm so anxious to dig into the next chapter of your family's adventure that I'm going to make it short and sweet. No rambling! Only wrote down one post # this time (38)...i forgot after the first one! So that's where we're starting from-I too do not like treadmills! I walk not run but we have this nice park with a trail around a lovely lake and I love it! The fresh air, smell of pine, woodland creatures...very inspirational. I don't get much inspiration from treadmill scenery. the treadmills on the ships overlook the sea? I might could do that if I had to. Oh my, the breakfast bread table! Man may be unable to live by bread alone but I PROMISE you that this girly definitely could! My weakness! Very cool to see the submarine training. I am a planner/scheduler OCD nut but it is usually the unexpected treats that you have no way of scheduling or even knowing about that make the most impact for me. I would be freaking out saying I couldn't watch because that is the time I had scheduled for a nap or something! But it would be the memory that stood out most once it was all over...I'm such a dingbat!----in case you're wondering if THIS is my short n sweet w/o rambling...NOPE! I'm such a good rambler I can't stop...sorry----
I did write another post #. My notes say "Post 47-1st pic-breathless speechless". That was a super bday gift for your hubby and I'm glad Chandler faced his fear and won! My 7 year old has always been scared of EVERYTHING so we made the last year about conquering those fears one by one! And he is kicking fears butt! So I absolutely know those Mama feelings seeing them do that! I loved the pics from the air and I loved your educational tidbits even more. I always enjoy that in your reports...I learn some new things as I follow along! Never would've heard about coal floats without ya! I am from NC and all the lighthouses I've seen here are on solid? sand. Didn't realize you could plop 'em down in the water and let sharks play around them!!! About your outfits...I love the white shorts with the blue buttons. Not sure why but I have always had a thing for those two row sailor type pants. Guess it doesn't matter why, does it? I just do! I remembered and still love the pretty dress with bonus hot body. I hate it wants to fall apart on ya! My favorite is the last minute white?/off white? one! Soooooo simple and pretty! And you wore it well! I love the family pic with that dress too. It's so funny that you do so much laundry on vacation! I would've had a heart attack and died before I found out my son was watching a sunrise if that had been me. So sweet though! Your boys are great! Take a moment now to bubble up with pride-you're doing a great job! Aaaaand....I'm caught up!! Gonna submit before it disappears and get my butt to reading!

The treadmill I was on did look out forward off the ship. It would've been a great view but the shades weren't all the way up so to get a good look outward you'd have to stoop down. Kinda hard to do while running.

I'm with you: loooove my breads! Only thing better is bread with butter!

Yes! I think Chandler is getting the drift that if you live a slave to the things you fear then you'll never really be living. Living is when you go and do in spite of the things that scare you most. I've always said I want to go skydiving someday. Why? Because I know that moment when I'm on the ledge and it's time to jump it'll be the absolute ultimate to overcome the fear and take the leap. I crave that single moment. I think maybe I'm entirely too intense of a person.. :cool:

I'm glad the random tid-bits aren't lost in the adventure. There's so much out there. I hope others will want to go see it all, too. Then come back and tell me something I don't know!

Thanks for the compliments on my white shorts with the sailor-style button configuration. Those were literally another last-minute wardrobe addition. I wanted a pair of white shorts to wear with my blue top. Found those the day before we left at Express. I ordered 2 more pairs in other colors a few days ago, too. Love them! They fit like a glove! Man, I loooove that red hot-bod dress so much. Ugh! To find another! I'd buy 6! I'm still amazed everyone loved the cream dress so much. I almost wish I'd worn my final dress that I never wore just to see if everyone would like that one as much. I didn't like the cream one like everyone else has. Go figure! Dressing myself is hard to do sometimes. I'm terrible at accesorizing!

Laundry. LOL! I did 4 loads today. It's a constant thing. I'm always washing something....

Thanks for the sweet words about my boys. That means a lot. I try really hard to raise them to NOT be like the rest of the world or like the 'typical' teens of today. I want them to be different, think independantly, have different values, etc. It's hard sometimes when I'm really aware of how different they are. I have moments where I question myself and wonder if I've done them a disservice. It's scary to be the guy on the road less traveled looking over at everyone else. But then the world is so crazy and the things kids/teens do these days shock the crap out of me. I'm happy for my boys to not be part of that mess. I hope they'll always choose the path others won't travel. It takes courage to do that and lends a great deal of wisdom and insight from the experience.

I love your pictures of Atlantis!! It's so beautiful there! It was absolutely worth what we paid for it, but we did get a great deal at Comfort Suites. I believe it was a military discount. Less then $200 for the four of us with fees.

Chase went back with a friend and his grandmother for 5 nights and they loved it again.

It is my favorite lazy river I have ever been on. Best. Ever.

And concierge reception pictures! Woot woo! That golden ticket is coming in handy!

Ugh! That is a FANTASTIC military rate! Let's discuss military rates at CS for the girls cruise! LOL!

Was it enough to stay fun right there on-property at Atlantis for Chase? I worry we'd be bored after a few days. Then again, I thought I'd go on a cruise and have nothing to do but eat so I guess I should shut up and give it a whirl, huh? Hahaha!

Atlantis is definitely my favorite water park river, too! I need one of those in my backyard!

Oh yes! The Golden Ticket is a very nice thing....

Sweet Tea Vodka....yummo! Like you, I'm not a fan of vodka, but I'll drink sweet tea vodka any day. But, have you tried Firefly? I think it is the best brand out there. We are from South Carolina and it is distilled not too far from us in Charleston. It is good as a shot, but it is amazing mixed with lemonade or even throw a splash into sweet tea. Try it out if you haven't!

I'm so going to the liquor store TOMORROW to look for Firefly! I had no idea what I was looking for when I bought the little mini-bottle. We stopped into the liquor store down by the port. At the check-out I looked at the ledge of minis and remembered to ask about an iced tea-flavored liquor. The old man handed me the one I tried. I just bought a gallon of tea from McAlister's yesterday. It's a good time to seek out the Firefly! And, uh, someday I want to visit Charleston! I think I'd love it there!

Wow. Schlitterbahn still gets so much press I figured it was closer in appeal

I'm really considering discovery cove for the next fl trip and then using the 14 day pass to hit aquatical and more

I brought up this comment to the hubby because I'm also perplexed as to why Schlitterbahn gets so much hype as well. I think if you leave scenery, theme, story, etc. out of the equation then, yes, Schlitterbahn is really up there. They offer some great slides. They're the ones who built the first uphill water coaster. Buuuut, they don't try to infuse story. Of course they're not nailing the immersive details Disney does. As Disney fans we'll never look at a Schlitterbahn park as being anywhere close to the level of what Disney is doing. Atlantis is lush and beautiful but it's not an immersive story. You're in paradise at Atlantis (literally, it's Paradise Island). You feel like you are exactly where you are. Typhoon Lagoon is different. You're at Disney World in central Florida. But you feel like you've landed in some south seas paradise after a huge storm. The locals in your paradise have taken what they could find and created what they needed. It's immersive. It's escape. THAT's where Disney smokes the playing field. Their slides/rides themselves aren't jaw-dropping...well, with the exception of that wave pool...never seen a wave pool put out artificial waves that big. It's the show that makes TL the superior park above Schlitterbahn (New Braunfels & Galveston Island) and Atlantis for us. But that's because show is something we value in our park experience. People who don't care about show and want great slides are going to go with other parks as tops.

I haven't looked in some time but the newest of the Schlitterbahn parks is in Kansas City. The original plans for that park were mind-boggling. How much of that has actually been built, I don't know. I know they did open and they were going to continue adding in phases. Whether or not the park will end up being everything originally planned, I don't know. I will say, tho, if they built it all then...whoa! Amazing!

Also, Sea World San Antonio is adding an Aquatica 2nd gate this year. I'm looking into going over there for a weekend to see it maybe in September. We went to that Sea World park in August 2008 (?) and it was beautiful. We thoroughly enjoyed it.

I'm thinking pre-cruise in May 2013 I'd like to hit up Discovery Cove, too! Heck, we'd like to go do the 3 Sea World parks as a trip in itself. Seriously. We'd enjoy that.

Do it! We went last time we were in FL and loved it. It was so relaxing...and swimming with the dolphins (amazing!!). We loved it so much, we'll go back every time we had down to FL now.

My sis-in-law raves about their visit to Discovery Cove a few years ago, too. My nephew who is aspie really really got a lot out of the experience.

I have to agree...$70 extra is more than worth it for peace of mind (and sanity!).

I totally love riding in the Bahamian vans and taxis...always a thrill! Next time try a water taxi (thrill in the sense of fearing death! LOL).

Yeah, that is totally a side entrance. What a bummer they did not take you through the main entrance. The domed ceiling in the lobby is gorgeous!

Now, that is just so wrong! (And here I though Jacksonville's No Road was a ridiculous name for a street.)

First of all, your hair always looks fabulous! (Hell, I would be happy if mine would "sit still" for just five minutes - mind of its own, so much so that I have completely given up on it!)

And, oh yeah! How about that whole private thing and drinks and crispy treats? I told DH that alone was worth the upgrade when we did so a few years ago.

We had a visit from Stitch. Not a fan, and before the party (when Danny told us a special guest would make an appearance) I said, "Just will be Stitch." Somehow, though, I do like Stitch when on a cruise. Just not WDW. I'm weird.

And how I miss those "free" margaritas and crispy treats!

I do know a few crispy treats made it back to the stateroom with us, as well!

Well, that little gem of a pic definitely helps...if you don't go down with the ship! Very cool find and picture!

LOL! My DH says the same exact thing about woman's logic! I totally understand.

OMG! Hilarious!!! There is always a good kids story from vacations, isn't there?

I'm sad we missed that main entrance at Atlantis, too. I wondered why they took us to that entrance. Definitely didn't make me feel like, " vacation let's come heeeeeere...."

Little does DCL know, all they have to do to get me to splurge for upgrades at the port is offer free crispy treats. I'd be doomed if they ever figured this out. LOL! Your margarita & crispy treat pic makes me soooo hungry!

Little kids are so fun! Well, when it's other people's little kids embarrassing them it's soooooo fun...notsomuch when it was mine.... Ha!

Wow- now you've really got me thinking Atlantis for either my bday or anniversary next year. Looks soooooo nice! And I think DH might actually go for that one! Sounds like you guys had a great time! :D

Shop for good prices at Atlantis! Good golly the food is expensive. Maybe look at their meal plans or something. I don't even wanna know what the menu prices at their nicer sit-down venues are.... :eek: What you don't see in my pics, tho, is all the other stuff they do at Atlantis. Look at their website. They offer a LOT!

Awesome sunset! Thank you for the report on Atlantis. We
looked at booking a trip there but thought the price was outrageous.
I like the idea of doing a day as part of a cruise. Sorry about Chandler
on the water slide - glad it wasnt worse.

I loved how you and Tracy were the first ones at cocktail hour and watched
others down below waiting to get on board.

looking forward to more...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, the excursion price for Atlantis is outrageous, too. Doing it for a day isn't as bad.

Oh! I hadn't even thought of that... Tracey & I knocking on the door to be first for free cocktails! That's pretty funny! Then people-watching (& critiquing) the masses in line to reboard while we sit on our rumps in the a/c, sip our drinks, and stuff our faces....yeah...we are so classy!!!! I think I love the mental picture! It's so..... us!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
When I last left you, we sailed out of port at Nassau. Anyone who's been on a Disney Bahamian cruise knows what that makes tonight: Pirate Night!

After we sailed out we went back to our stateroom to get dressed for tonight's festivities. We did a pirate-themed look. Tracey & I sported our 'Goonies Never Say Die' shirts. He wore some pirate-y shorts with his and I wore my pirate-y tiered ruffled skirt that I made (yes, girls, I made this bad-boy myself!) with ribbons tied to my braids and on my black flops. Totally pirate fabulous! LOL!

Tracey & I took a few pics before dinner:



I loved these "lifestyle" shots although I wish I'd thought to cover my nubby finger in the first one. Little-known fact about me: 2 fingers on my left hand were nearly completly severed when I was 4 years old...accident with my brother & an axe....:eek:



The boys wore their pirate tees w/shorts and met us in time for our seating. I don't know why Brian is giving Chandler's dish of cherries the eye in this picture. It's not like he doesn't have one, too!


The pirate menu is festive! Som saw me taking this picture and informed me he would not be looking if one of these left the restaurant with me. So, I *may* or *may not* have this pirate menu sitting atop my sewing table....


On the menu for tonight:




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Original Poster
Of course I had the beef:


Short rib??? I dunno.


Seafood dish. Som had picked up on Tracey & Chandler's love of scallops. Not pictured are the side dishes heaped with scallops that he brought them:


Brian wanted to go back to Vibe for something they were doing before the pirate show/fireworks so he didn't stick around for dessert. I, on the other hand, wasn't about to miss dessert. I mean, seriously. Would you?! I Wayan even learned by now that the only sweetener I use is Splenda:


There also was a cute little "show" after dinner. All the wait staff do a song/dance thing thru the restaurant. They actually do a little something every night which makes the evening fun & festive:


We were getting ready to leave when a nice gentleman and his wife came over to our table to talk to us. He struck up a conversation with Tracey over his LSU hat and they had a few minutes of football talk. The man then said he didn't actually come over because of the LSU hat, tho. He said he noticed when Brian got up for dinner as he did almost every night....teenagers on the's not surprising or unusual. He went on to say how with teenage boys it's noteable when they will give their mommas a kiss or a hug when they're leaving the table. Boys do stay close to their mommas that way so it's not that far-fetched that Brian would come around the table to give me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. But, the man noted, it takes a heckuva young man to not care how it looks to come around the table and kiss both his momma and his daddy before leaving right there in front of the whole world. He said he could see that it was the natural thing for him to do, that he didn't think twice about it, wasn't forced, etc. He was telling us how when he saw Brian do that it touched him and he mentioned it to his wife. He said he told her that we must be a very close, tight family for our teenage sons to be that way. He stood there telling us with tears streaming down his cheeks how he saw us from a distance and how it touched him so...because he has a son in his 20s that he wasn't close to when he was a teenager and now that son is off in the military and he'd do anything to have that time back, to have a kiss on his cheek from his son. The reason they came over to speak to us was to tell us how much that trivial, simple moment meant to them and to tell us that we were doing a good job raising good boys. All this from afar. Tracey & I both welled up with tears. The gentleman's wife was smiling with tears in her eyes. What a touching moment. Seriously. One of those little gifts that life brings you and it becomes something unexpected and poignant, something you'll never forget. And Chandler was sitting across from me enjoying his dessert thru our adult-sap-fest. :lol: Love it. Wasn't sure if I should tell about that little bit of our night tonight. But hey, I'm a momma and I'm proud. Dang proud. My family is my greatest achievement. Okay...tearing up again....moving on!

We returned to our stateroom (I had to touch up my makeup after crying at dinner :cry:) to find the beds turned down and a few little treasures:




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Original Poster
We mixed up some drinks then headed up to deck 10 for the fireworks. The pirate show was going on but we didn't elbow into the masses to see it. We just listened a little. The fireworks just sorta started. I'm guessing they're incorporated as part of the show thing. We didn't see the show on the Dream either so I couldn't say if they're part of the show there, too. But, I think the way the fireworks are presented on the Dream they also can stand alone as their own show. The way they just sorta started on the Magic was different. We definitely didn't like that aspect. But who's complaining? It's fireworks. AT SEA! No other cruise line does that. In fact, the other cruise ships in the area all come closer to the Disney ships to watch their fireworks. Like our cruise director said, "We understand. We're Disney. We'll share." :lol:

Oooooohhhh!!!! Back up! I forgot! Sorry! Okay, so earlier in the evening (when we were getting dressed in our pirate clothes) we noticed the boys toilet flushing on it's own like it was on some timer and then hearing a gushing sound from their bathroom like the water was turning on. Tracey opened their bathroom door and the floor was full of water! The toilet was flushing on it's own every few minutes and the water was pouring onto the floor. It wasn't funky :lookaroun water. It was clear. No odors. Just lots of it! We threw some of our already used towels on the floor by the door to the bathroom because the water had already filled that floor and was coming out. Tracey let Sean, our room steward, know right away because we'd just seen him working in a neighboring room. Maintenance was there to take care of it within minutes. Andreia, our concierge, called within minutes as well asking if we were okay and offering a room move. No need. Moving would be a nightmare. It was being fixed and the water was clear. By the time we finished dinner the floors had been sanitized and big blowers were positioned by the wet areas. No problem. Coming back after the fireworks, we had a good laugh at how easy it was to find our room tonight. The big blower outside our door was a dead giveaway:


We hit the hay at 11:30 or so. What a great day Nassau was this time around!


Well-Known Member
Oh! I hadn't even thought of that... Tracey & I knocking on the door to be first for free cocktails! That's pretty funny! Then people-watching (& critiquing) the masses in line to reboard while we sit on our rumps in the a/c, sip our drinks, and stuff our faces....yeah...we are so classy!!!! I think I love the mental picture! It's so..... us!

We would have been right there with you.


Well-Known Member
KELLY, I so have that Goonies shirt!!! And I'm going to bring it on the girls cruise (if they're still doing pirate night by then)

The little story you wrote about the man and his wife talking to you about your fellas.... definitely made me tear up reading it. It goes to show the little things people notice. You have two very handsome, respectful boys there and you should definitely be a proud mama! you done good!! :D (Side note, as I was wiping away my tears my sister comes into the room, looks at me and says "trip report?" God, she so knows my love for this site!!! lol)

Atlantis sounds like a blast! Something we might look into for the girls cruise.

And all those food pics look sooooo delish! Making me hungry. I'm going to enjoy my not so great spaghetti and garlic bread now... I'd so rather be eating those scallops you mentioned though!! :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Ugh! That is a FANTASTIC military rate! Let's discuss military rates at CS for the girls cruise! LOL!

Was it enough to stay fun right there on-property at Atlantis for Chase? I worry we'd be bored after a few days. Then again, I thought I'd go on a cruise and have nothing to do but eat so I guess I should shut up and give it a whirl, huh? Hahaha!

Atlantis is definitely my favorite water park river, too! I need one of those in my backyard!

Oh yes! The Golden Ticket is a very nice thing....

Yes it was an awesome rate! :lol: Sadly, if we want it on the girls cruise, Stephen will have to join us. :lookaroun

Oh, no wait! I bet Comfort Suites will let us! Disney won't but Comfort Suites should!

Chase said they had an awesome time. They swam with dolphins, did the snuba diving, and ate and ate and ate. He didn't give any indication they were ever bored. But then again, they were two teenage boys (and one grandmother) in paradise. They knew better than to complain. :lol:

Such an adorable skirt! I love it!

I want a pirate menu! I'm going to have to make nice with our waiter on pirate night! The menus used to be on rolled up parchment that everyone could take. I miss that!

And the axe story? Um. Yikes!! :eek:

That was such a sweet story! I'm so glad you shared it!


I was so excited when I saw there was a new trip report from you as I havn't checked on this board in a few weeks. So I may have just spent the last few hours of my May snow day give back enjoying this report instead of going to bed and being ready to teach a room of 5 year olds tomorrow. Anyway I just love your reports and here are my ramdom thoughts. I love your little family too and as I have commented before I just love how your husband likes to spoil you. Seriously he needs to teach a class to my husband on how to enjoy vacations and spoil his wife. As soon as I saw the first picture of you at dinner I wondered if that was "that dress" from the other report. So yes, I remembered the dress too! The "don't put your toes in the water" thing made me laugh out loud. Seriously. I could totally picture that being my dear three year old and my husband being mortified. I can only wish. The touching story about the man telling you at dinner about what good parents you are brought tears to my eyes. Is there any bigger compliment in the world then being told you are a good parent? As I read your reports I also always get the feeling that you have raised wonderful boys. I need a lesson in that too. Somehow I doubt anyone will be stopping me anytime soon to say what a great job I am doing as the dear son has picked up a few choice words he may possibly have heard one of his parents saying when they lost at Super Mario 3 on the ancient Nintendo. No parent of the year awards for us but I do hope my boy grows up to still love his mama. It is funny how you get such a good feel for people in these reports and I always come away from them thinking I wish I knew these people in "real" life because they seem like my kind of people. If only I could afford the girls cruise. Maybe someday...........


Active Member
You guys looked so cute in your pirate gear! I totally went the easy route...a Pirates tee and bandana. Lame, I know!

What a sweet story about the couple who came over to your dinner table - and how sweet your boys are. You all are such a cute family. Had meant to tell you that on the cruise.:)


Active Member
So glad you were able to write another post for us!!! Hooray!!

I had to post a comment about your story at dinner. It was so touching to read it. You know you have good boys when they have no problem showing affection toward their parents in public. It not only shows love but respect for both you and your hubby. Very sweet. I hope my children will be that way when they are your kids ages.

Loved your pirate night pics. LOVED your skirt. You really need to make them and sell them (and your comforter!!!) on etsy. I wish I could sew like that!!!

I can't wait to read the rest!


Well-Known Member
We were getting ready to leave when a nice gentleman and his wife came over to our table to talk to us. He struck up a conversation with Tracey over his LSU hat and they had a few minutes of football talk. The man then said he didn't actually come over because of the LSU hat, tho. He said he noticed when Brian got up for dinner as he did almost every night....teenagers on the's not surprising or unusual. He went on to say how with teenage boys it's noteable when they will give their mommas a kiss or a hug when they're leaving the table. Boys do stay close to their mommas that way so it's not that far-fetched that Brian would come around the table to give me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. But, the man noted, it takes a heckuva young man to not care how it looks to come around the table and kiss both his momma and his daddy before leaving right there in front of the whole world. He said he could see that it was the natural thing for him to do, that he didn't think twice about it, wasn't forced, etc. He was telling us how when he saw Brian do that it touched him and he mentioned it to his wife. He said he told her that we must be a very close, tight family for our teenage sons to be that way. He stood there telling us with tears streaming down his cheeks how he saw us from a distance and how it touched him so...because he has a son in his 20s that he wasn't close to when he was a teenager and now that son is off in the military and he'd do anything to have that time back, to have a kiss on his cheek from his son. The reason they came over to speak to us was to tell us how much that trivial, simple moment meant to them and to tell us that we were doing a good job raising good boys. All this from afar. Tracey & I both welled up with tears. The gentleman's wife was smiling with tears in her eyes. What a touching moment. Seriously. One of those little gifts that life brings you and it becomes something unexpected and poignant, something you'll never forget. And Chandler was sitting across from me enjoying his dessert thru our adult-sap-fest. :lol: Love it. Wasn't sure if I should tell about that little bit of our night tonight. But hey, I'm a momma and I'm proud. Dang proud. My family is my greatest achievement. Okay...tearing up again....moving on!

Pretty sure this is a great achievement of any mother and father. It's so sad to see parents who don't care or parents who try to act their kids age. Yes, we should never let go of our inner child. But, the balance between being a friend and being a parent is a great relationship to achieve with children. To get to that level where BOYS are not afraid to kiss their mom and dad, before they leave, in front of a whole bunch of people is so spectacular. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Love all the pirate dress and pictures - what great memories!

Great job with the boys - you should be proud! And talk about great memories - very cool of that man to come over and express himself like that.

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