Registered right before midnight before the price went up. I had been thinking of running this race since I heard about it in January - February. Paid $111.11 for race entry plus the commemorative race pin.
This will be my first Disney race, let alone my first 10 miler. Should be interesting. Never ran the ToT 13K, but I almost did.
Should be interesting training this spring and summer. The farthest I have ever run is an 8K and more recently I have been running 5Ks. Easy enough to go from 3.16 miles to about 7 more, right?
I am staying at the Shades of Green and was wondering what would be the quickest / easiest way in getting to and from Wide World of Sports for the race packet pick-up?
As well, on race night, what bus(es) shall I take from Shades / Polynesian / TTC to get to the starting line, etc.
Thanks for advice in advance!