Well-Known Member
Registered right before midnight before the price went up. I had been thinking of running this race since I heard about it in January - February. Paid $111.11 for race entry plus the commemorative race pin.
This will be my first Disney race, let alone my first 10 miler. Should be interesting. Never ran the ToT 13K, but I almost did.
Should be interesting training this spring and summer. The farthest I have ever run is an 8K and more recently I have been running 5Ks. Easy enough to go from 3.16 miles to about 7 more, right?
I am staying at the Shades of Green and was wondering what would be the quickest / easiest way in getting to and from Wide World of Sports for the race packet pick-up?
As well, on race night, what bus(es) shall I take from Shades / Polynesian / TTC to get to the starting line, etc.
Thanks for advice in advance!
Unfortunately, Shades of Green isn't a participating host resort (neither is any other MK resort). So that makes it a bit tricky.
To get to the packet pickup, the easiest way will probably be to be at either DHS or Epcot that day, and then walk to Boardwalk/Yacht/Beach club and get on the bus there. They may still be running the normal DHS to WWoS bus, but at the worst, those resorts will have shuttles.
Race night, may be something similar. I don't think they have officially announced where the start will be. I'd wager either DHS or WWoS. If it's WWoS, you would need to look into doing something similar as to get to the packet pickup. If it is DHS you could possibly take the last park bus over, and then chill in the parking lot/race area for several hours (DHS closes at 6PM that day). Or, go to Epcot, and then walk over close to the start time.
Getting back, cab with be the easiest and quickest way. Store the number of MEARS in your phone before hand.
Depending on your estimated finish time, and how late you stay at the party, you might be able to get to DTD, and then get a SoG/Poly bus from there. You would need to transfer via another resort, so either taking on of the host shuttles back, and then getting a DTD bus, or walking to one of the Epcot resorts and getting the DTD bus. I wouldn't count on that as being a viable option, and the chances of getting stuck somewhere that isn't your hotel at 2AM are reasonable.