Spirited Monday Musings:
Nope, I can't keep up with this thread. Trying ...
So, did you see the placed WSJ piece designed to tell Wall Street that the Iger succession plans are either BAD (Tom Staggs) or WORSE (Jay Rasulo)?
Believe that it is what Iger wants. Do not believe that it will happen unless you wish to give up all hope of Disney ever attaining greatness again.
Melissa McBride deserves serious Emmy consideration for playing Carol on Walking Dead. She won't get it. But last night showed yet again that unlike some on that show, she can actually act.
So, lemme get this straight (also the Jeopardy answer to ... nevermind) Mrs. Ricky's husband is starting a second site, so he can be naughty without negatively impacting his relationship with Disney? Yes, you can all start laughing now.
Nope. Not wearing green today. Not even socks or undies.
It seems that a major Disney project once thought DoA is anything but and is moving through the developmental process quite quickly. Oh, don't get excited. It surely isn't anything for WDW and I will call you Shirley ... I've called some of you a lot worse before!
For those who love to plan the demise of network TV, Sunday nights are a great example of why that won't be happening anytime soon. There's so much quality content to choose from on the Big Four and that doesn't count cable.
Anyone out there seriously believe we actually had a recovery from the 2008 depression? You're wrong if you do, but I'm just curious if we have any one (if we do they're likely battling Sloppy in that thread on why some people shouldn't have lives!)
I want to congratulate my little buddy
@EPCOT Explorer on his first ever stay on WDW property, even if it wasn't a WDW owned and operated resort he has moved up in the world! But those Tweets ... seriously, oh vey, I thought I was gonna puke.
I once talked about something called the 'Pixie Dust Cartel' ... and largely it speaks to the crazy emotional bond that many WDW visitors have with a BRAND. It is insane on so many levels.
To my west-coast pals, whole lotta shaking this morning?

OK, it seems like those Little Mermaid changes at DCA will be making their way east ... at some point. That could mean in 2015 ... or 2018 ... or 2020.
I'd look for something BIG and Spirited later this year. To be clear, the above comment has very little to do with Disney.
If it isn't one thing, well, it is another.
OK, we are smack dab in the middle of spring break for colleges in the USA and spring training for MLB teams in Florida ... and ... any breathless reports of three hour waits for attractions?
That means other than the Anna and Elsa cosplay deal at Epcot. Seriously, how mentally ill must an adult be to pay $100 a day (or less) and stand in a line for 2-3-4 hours to meet college co-eds playing dress up?
Will there be any nudity on Ricky's new site? Like Lifestyler Centerfolds (we all want to see that, don't we?
