I sympathize with this, and sadly for me it did lead me to a "I think I need to cut some people out of my life conclusion" that you find offensive (having been on the "cut off" side, I appreciate the offense).
The truth is, a lot of us who grew up with WDW and this rabid addiction to it are adults now. And I'm not even speaking of internet ppl anymore, I am speaking of my own real acquaintances (no naming of names!). Sitting here, in adulthood, I have to say WDW doesn't really do it for me anymore. At all. It is impossible to NOT want to talk about and to study because I do have a rabid love for theme parks. But I do not care to visit it.
What does this have to do with people that I have known for years? They're on the other side of this equation. They're addicted to WDW. Even if they don't like what the parks are now, they still come anyway and see the few things they care about and buy insane amounts of retro merchandise and whatever. And you know what? None of these actions are ever going to bring the WDW that we all cared about back. It's gone. Never to return. But my Orlando acquaintances come anyway and then get all depressed and sad when they can't find what they REALLY want. Again, we're talking about adults. Addicted to a theme park. A theme park that makes them miserable that they really don't even like visiting. But they still love it? This is a relentless pursuit of reliving a childhood that never was and never will be. It's not healthy.
So I sit here at adulthood, like you, enjoying a wide range of things outside of Walt Disney World; traveling both around the USA and abroad being among some of those enjoyments. And I have people that I know that will NEVER join me on these adventures. It's not because of money. Not at all. Very rarely do Disney lifestylers have problems finding disposable income. It's because they simply don't care about the world outside. And this gap widens in just about every aspect of my adult life. It's very hard to relate to a person who has no perception of the world outside the zip code 32830.
I'm sorry. When it becomes impossible to relate to a friend I've had for years and its large because I matured and grew up and they did not, I back away from the situation and let them snort up all the pixie dust they want. It's obvious that the road I am taking in life is never going to intersect with theirs at any point along a future timeline.
It sounds like I am running around making friends enemies for no reason. Quite the opposite. Keeping such people close is what really breeds the contempt. Again: not healthy. Not for them. Not for me.