This entire concept of paying money to ride a ride, that you already paid park admission for, to gain access to has to stop. Its reprehensible, egregious and will blow up in Disney's face.
The idea alone that paying $90 to get into DHS is mindblowing but then to turn around and charge more money so you can ride one specific ride? Thats a vulgarity thats NSFW.
This is a little different than in 1971 when we had $3.50 for admission and $4.75 for a 7 ride ticket book.
I should not have to schedule months in advance when I suddenly feel like riding Pirates of the Carribean. That is wholey unacceptable. I should be able to go to the parks, when I want, wait in line and ride whatever I want. I should not be turned away because I didnt "schedule."
Its just vulgar.