The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
I didn't know they were getting PotC. Looks like they are investing close to their initial investment in DLP.

I just saw this report on 60 Minutes on how China has ghost cities with brand new buildings and skyscrapers built or partially built that go on for miles and miles (think dozens of Detroits but brand spanking new). Their real estate economy has a bubble far worse than the 2008 one in the US that is only getting bigger. It will burst sooner or later.

What will happen to SDL when it does? Is Disney in for a mess far worse than EuroDisney?
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Well-Known Member
They know how to build quickly and efficiently when the right $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is talking.

Apparently this does not apply to Florida. So in the 3-4 years it took to build Mine Train, they're building all of Shanghai Disneyland. Do I got this right?

Well this is something for someone far more educated than I, but from what I read about the building most of the Chinese Olympic projects, you were looking at migrant workers making the equivalent of $200 a month. Certainly, I can see why they can get this done faster, if this is the case, as they can employ 10-50 times the manpower.
Again, I'm only basing this on what took place to construct the stadiums and villages of for the Olympics a few years back, it may be nothing like this at SDL.


Premium Member
I didn't know they were getting PotC. Looks like they are investing close to their initial investment in DLP.

I just saw this report on 60 Minutes on how China has ghost cities with brand new buildings and skyscrapers built or partially built that go on for miles and miles (think dozens of Detroits but brand spanking new). Their real estate economy has a bubble far worse than the 2008 one in the US that is only getting bigger. It will burst sooner or later.

What will happen to HKDL when it does? Is Disney in for a mess far worse than EuroDisney?

They will have a version of PotC but it won't be a copy of the existing ones.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Which will have a mine train lol


I sure hope they got the 'extended' version. I can't imagine the capacity issues that ride will face in Shanghai in it's current state.


Resident Curmudgeon
I did too because 20% off of insanely high prices still results in insanely high prices. We rent a car and eat mostly offsite. The food cost savings MORE than pays for the rental car and also having a car makes it easier to get to Universal and other non-Disney attractions if we want to go somewhere other than Disney.

Agree and it's sad because for the longest time eating at WDW was part of the 'experience' I recall 'King Stefan's Banquet Hall' it was WALK UP!!! as was CRT in the early days and expensive but not overly so. But you were at a RESORT so it was going to be more costly than Sodalak's in College Station TX so you paid the differential but when the differential is 100-200% of local prices one simply says NYET!

But now prices are out of control so being DVC we eat in our unit, For me it's not a hardship as I enjoy cooking and since I travel for a living its actually another fun WDW activity.

I miss the EXPERIENCE of WDW dining - but we simply refuse to support for the most part the blatant ripoff WDW dining has become in the 2012- onward period.

We still do a couple of favorites but its only a couple of meals not like before where ALL meals were eaten at WDW regardless of having a full kitchen which at the time was used simply for snacks and late night feasting.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope they got the 'extended' version. I can't imagine the capacity issues that ride will face in Shanghai in it's current state.

The length of the ride shouldn't impact capacity much (in terms of how many people ride per hour) since it is basically determined by how quickly vehicles are unloaded/loaded/dispached.

Length of the ride does impact capacity in terms of "how many people are riding a ride at a given time" since more vehicles can be in action at the same time.

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