Whether its CNN or
@WDW1974 that gets people to discuss it, the agenda doesnt matter if it creates awareness and has people talking about it. It creates a spark that may in turn lead to more action being taken by someone who does not want to let it be "utterly forgotten" or go back to talking about Frozen in the parks. We live in a world were people see a story like this and think "thats horrible" then turn the channel to watch The Kardashians or Game of Throwns.
Its easier to turn a blind eye and assume someone else will do something. So 74 is trying to do something (who cares if you think his focus is too heavy on Disney) and some people rip him for it.?? Im not trying to kiss either, I dont personally know 74 outside of these forums and Im simply defending the fact the its a person doing something, not just turning the channel on the tv. I dont blame him if he chooses not to post his new info regarding the parks. Its fun to get insider info but does it really change our lives that much? Our bills will still be due, the sun will still rise, your poop will still stink, and it will come back to the same topics of discussion anyway. Should we be tearing Disney apart for this? No, but it deserves discussion without that 74 dropping new park info is more important.