The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
I have worked on both sides of the PR business. I absolutely do not have a problem with it at large.

Disney is an entirely different animal. From running every word of every post on the DPB BY LEGAL before posting to paying off blogging and Lifestyler whores to treating real media like a word I can't type here, yeah, I have issues with Disney PR.

The fact that everyone acts like Mongello isn't a paid BRAND advocate is just the icing on an inedible cake. I hope they all choke on it and, one day, they will.

Some people's mileage will vary. I've worked for several wire services for events at both DIsney and Universal and the difference was night and day. Disney's PR people were fantastic and allowed me to do anything whereas Universal took 12 straight hours of emails (between myself and an editor in Toronto) before getting a response and then I was shepherded around and pretty much controlled what I covered. I did not like that one bit.

I'll take Disney's PR people any day of the week, given the choice.


Well-Known Member
If a professional spin doctor wrote "I know not of what you speak"--they really need to brush up their resume. The perfect softball for a "rising tide raises all boats, Potter fans still should want to come to Disney" response, and he goes for a dumb joke. Had to be off the cuff, right?

I mean, come on Lou, they teach us to do better in law school...

Would it have been that hard to say it was apples to oranges? Or a more realistic comparison like..

Apples to stale rice cakes?
Some people's mileage will vary. I've worked for several wire services for events at both DIsney and Universal and the difference was night and day. Disney's PR people were fantastic and allowed me to do anything whereas Universal took 12 straight hours of emails (between myself and an editor in Toronto) before getting a response and then I was shepherded around and pretty much controlled what I covered. I did not like that one bit.

I'll take Disney's PR people any day of the week, given the choice.

Agreed about the good PR people of Disney. I know from experience that on certain questions, if you answer that something was "good" (not the highest level), they ask what was bad about the experience and how they can fix it. Compare that to some other companies. Yes, we all give Disney some flack for their stagnation with certain things, but their PR people are normally good. No complaints whatsoever.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yes, but for years DL's was better because the MK's had been allowed to decay into basically a ghetto status. The logs were filthy. The ride was decrepit. The show quality was abysmal.

But last year the MK version FINALLY got a true rehab and, while there are still a few issues, it looks the best it has since the 1990s.

As to TDL's version, well, it absolutely is the best going. Quality all around, added AAs and show effects, nothing but a tiny misting (no soaking you down as Walmarted rubes think is what should happen on a flume ride) and a wonderful, and huge, QSR (Grandma Sara's Kitchen, home of my first ever TDL meal!) facility that is attached to the ride.

And yet the logs are once again filthy. It isn't limited to Splash though. For what ever reason Disney has decide ride vehicles don't need to be cleaned daily any longer. Much like the monorails. Weekly seems to be the mantra.


Well-Known Member
Ah but on DCL I have encountered Snow White prancing around the upper level of Dream's atrium humming a tune, and Peter Pan crowing from around the corner of a random hall.

DCL is where it is at!

Favorite moment ever was on the Dream when Pluto randomly walked up to my 6-year-old goddaughter on all fours and demanded to be petted. After a couple minutes, we were like, "Pluto, we have to go." I think he would've stayed there all afternoon!

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
The 1960s original was a true classic and a great film ... but everything that has come since (from the 70s sequels to the Burton reboot to the Franco film of three years ago) has been largely mediocre to unwatchable. ... I think a close friend may want to go see it with me, though.

I just saw the new Apes movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was well done for sure and you might actually like this one.


Well-Known Member
I just saw the new Apes movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was well done for sure and you might actually like this one.
We've been spoiled this year with big budget Sci-Fi. Snowpiercer is really quite something. I recommend going in knowing nothing about it. We get so bombarded with adverts for these films that it's quite hard to get an opportunity to come in blind and go out delighted.


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you, though. What do you think of the renovated units at WLV?
DW really liked the Villas at the Wilderness Lodge for about 24 hours and then got bored with it. DW and all our teenagers decided the Animal Kingdom Lodge was way better. (I still like the Wilderness Lodge; really am surprised no one else did.)

We've transferred over to OKW. One of my twin DD16 said just a few minutes ago: "I like this one more than the one we just stayed in."

Not sure I took any photos of the inside of the Wildness Lodge villa. We did take the Sammy Duvall jet ski tour of Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon. I had one of those disposable water cameras with me; took photos there. If any come out, maybe I'll post a couple. :)

Gotta say I was surprised that jet skiing at WDW was not much more expensive than in Atlanta. (My local lake costs much more than WDW in absolute dollars because there's a 4-hour minimum rental on weekends.)

The views from the Seven Seas Lagoon are more interesting than in Georgia.:D

It was way cool zipping by the Grand Floridian at 10:30 in the morning on the water at 35 mph. :cool:
I had planned on stopping by there and asking to see one ('Angie' is thinking of adding points there when she wakes up from her drunken stupor from partying over Germany's World Cup win, which only happened because I am wearing my lucky EPCOT Germany cap!) ... I have heard mixed reviews. Any pics you can share with us here? Thoughts?
We actually went to WDW theme parks today. (That's two whole days this year. :D) The teenagers watched the World Cup from inside the old Wonders of Life pavilion. They told me it was deafening each time the crowd thought Argentina scored.

It really says something about WDW when a bunch of teenagers can have a single 8AM-to-11PM day at four theme parks and feel like there's no reason to return the next day. Looks like tomorrow will be a water park day.

Reading your earlier post, it sounds like you enjoyed SDMT more than I did. We made the mistake of riding Big Thunder immediately after SDMT and everyone in our party decided Big Thunder was much better. IMHO, Expedition Everest (2006) remains the most recent "must do" addition at WDW.

SDMT definitely is a "family roller coaster".
I have never bought food items at a WDW resort, so I admit I don't pay much attention. But I have seen two-liter bottles of Sprite go for over $3 and I recall my old pal @CBOMB complaining about being gouged on beer at said resort. Maybe prices have been lowered due to complaints or the fact that Disney know sells these items to CMs at Property Control/Cast Connection.
Yup, a 20 oz soda was at least $3 a bottle, a single can of Heiny was $6.25, and a six-pack of Bud Lite was $15.

The milk was priced well. Everything else at WDW was like any place that has a captive audience. Lucky for me, the only thing I bought was milk.
Last edited:

Mike S

Well-Known Member
View attachment 58946 Omg I figured out what the bomb is that spirit will be dropping in a bit......forgive me spirit for letting the cat out early but here goes.....HOSTESS CHOCODILES ARE BACK!!!

Disney is trying to distance itself from Miley at this time. They want somebody more innocent, with an infectious, warm and sunny personality to play that iconic role.

So they're going with Kristen Stewart.


I just saw the new Apes movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was well done for sure and you might actually like this one.
I just saw it as well, it was AMAZING. I'm in love with the new series. Can't wait till the next one :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Spirited Saturday Afternoon Quickees:


BTW, someone said my pal @PhotoDave219 was complaining somewhere in this thread about Brian Singer chat. The guy is a scumbag whose behavior around Hollywood has been known for years. And his behavior isn't something that is the exception ... Disney legal is well aware they are one angry fanboi with a great lawyer away from having a scandal that would dwarf the Singer sordid tales.

Did y'all see how Celebration Place/Dr. Blondie/Crazy Gary/Bland Tommy and Co placed The Mongello on FOX 35 in O-Town to ***** up the Frozen Summer offerings? Did you see how he ignored a softball question about Diagon Alley? Do those folks have any shame whatsoever? Lou is a paid shill, but how do his handlers face themselves in a mirror.

A few thoughts on Gringotts, which I have not ridden yet, after a lovely lunch with someone who helped bring it to life:

It is not close to being ready to be ridden. It was forced to be rushed due to UNI/Comcast's marketing team and having a media event scheduled and The Tonight Show taping. Capacity, right now, is about half to 2/3rds (on a good day) of what it should and will be.

Despite the fact the ride will immediately be one of the best in O-Town, it isn't groundbreaking. It takes a lot of existing techs and bakes them into a perfect pie. Forbidden Journey was groundbreaking as a ride experience, though. Gringotts isn't.

And while Diagon Alley as an area may well equal or surpass the quality seen in TDS, it doesn't change the fact that the rest of UNI Studios has its good, bad and ugly and doesn't measure up to the amazing new world created.

Back to the Frozen Summer. ... Any Disney fanbois who think this is designed to take attention away from Diagon Alley are smoking some bad pixie dust. Any UNI fanbois who think this is designed to attempt to take attention away from DA are smoking worse weed. This is something Tom Staggs ordered ... and ordered at last minute due to the amazing $$$ the franchise has brought into Disney's coffers. Nothing else was at play here.

Yet another summer comes and Disney deluxe resorts struggle to fill rooms, with the Grand Flo and Poly and BW all having vast quantities of rooms out of service for rehabs or conversion to DVC units. Again, speaks fully to Disney's faulty 'the sky isn't the limit' continually rising prices. When I have stayed at Ritz Carltons for less than the prices of Disney 'moderate' resorts, something is seriously effed up in corporate thinking.

A friend sent a note today about visiting Europa Park (very high on my list of parks I want to visit) and their new Arthur hybrid rolley coaster/dark ride. Said the attraction, which was delayed like seemingly every major attraction opening this summer, was very nice, but not up to Disney standards (especially the animatronics).

It is true: UNI Creative has gone and picked up Disney's trash. The fired Jason Surrell has been hired as an entertainment/show writer for UNI.

How come I have no interest in seeing the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film at all?

Y'all remember a few summers ago when Disney was shuttering the Studios park at 7 on Friday and Saturday nights?

Earthquakes in Oklahoma? Yeah, nothing at all to do with the energy companies and what they are doing below the surface.

Time to run ... but going to drop some serious news here shortly.

OK a few questions here, as I can normally follow ya, but I read, re-read and a tad lost.

Did y'all see how Celebration Place/Dr. Blondie/Crazy Gary/Bland Tommy and Co placed The Mongello on FOX 35 in O-Town to ***** up the Frozen Summer offerings? Did you see how he ignored a softball question about Diagon Alley? Do those folks have any shame whatsoever? Lou is a paid shill, but how do his handlers face themselves in a mirror.

What the heck happened on Fox 35 with Lou? And what did that dudes friends do?

Yet another summer comes and Disney deluxe resorts struggle to fill rooms, with the Grand Flo and Poly and BW all having vast quantities of rooms out of service for rehabs or conversion to DVC units. Again, speaks fully to Disney's faulty 'the sky isn't the limit' continually rising prices. When I have stayed at Ritz Carltons for less than the prices of Disney 'moderate' resorts, something is seriously effed up in corporate thinking.'

And here I am with ya! What I paid for a moderate with a hefty discount is getting absurd. I am all in for convenience but I am hard pressed to pay rack rate for a moderate that is pretty much equal to a dumbed down low budget in DownTown Chicago. Heck Disney has filtered out the theming in most of the moderate rooms. If I have to pay rack or even close, I'm sorry 30% isn't enough to sway me, I'm going to throw convenience out the door and stay at a nice, true deluxe for less than Disney's moderate. I can hire a towncar and still come out ahead each night. And with the extended hours vs the decline in EMHs there isn't the incentive to stay on sight any longer.

There just seems to be so many impulse buyers caught up in the Pixie Dust to by the time shares and far less consumers willing to pay rack rates for the deluxe accommodations that one would think the business model would be convert the Deluxe to Time Shares. How many times has The Mongello been seen squatting at the Swan and Dolphin vs the Grand Floridian? When spending their own $$$ even the wealthy knows the S&D is a better value than Disney Deluxe or additional points purchased at a time share.


Premium Member
We just got back from Transformers and we actually enjoyed it and thought it was the best of the series so far. Keep in mind we had low expectations and few other choices for a 3D movie for the time slot we could make. Marky Mark was definitely better than Lebouf and the storyline was fun but if youve seen one Michael Bay movie, youve seen them all. Explosions are his "cowbell"


Well-Known Member
We just got back from Transformers and we actually enjoyed it and thought it was the best of the series so far. Keep in mind we had low expectations and few other choices for a 3D movie for the time slot we could make. Marky Mark was definitely better than Lebouf and the storyline was fun but if youve seen one Michael Bay movie, youve seen them all. Explosions are his "cowbell"

when we got to the part at the end of the movie where Optimus Prime rode a fire breathing dinosaur. Seriously?!?

Other than that, yeah, it was pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Not good with the multi-quote function, so here goes.

Great responses and viewpoints to all. I understand applauding a live performance, but was applause also given for any other Disney songs the trio (I'm guessing) in the lobby played? Including Disney standards that built the empire to begin with? And I agree, an older crowd, and past 6 months out or so and it's really troubling. And the little girls singing along, ugh, I really hope the 6 year old girls who don't know the song by heart aren't being bullied because of it. Better learn it quick, just another instance of youth peer pressure. A soccer match with emotion for a team you've probably followed for years compared to a new movie isn't comparable to me, nor is an actual explosive element of an actual attraction versus the "Don 5 Trio from Clearwater".

My whole point here everyone, is that while I think the movie is very good, it doesn't live up to the hype and hoopla surrounding it just because it's the most recent offering. AND, this type of reaction for anything but the absolute best says to Disney and others, "Don't worry about giving us the best, just good is ok, and if you help hype it correctly, we'll open our wallets just as wide as if you'd really given it your best shot.

Frozen DOES live up to the hype when you are a kid. My daughter is 5 and will turn 6 in about 6 days. She is a "Frozen Freak" now and it has nothing to do with peer pressure. My wife took her to see Frozen in the theater and as soon as it was released we picked up the DVD. Yes, we bought the DVD because we (I) don't care if its a regular DVD or BluRay. They my daughter and 3 1/2 year old son watch Frozen a lot while on the road. They genuinely enjoy the movie. They sing the songs. I admit that I enjoy the songs. They don't grate on my nerves.

For my kid anyway, Frozen is the third movie she has seen in the theater. We took her to Rio as her first movie experience and she fell asleep halfway though. Her second outing was Winnie the Pooh. After Frozen I took her to see that dinosaur movie last year. My 3 1/2 year old has NOT been to a movie yet. We tried Wreck it Ralph on the Magic last year since we didn't have anything to loose monetarily if he wouldn't sit still. He didn't as we left. We are not the sort of people to make everyone else miserable with our kids acting badly.

Furthermore, I got the Wii I wanted a few years ago and played with a few times out again to so the kids could play with it. My daughter played about 15 minutes with it and was finished. They have some sort of kid tablets that they play games on sometimes. Otherwise my two kids play together with tractors, Cars stuff, Barbie, blocks, and they get made when we wont let them go outside to play. They will stay out as long as we let them, no matter the weather or level of sunshine.

So, Frozen, at least in our house is liked well because its a good movie. Not because its the popular or in thing to do.


Well-Known Member
We just got back from Transformers and we actually enjoyed it and thought it was the best of the series so far. Keep in mind we had low expectations and few other choices for a 3D movie for the time slot we could make. Marky Mark was definitely better than Lebouf and the storyline was fun but if youve seen one Michael Bay movie, youve seen them all. Explosions are his "cowbell"
The new Transformers movie is fun! That's really the best way to describe certainly isn't winning any oscars, and was never made to do that, and I think that's one of the big reasons people have given it such poor reviews. It's a mindless summer action movie and nothing more! I know people that said they didn't like it, they went to see it "for the story" and it didn't really have much of one except stuff blowing up every 5 minutes...

The one movie I was actually looking forward to seeing this summer was the new Wichowski movie, but it got bumped at the last minute due to fx work not being able to be finished in time for the movies release... At least I still have Lucy and GOTG to come!


Well-Known Member
Spirited Saturday Afternoon Quickees:

BTW, someone said my pal @PhotoDave219 was complaining somewhere in this thread about Brian Singer chat. The guy is a scumbag whose behavior around Hollywood has been known for years. And his behavior isn't something that is the exception ... Disney legal is well aware they are one angry fanboi with a great lawyer away from having a scandal that would dwarf the Singer sordid tales.

Did y'all see how Celebration Place/Dr. Blondie/Crazy Gary/Bland Tommy and Co placed The Mongello on FOX 35 in O-Town to ***** up the Frozen Summer offerings? Did you see how he ignored a softball question about Diagon Alley? Do those folks have any shame whatsoever? Lou is a paid shill, but how do his handlers face themselves in a mirror.

A few thoughts on Gringotts, which I have not ridden yet, after a lovely lunch with someone who helped bring it to life:

It is not close to being ready to be ridden. It was forced to be rushed due to UNI/Comcast's marketing team and having a media event scheduled and The Tonight Show taping. Capacity, right now, is about half to 2/3rds (on a good day) of what it should and will be.

Despite the fact the ride will immediately be one of the best in O-Town, it isn't groundbreaking. It takes a lot of existing techs and bakes them into a perfect pie. Forbidden Journey was groundbreaking as a ride experience, though. Gringotts isn't.

And while Diagon Alley as an area may well equal or surpass the quality seen in TDS, it doesn't change the fact that the rest of UNI Studios has its good, bad and ugly and doesn't measure up to the amazing new world created.

Back to the Frozen Summer. ... Any Disney fanbois who think this is designed to take attention away from Diagon Alley are smoking some bad pixie dust. Any UNI fanbois who think this is designed to attempt to take attention away from DA are smoking worse weed. This is something Tom Staggs ordered ... and ordered at last minute due to the amazing $$$ the franchise has brought into Disney's coffers. Nothing else was at play here.

Yet another summer comes and Disney deluxe resorts struggle to fill rooms, with the Grand Flo and Poly and BW all having vast quantities of rooms out of service for rehabs or conversion to DVC units. Again, speaks fully to Disney's faulty 'the sky isn't the limit' continually rising prices. When I have stayed at Ritz Carltons for less than the prices of Disney 'moderate' resorts, something is seriously effed up in corporate thinking.

A friend sent a note today about visiting Europa Park (very high on my list of parks I want to visit) and their new Arthur hybrid rolley coaster/dark ride. Said the attraction, which was delayed like seemingly every major attraction opening this summer, was very nice, but not up to Disney standards (especially the animatronics).

It is true: UNI Creative has gone and picked up Disney's trash. The fired Jason Surrell has been hired as an entertainment/show writer for UNI.

How come I have no interest in seeing the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film at all?

Y'all remember a few summers ago when Disney was shuttering the Studios park at 7 on Friday and Saturday nights?

Earthquakes in Oklahoma? Yeah, nothing at all to do with the energy companies and what they are doing below the surface.

Time to run ... but going to drop some serious news here shortly.

Such a tease. I'd think I dated you in High School (if you were female).

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