I assume this was directed at me, so I'll reply.
I, for one, wasn't trying to diagnose any kind of mental condition. I see now how my statement could have been taken that way, but I meant insanity more in the sense of "extreme foolishness or irrationality," which, IMO, describes her behavior perfectly. I do find the idea of waiting in a theme park for three weeks or more for the slim chance of getting access to something before the rest of the public to be irrational at the very least.
As far as whether or not it matters, have you been reading this thread? Half of what is said here, if not more, is far from useful news/info, such as what you're looking for. Sure, there's a lot of interesting rumor that gets posted here, and there are some reliable people here who like to share what they hear, but I'd hardly say anyone should be shocked to find opinionated posts on here that have nothing to do with any kind of news developments.
Oh, and I'm far from viewing myself as superior to anyone here. Anyone who has talked to me for more than two minutes would know that... I wasn't being smug; I was simply stating my opinion. Sorry if that bothers you somehow.