John, seriously... I have known Spirit, in print, for many, many years. I have told him more then once that he is the guy that throws the threads to the wind, and then seems upset when they drift away. I don't usually care one way or the other, but in this case the discussion has been limited just to the few people that follow this thread and most of them are not Universal Fanbois. Yes, they are upset that Uni has Potter and envious of what they have done with it, but it is not the total story, it's just amongst ourselves. I am just saying that if anyone wants to have a serious discussion about the new stuff at Uni (specifically) then it should be someplace else. Someplace where others besides the select few can pat each other on the back in joyous (uni)fication.
Another point is that this is indeed NOT his gig. He started the thread, but, as you have said has wandered off in many directions with his musings. OK, not a problem, but, how does that make him lord of this board or this thread. No one else seems to have that privilege or the ability to own a media source and what gets posted on it. Sorry, I cannot buy that nor will I ever succumb to it.
What I am trying to say has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not I like the threads sponsored by 74 or not. It is the context and placement that I have been trying to get across. In the long run it doesn't matter and I know that as well as anyone. However, if this is truly a discussion forum, I should have a right to have an opinion that might be in disagreement, without being told to not read it or to "skip the thread". I also do not necessarily consider spirits opinions as being infallible. Never have, never will. I will also not be bullied into not expressing myself because of the obsessive cult like following of Mr. Spirit. However, I'm not even questioning him here, I'm questioning the rest of you concerning this blind devotion to a poster. It is sometimes quite bewildering.