The Spirited 11th Hour ...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
"I’m this generation's Disney…" -Kanye West (warning: mild strong language)
this guy has serious mental/ego issues. I think the Trashdasians infected him already.
No idea how the hell he can compare himself to Walt disney. Considering his ridiculous lyrics full of insults and indirects to other artists (lately Taylor Swift). Its not like he has created things for everyone.. but for himself and his ego.


Well-Known Member
this guy has serious mental/ego issues. I think the Trashdasians infected him already.
No idea how the hell he can compare himself to Walt disney. Considering his ridiculous lyrics full of insults and indirects to other artists (lately Taylor Swift). Its not like he has created things for everyone.. but for himself and his ego.
Exactly. He has no right.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
My only rebuttal to that is that the carrier was IMO looked to be in a scrap yard and not a ship yard. With all the broken cars piled up I instantly thought it was being dismantled
Yeah, but in most of the sequences, they seem to be putting boxes and unloading content, not the opposite.
Who knows, lets wait for the second movie, which as good 'ol pool told us.. will feature Cable.

(ps, the jab at Rob Liefeld in the credits was superb too)
for those who doesnt know, Rob Liefeld was famous for doing ridiculous drawings with zero anatomy knowledge, specially of Cable and "shatterstar".


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but in most of the sequences, they seem to be putting boxes and unloading content, not the opposite.
Who knows, lets wait for the second movie, which as good 'ol pool told us.. will feature Cable.

(ps, the jab at Rob Liefeld in the credits was superb too)
for those who doesnt know, Rob Liefeld was famous for doing ridiculous drawings with zero anatomy knowledge, specially of Cable and "shatterstar".

I'll never view Lent the same way.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I finally booked my next vacation (woohoo!) and decided on 4 days at Universal, onsite @ Cabana Bay. I'm hopelessly stupid when it comes to anything Universal parks/restaurants/etc.... but ya'll have been bragging on them for long enough that I booked the second leg of my vacay there.

Thanks, @WDW1974 ;)

I booked in the Autumn with the anticipation of hopefully catching the Maelstrom makeover, but does anyone have a clue if it'll be FP+ worthy or not?

((For the record, I DO NOT like the binder I've had to assemble to keep reservations and FP+ things straight. Doesn't help I'm vacationing with someone who hasn't a clue what to expect from Disney and Universal.))

Slightly unrelated, but Deadpool was awesome.


Well-Known Member
I finally booked my next vacation (woohoo!) and decided on 4 days at Universal, onsite @ Cabana Bay. I'm hopelessly stupid when it comes to anything Universal parks/restaurants/etc.... but ya'll have been bragging on them for long enough that I booked the second leg of my vacay there.

The thing about Universal is that this is okay! I tell people three things. 1. Get the Universal App so you can keep an eye on line waits. 2. On one day, get to the Studios park before opening. About 30 min before posted opening they let people into the front area of the park, 10 minutes before posted opening, they start letting regular guests into the attraction areas, and this is the BEST time to ride Minion Mayhem. Since you are staying onsite, you get early entry which means you can ride Minions during that hour. 3. Lines for the Harry Potter attractions are often the worst at park opening. So it's often better to save them for the afternoon.

Other than that, you can take things as they come. You want to look at the restaurant in person, before you decide to eat there? You can do that. If you want to re-ride things in quick succession, on many rides, you can do that. You want to just work clockwise or counter-clockwise and not do a lot of bouncing around because of reservations, you can do that. If you want to go to a character breakfast at the hotel, you can simply show up and be seated. "Advanced Planning" is things like knowing which rides have single rider, and where to buy your Butterbeer with the shortest waits (go into the Hogshead in Hogsmeade, avoid the carts, or any of the F&B locations in Diagon Alley and you can get the Butterbeer ice cream in the Fountain of Fair Fortune, and I think the Hopping Pot if the line for the Ice Cream Shop is too long)


Well-Known Member
I can't stand Ryan Reynolds, so I don't think I will be seeing Deadpool. Glad you all are enjoying it though.
Your loss, big time. He is the perfect guy to play dead pool.... again..but the right way. Also he's definitely one of the two dudes on the planet that I would insist remain shirtless while sharing a beer with only because I admire his rippedness! I'm 100% into ladies, my wife especially but she knows that Ryan is my man crush.
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Premium Member
Your loss, big time. He is the perfect guy to play dead pool.... again..but the right way. Also he's definitely one of the two dudesides on the planet that I would insist remain shirtless while sharing a beer with only because I admire his rippedness! I'm 100% into ladies, my wife especially but she knows that Ryan is my man crush.
:confused:o_Oummm..things just got a lil weird in here :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Dropped this on Steve's thread, but thought you might like to also discuss here ...besides, as good as Deadpool was (and it was so much better than 99% of that MCU crap the 2009 Marvel Fanboi Brigade gets psyched about) I really would like it if we kept movie chatter to some other place. General talk is fine, but we don't need 12 pages on why Han Solo had to die in a tragic woodchopper accident. So ... here's the post:

Just some Spirited thoughts ... but DLP is being overstated here (there are folks in the company with axes to grind on that front, not saying that is where @wdwmagic is getting this from just stating a fact).

I was busy of late, but planned on dropping something on my thread about this. The gist of it would have been "There are two reasons why WDW is seeing, and will see even more, of the going out of business mentality that largely has been endemic under the leadership of Robert A. Iger: 1.)They need to cover Shanghai Disney issues, which are so much larger than 99.9% of fans or media realize or care about., and 2.) Chappie is very much looking to drop the ax on a few VPs in O-Town (pretty unprecedented) to show there's a new sheriff in town.

It is all very disheartening, but fans will excuse anything. Not true fans. But many of the garden variety that troll the 'net and sites like this and would eat a pile of cow manure if it was in the shape of a Hidden Mickey and Bob Iger asked them to.

WDW has one park that is overstuffed almost year round and three others with varying degree of major issues. The type that even Dr. Blondie and her Blogging Brigade of BRAND Advocates/Whores can't mask. But good to know people will pay even more for an even crappier experience in the swamps.

I have never stepped inside Mousegear before 10 a.m., but the idea that they need to lop off an on paper savings of a few thousand dollars a day is insane. ... At the same time, I have been around long enough to recall when EPCOT Center was open from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight or 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, the entire park. Everything.

As a Disney Legend told me, "WDW fans get what they deserve" ... so sad, yet so true.

My advice? Email and phone execs. Do NOT write to Guest Relations. Do NOT complain to theme park front liners. Write to George Kalogridis and everyone at the VP level in O-Town. Don't be nasty or obscene, be strong and matter of fact. And don't be satisfied with a call from one of the people who live behind the Launch Bay and whose job it is to simply listen to you whine and do nothing about it.

EVERY exec at Disney with the exception of Bob Iger is very easy to contact directly. ... Of course, you might be afraid. They could decide to ban you for life (what did one of my fave fanbois call it ... oh yeah, "firing you as a customer") because you had the audacity to call Melissa at EPCOT or email Danny at the MK.

But understand this: this isn't needed. This is a company that despite China problems, despite the ridiculous cord-cutting ESPN non-story has never been more profitable. Yet, WDW continues to be run like it's going out of business tomorrow. And the rubes keep showing up.

Hey, MAGICal Steve, any new upcharge cupcake parties to announce?
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Well-Known Member
Dropped this on Steve's thread, but thought you might like to also discuss here ...besides, as good as Deadpool was (and it was so much better than 99% of that MCU crap the 2009 Marvel Fanboi Brigade gets psyched about) I really would like it if we kept movie chatter to some other place. General talk is fine, but we don't need 12 pages on why Han Solo had to die in a tragic woodchopper accident. So ... here's the post:

Just some Spirited thoughts ... but DLP is being overstated here (there are folks in the company with axes to grind on that front, not saying that is where @wdwmagic is getting this from just stating a fact).

I was busy of late, but planned on dropping something on my thread about this. The gist of it would have been "There are two reasons why WDW is seeing, and will see even more, of the going out of business mentality that largely has been endemic under the leadership of Robert A. Iger: 1.)They need to cover Shanghai Disney issues, which are so much larger than 99.9% of fans or media realize or care about., and 2.) Chappie is very much looking to drop the ax on a few VPs in O-Town (pretty unprecedented) to show there's a new sheriff in town.

It is all very disheartening, but fans will excuse anything. Not true fans. But many of the garden variety that troll the 'net and sites like this and would eat a pile of cow manure if it was in the shape of a Hidden Mickey and Bob Iger asked them to.

WDW has one park that is overstuffed almost year round and three others with varying degree of major issues. The type that even Dr. Blondie and her Blogging Brigade of BRAND Advocates/Whores can't mask. But good to know people will pay even more for an even crappier experience in the swamps.

I have never stepped inside Mousegear before 10 a.m., but the idea that they need to lop off an on paper savings of a few thousand dollars a day is insane. ... At the same time, I have been around long enough to recall when EPCOT Center was open from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight or 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, the entire park. Everything.

As a Disney Legend told me, "WDW fans get what they deserve" ... so sad, yet so true.

My advice? Email and phone execs. Do NOT write to Guest Relations. Do NOT complain to theme park front liners. Write to George Kalogridis and everyone at the VP level in O-Town. Don't be nasty or obscene, be strong and matter of fact. And don't be satisfied with a call from one of the people who live behind the Launch Bay and whose job it is to simply listen to you whine and do nothing about it.

EVERY exec at Disney with the exception of Bob Iger is very easy to contact directly. ... Of course, you might be afraid. They could decided to ban you for life (what did one of my fave fanbois call it ... oh yeah, "firing you as a customer") because you had the audacity to call Melissa at EPCOT or email Danny at the MK.

But understand this: this isn't needed. This is a company that despite China problems, despite the ridiculous cord-cutting ESPN non-story has never been more profitable. Yet, WDW continues to be run like it's going out of business tomorrow. And the rubes keep showing up.

Hey, MAGICal Steve, any new uncharge cupcake parties to announce?
I completely agree. People are always baffled why the single day ticket exists... well because of me for example. I go to FL every year on a two week trip for work. I do some contract work for several MLB teams and usually I end up with one day off and if I'm close enough to o town, I'll call a friend and go to the parks for one day. This year would have been a Disney day since I haven't been in a few years and universal was my stop last two years. Well I'm thinking I will not go now because the hours don't make it feel worth it anymore. Epcot is always where I start and end because it's nice to wind down and walk around. They're saving pennies in the grand scheme of things and it will cost them in the long run. I hope they really feel a hurting on their profits for this sad attempt of micro management.
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Premium Member
My advice? Email and phone execs. Do NOT write to Guest Relations. Do NOT complain to theme park front liners. Write to George Kalogridis and everyone at the VP level in O-Town. Don't be nasty or obscene, be strong and matter of fact
I will say that this can be effective. I emailed George K along with several other Orlando execs and even sent an email to Staggs secretary/assistant in regards to an issue I had. I was not rude in any way. I did not demand any type of compensation. I simply stated my situation and my disappointment in the way it was handled. I received a call within an hour. Seriously, within one hour. She left me a message with her number. It was direct line, not Guest Relations. She was very helpful and it truly felt like the level of customer service from the old days.

It was good to know that they still have amazing service, but I can also understand why it requires taking a few steps to get it. Things have changed over the years with so many people expecting Disney to comp their trip if their kid trips over their own shoe laces on Disney property.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Dropped this on Steve's thread, but thought you might like to also discuss here ...besides, as good as Deadpool was (and it was so much better than 99% of that MCU crap the 2009 Marvel Fanboi Brigade gets psyched about) I really would like it if we kept movie chatter to some other place. General talk is fine, but we don't need 12 pages on why Han Solo had to die in a tragic woodchopper accident. So ... here's the post:

Just some Spirited thoughts ... but DLP is being overstated here (there are folks in the company with axes to grind on that front, not saying that is where @wdwmagic is getting this from just stating a fact).

I was busy of late, but planned on dropping something on my thread about this. The gist of it would have been "There are two reasons why WDW is seeing, and will see even more, of the going out of business mentality that largely has been endemic under the leadership of Robert A. Iger: 1.)They need to cover Shanghai Disney issues, which are so much larger than 99.9% of fans or media realize or care about., and 2.) Chappie is very much looking to drop the ax on a few VPs in O-Town (pretty unprecedented) to show there's a new sheriff in town.

It is all very disheartening, but fans will excuse anything. Not true fans. But many of the garden variety that troll the 'net and sites like this and would eat a pile of cow manure if it was in the shape of a Hidden Mickey and Bob Iger asked them to.

WDW has one park that is overstuffed almost year round and three others with varying degree of major issues. The type that even Dr. Blondie and her Blogging Brigade of BRAND Advocates/Whores can't mask. But good to know people will pay even more for an even crappier experience in the swamps.

I have never stepped inside Mousegear before 10 a.m., but the idea that they need to lop off an on paper savings of a few thousand dollars a day is insane. ... At the same time, I have been around long enough to recall when EPCOT Center was open from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight or 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, the entire park. Everything.

As a Disney Legend told me, "WDW fans get what they deserve" ... so sad, yet so true.

My advice? Email and phone execs. Do NOT write to Guest Relations. Do NOT complain to theme park front liners. Write to George Kalogridis and everyone at the VP level in O-Town. Don't be nasty or obscene, be strong and matter of fact. And don't be satisfied with a call from one of the people who live behind the Launch Bay and whose job it is to simply listen to you whine and do nothing about it.

EVERY exec at Disney with the exception of Bob Iger is very easy to contact directly. ... Of course, you might be afraid. They could decided to ban you for life (what did one of my fave fanbois call it ... oh yeah, "firing you as a customer") because you had the audacity to call Melissa at EPCOT or email Danny at the MK.

But understand this: this isn't needed. This is a company that despite China problems, despite the ridiculous cord-cutting ESPN non-story has never been more profitable. Yet, WDW continues to be run like it's going out of business tomorrow. And the rubes keep showing up.

Hey, MAGICal Steve, any new uncharge cupcake parties to announce?

Iger just had to have his China legacy project, didn't he?

@WDW1974, how much at stake are we talking here related to Shanghai? So much that it would be wrong to hope that it fails and Iger's name is forever tarnished within TWDC? On that note, are there folks wandering the halls at Disney thinking up contingency plans should this whole thing crash faster than China's stock market? Given the situation and how it is now directly affecting other parts of the company, I can't believe the thought hasn't crossed someone's mind...


Well-Known Member
The type that even Dr. Blondie and her Blogging Brigade of BRAND Advocates/Whores can't mask.


This made my week, and it is only Monday!!!


Well-Known Member
I finally booked my next vacation (woohoo!) and decided on 4 days at Universal, onsite @ Cabana Bay. I'm hopelessly stupid when it comes to anything Universal parks/restaurants/etc.... but ya'll have been bragging on them for long enough that I booked the second leg of my vacay there.

Thanks, @WDW1974 ;)

I booked in the Autumn with the anticipation of hopefully catching the Maelstrom makeover, but does anyone have a clue if it'll be FP+ worthy or not?

((For the record, I DO NOT like the binder I've had to assemble to keep reservations and FP+ things straight. Doesn't help I'm vacationing with someone who hasn't a clue what to expect from Disney and Universal.))

Slightly unrelated, but Deadpool was awesome.

FP+ will likely be the only way to secure a ride on Frozenstrom once it opens, as I imagine the standby waits will be crippling as it is so low capacity.

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