The Spirited 11th Hour ...

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
From your post a few back I thought you were an old "friend" long banned from these boards. Assuming that's not the case I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

You are making it out like there are only the 2 extremes of either everything is perfect or WDW is crumbling. If you follow the conversations here long enough you will see that most people fall somewhere in the middle. When someone points out issues with the Yeti (which should work but still doesn't) or the issues with Splash Mountain (which were extensive before the major overhaul) they aren't saying the rides are a total waste. They still enjoy those rides and the parks in general but they are acknowledging that there are issues. Just because I had fun riding EE doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't be annoyed that the Yeti is busted still.

Most people here don't expect perfection, but they expect something pretty close. Forget about comparing WDW to Uni, you can blame Disney for this mentality. WDW was something close to perfect in the past and the people who experienced it will always compare the present to those times. I will be the first to admit that maybe my views of the past are a bit rose colored, maybe there were more issues that I just don't remember or chose to ignore, maybe I was a little more hooked on the pixie dust back then too, but there are well documented discussions here about real issues that didn't exist in the past that do now and prices keep rising. If the only issue was the Yeti or broken ride effects on Splash Mountain I would be with you saying people are being petty, but there are a list of issues. You just happened to pick a few examples.

By the way, since you brought up perfection, one of the best rides at WDW which is pretty darn close to perfect is ToT. The ride that they are considering adding a cheap Guardians of the Galxy overlay to. As far as Frozen Maelstrom goes you can skim that thread on why people don't like that idea, but the basic summary is it doesn't fit in WS at Epcot and Frozen is a big enough hit that it deserves something better.

The Middle is fine. People here seem to go extremes. It's either Disney is falling apart OR Disney is wonderful. I have been going since opening (almost 44 years)......I can agree with middle. Disney does things I like....Disney does things I don't like....But there hasn't been 1 thing Disney has done that has made me say "I'm not going". Sure I always say this could have been better or that could have been better...but never "OMG because this animatronic wasn't working it ruined my entire trip".......I'll leave those kind of statements to the millennials (which here, there seem to be a lot of)
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Well-Known Member
Disney has always been a business.
Like most large corporations now it has been infested by "executives" who grab as much as they possibly can for themselves, while treating their employees as a nuisance rather than an asset, and treating their customers as sheep to be fleeced. It wasn't always like that. It is now, to those who are really paying attention.


Premium Member
Disney being a business is not disputed and also not relevant to the discussion.
The Middle is fine. People here seem to go extremes. It's either Disney is falling apart OR Disney is wonderful. I have been going since opening (almost 44 years)......I can agree with middle. Disney does things I like....Disney does things I don't like....But there hasn't been 1 thing Disney has done that has made me say "I'm not going". Sure I always say this could have been better or that could have been better...but never "OMG because this animatronic wasn't working it ruined my entire trip".......I'll leave those kind of statements to the millennials (which here, there seem to be a lot of)
You would be surprised how many people here are in the same boat as you. Just because someone criticizes something doesn't mean it ruined their trip. It's OK to be critical but still enjoy something. I've been a Philly sports fan my whole life. We've made an art of being critical of the teams we love.

Ironically, Spirit and some others here think the exact opposite thing about the crowd of newer WDW fans. They haven't experienced how good things were so they don't miss it.


Well-Known Member
Ironically, Spirit and some others here think the exact opposite thing about the crowd of newer WDW fans. They haven't experienced how good things were so they don't miss it.

I fall into this cat. I never went as a kid just started 3 years ago at the grand old age of 23. I sad I missed the great times. I can be critical of some of the things they do but I never had some ruin my vacation, now I do tell people who want to go for the first time they should wait a couple years though. DHS I think if you didn't know what was going on could ruin a vacation if you showed up not knowing about all the construction.

And then again its all about perception, WDW wouldn't be insane if it didn't start doing some thing to gear to the young family and people, since we are their future revenue source.

Then again I am not a completely sold on their decisions either.

Once I feel like I no longer worth my money, I will then stop going.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Honestly seeing yet another "Disney is a business" post just makes my blood boil, so I better step away from this thread for a while. You either get it or you don't. And the "Disney is a business" people do. not. get. it. And never will, clearly.

You know what also bugs me equally as much? People always complaining about people saying "Disney is a business".

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
Disney being a business is no

You would be surprised how many people here are in the same boat as you. Just because someone criticizes something doesn't mean it ruined their trip. It's OK to be critical but still enjoy something. I've been a Philly sports fan my whole life. We've made an art of being critical of the teams we love.

Ironically, Spirit and some others here think the exact opposite thing about the crowd of newer WDW fans. They haven't experienced how good things were so they don't miss it.

I get it. But it's an evolution. What I'd give for one afternoon at RC or another ride on Toad. Hell, Bring back Skyway to Tomorrowland for a night... But if you told told my daughter they were tearing down Seven Dwarfs Mine Train to put in a "Submarine Ride"......(which was 20's original location..It wouldn't be good)

Yeah, we lost a lot of favorites. A lot of things have changed, but we gained some new favorites. If they Re-themed ToT it would stink for me..but it would probably better for my kids (they love it now anyways, but when G2 and likely G3 get released in theaters, what makes an imprint on kids Rod Sterling? or "Rocket Racoon"? It is a smart business decision )....If Rock N Roller Coaster became re-themed to "One Direction"...I'd get it. Look I'd give my right arm to see the Eagles play one more show...but sadly, now it will never happen. There's a new generation, and an evolution. People need to learn to not hold on to the past. It's fiscally irresponsible for them to do so.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
A broken effect doesn't ruin my trip. It's a blip at most but sadly they do pile up across multiple attractions. Moves like Frostrom and Guardians of the Tower of Terror however do ruin my future enjoyment.

Let me also put this out there: the "Disney is a business" and can do whatever to make money mentality got so bad at Disneyland once that guests died because of poor maintenance.


Well-Known Member
I get it. But it's an evolution. What I'd give for one afternoon at RC or another ride on Toad. Hell, Bring back Skyway to Tomorrowland for a night... But if you told told my daughter they were tearing down Seven Dwarfs Mine Train to put in a "Submarine Ride"......(which was 20's original location..It wouldn't be good)

Yeah, we lost a lot of favorites. A lot of things have changed, but we gained some new favorites. If they Re-themed ToT it would stink for me..but it would probably better for my kids (they love it now anyways, but when G2 and likely G3 get released in theaters, what makes an imprint on kids Rod Sterling? or "Rocket Racoon"? It is a smart business decision )....If Rock N Roller Coaster became re-themed to "One Direction"...I'd get it. Look I'd give my right arm to see the Eagles play one more show...but sadly, now it will never happen. There's a new generation, and an evolution. People need to learn to not hold on to the past. It's fiscally irresponsible for them to do so.
You obviously don't really understand if you think they need to stay current with NOW. That can kill a business too. But no need to argue because you won't get it either way.


Well-Known Member
I get it. But it's an evolution. What I'd give for one afternoon at RC or another ride on Toad. Hell, Bring back Skyway to Tomorrowland for a night... But if you told told my daughter they were tearing down Seven Dwarfs Mine Train to put in a "Submarine Ride"......(which was 20's original location..It wouldn't be good)

Yeah, we lost a lot of favorites. A lot of things have changed, but we gained some new favorites. If they Re-themed ToT it would stink for me..but it would probably better for my kids (they love it now anyways, but when G2 and likely G3 get released in theaters, what makes an imprint on kids Rod Sterling? or "Rocket Racoon"? It is a smart business decision )....If Rock N Roller Coaster became re-themed to "One Direction"...I'd get it. Look I'd give my right arm to see the Eagles play one more show...but sadly, now it will never happen. There's a new generation, and an evolution. People need to learn to not hold on to the past. It's fiscally irresponsible for them to do so.

If they get rid of TOT and/or RNRC, then everyone here, including me, is not gonna be really happy. And for many, this would be the final straw.

Yes I agree we did lose some favorites, including Snow White's Scary Adventures, Malestrom, and Timekeeper. But you know what, look to the bright side of things.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I get it. But it's an evolution. What I'd give for one afternoon at RC or another ride on Toad. Hell, Bring back Skyway to Tomorrowland for a night... But if you told told my daughter they were tearing down Seven Dwarfs Mine Train to put in a "Submarine Ride"......(which was 20's original location..It wouldn't be good)

Yeah, we lost a lot of favorites. A lot of things have changed, but we gained some new favorites. If they Re-themed ToT it would stink for me..but it would probably better for my kids (they love it now anyways, but when G2 and likely G3 get released in theaters, what makes an imprint on kids Rod Sterling? or "Rocket Racoon"? It is a smart business decision )....If Rock N Roller Coaster became re-themed to "One Direction"...I'd get it. Look I'd give my right arm to see the Eagles play one more show...but sadly, now it will never happen. There's a new generation, and an evolution. People need to learn to not hold on to the past. It's fiscally irresponsible for them to do so.
Building a new ride for Gaurdians would please your kids just as much maybe even more because it could be done better than just shoving it in Tower of Terror.

Edit to add: from all the times I've ridden kids seem to love Tower of Terror. You don't need the most current and hottest IP to make an amazing attraction.

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
You obviously don't really understand if you think they need to stay current with NOW. That can kill a business too. But no need to argue because you won't get it either way.

No. They don't need to stay current with NOW. Hence Avatarland considering 2 movies scheduled to be released and SW with 5 movies to be released. They aren't skating to where the puck is NOW....they are skating to where the puck will be in the future....Problem is...most here feel any change is bad.


Well-Known Member
Me too. I know the past, I see some of the problems, but it's still a fun place to visit. When I feel like the price no longer justifies the experience I'll sadly move on. I think some people here have hit that breaking point already.

I could see that if you are of the seasoned vets and know what it use to be.

There's a new generation, and an evolution. People need to learn to not hold on to the past. It's fiscally irresponsible for them to do so.

Like sears. But I have a feeling anytime there been big changes people have always said what we are saying now we have the internet. Make it so much easier for us to vent and find like minded people to all complain together.

I just hope Disney does what they need to do so that I can take my family there in the future.
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"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
I could see that if you are of the seasoned vets and know what it use to be.

Like sears. But I have a feeling anytime there been big changes people have always said what we are saying now we have the internet. Make it so much easier for us to vent and find like minded people to all complain together.

I see it as this, a 26 year old soon to be father (just found out). I just hope Disney does what they need to do so that I can take my family there in the future.



Premium Member
I get it. But it's an evolution. What I'd give for one afternoon at RC or another ride on Toad. Hell, Bring back Skyway to Tomorrowland for a night... But if you told told my daughter they were tearing down Seven Dwarfs Mine Train to put in a "Submarine Ride"......(which was 20's original location..It wouldn't be good)

Yeah, we lost a lot of favorites. A lot of things have changed, but we gained some new favorites. If they Re-themed ToT it would stink for me..but it would probably better for my kids (they love it now anyways, but when G2 and likely G3 get released in theaters, what makes an imprint on kids Rod Sterling? or "Rocket Racoon"? It is a smart business decision )....If Rock N Roller Coaster became re-themed to "One Direction"...I'd get it. Look I'd give my right arm to see the Eagles play one more show...but sadly, now it will never happen. There's a new generation, and an evolution. People need to learn to not hold on to the past. It's fiscally irresponsible for them to do so.
I have no issue with positive change or progress. Mine Train is superior to Snow White's Scary Adventure. I have a problem with change for the sake of change. I also have a problem with poorly thought out decisions that negatively impact the parks and could also be bad business decisions. If GoTG is allowed in WDW and you want it at DHS then why ruin a perfect ride by cramming in a cheap overlay. Build a brand new GoTG e-ticket. Literally half that park is soon going to be a construction site they can surely fit in GoTG somewhere. Instead they are looking at a quick and cheap overlay for both coasts. If GoTG is so popular that's a bad business decision. It's also ruining one of the top 5 most popular rides at WDW that's the icon of the park now. It's being considered because it's cheap and easy.


Well-Known Member
I have no issue with positive change or progress. Mine Train is superior to Snow White's Scary Adventure. I have a problem with change for the sake of change. I also have a problem with poorly thought out decisions that negatively impact the parks and could also be bad business decisions. If GoTG is allowed in WDW and you want it at DHS then why ruin a perfect ride by cramming in a cheap overlay. Build a brand new GoTG e-ticket. Literally half that park is soon going to be a construction site they can surely fit in GoTG somewhere. Instead they are looking at a quick and cheap overlay for both coasts. If GoTG is so popular that's a bad business decision. It's also ruining one of the top 5 most popular rides at WDW that's the icon of the park now. It's being considered because it's cheap and easy.

unfortunately the "public" does not wants to wait for them to build a new e-ticket, and want it right now so this is what they think the 'public" wants. I'm guessing most of the general public would like this although I would hate it with a passion.


Premium Member
I could see that if you are of the seasoned vets and know what it use to be.

Like sears. But I have a feeling anytime there been big changes people have always said what we are saying now we have the internet. Make it so much easier for us to vent and find like minded people to all complain together.

I see it as this, a 26 year old soon to be father (just found out). I just hope Disney does what they need to do so that I can take my family there in the future.

I can say from experience that it's really fun to be able to experience WDW through your kid's eyes. They don't notice all the little things we see and they don't have to pay the bill so the prices don't bug them either. It's almost as fun as experiencing it for the first time yourself. The one downside is you'll no longer be able to pass those meet and greets with long lines and laugh quietly to yourself at those suckers;)

I'm pretty sure WDW will be around for a long while, whether we will be able to afford I'm less certain.

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