Ok..So Have to ask. What is the deal with the OP. It appears he has some sort of demi-god status on this board yet every post seems to be how "he knows people", "has the inside info" on all things Disney, but usually all that info is centered around the negatives. Ok Spirit, you know people, congratulations. I was close with Fouche (retired), and have been to 220 numerous times. I may not have your upper echelon of Disney friends...but high enough for me.
I've struggled to find a remotely positive post authored by you....(unless you want to count the "Disney Spin" post .....that's a sarcastic statement by the way). You spout a generally negative attitude towards high level execs and mid-level for that matter. I've learned to not even go to a post you have authored due to the negative spin put on things. And I really don't care to sift through posts to figure out what your backstory is... So I pose...What's the deal?
I get it......you know that Brad in Imagineering has been doing a terrible job and that Vince is making a Power Play to take over, and Vicki the VP of Operations is dating Danny, who is Iger's 2nd cousin's former next door neighbor, who has a son named Billy who works on parking detail at AK, and he is about to get promoted to run concessions in Shanghai....
That is literally the context of your posts....(ok I maybe stretching a little... but it contributes to the headache I get reading them).
I've been going to Disney since October of 72 (yes, was there opening day..and have been going several times a year since). Disney isn't broken (sure they could do things better...but broken they're not). Disney is making money and they have been making money despite your posts touting how everything is a mess. Disney is thriving just fine without you (possibly in spite of you). If you want to pen a soap opera, fine...sell it to A&E.