The Spirited 11th Hour ...


Well-Known Member

Ack - you had me excited! This would be the only Aprils Fools joke I briefly fell for this year (and on the 2nd no less).

In other movie news (other than how terribly BvS is tanking this weekend)

The word strong is an understatement when talking about the fifth weekend hold for Disney’s Zootopia which is at amazing -14% for a projected FSS of $20.7M. Domestic by Sunday will be at $276.6M. Zootopia‘s percent decline isn’t that far from Frozen‘s -13% at the same point in time, and its running 44% ahead of that princess musical.

Buena Vista is really starting the year on a high note!

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Ack - you had me excited! This would be the only Aprils Fools joke I briefly fell for this year (and on the 2nd no less).

In other movie news (other than how terribly BvS is tanking this weekend)

Buena Vista is really starting the year on a high note!
Incoming rumors of a cheap Zootopia overlay for a classic attraction.

Still haven't seen it though.


Well-Known Member
Incoming rumors of a cheap Zootopia overlay for a classic attraction.

Still haven't seen it though.

Why have you not seen it? For shame. I'd actually love for them to do something (appropriate) with Zootopia in the parks. Unfortunately, much like Frozen, it has just missed the window on the massive expansion for the park it should go in...

Makes me nervous for Epcot.

This is one of the very few Disney Animated movies that has done well in China however...


Well-Known Member

Final bows at the last show of Dream Along With Mickey! Lots of great energy and bittersweet emotions during the show, glad the weather cleared up for it!

Shoutout to Tommy!

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
Ok..So Have to ask. What is the deal with the OP. It appears he has some sort of demi-god status on this board yet every post seems to be how "he knows people", "has the inside info" on all things Disney, but usually all that info is centered around the negatives. Ok Spirit, you know people, congratulations. I was close with Fouche (retired), and have been to 220 numerous times. I may not have your upper echelon of Disney friends...but high enough for me.

I've struggled to find a remotely positive post authored by you....(unless you want to count the "Disney Spin" post .....that's a sarcastic statement by the way). You spout a generally negative attitude towards high level execs and mid-level for that matter. I've learned to not even go to a post you have authored due to the negative spin put on things. And I really don't care to sift through posts to figure out what your backstory is... So I pose...What's the deal?

I get know that Brad in Imagineering has been doing a terrible job and that Vince is making a Power Play to take over, and Vicki the VP of Operations is dating Danny, who is Iger's 2nd cousin's former next door neighbor, who has a son named Billy who works on parking detail at AK, and he is about to get promoted to run concessions in Shanghai....

That is literally the context of your posts....(ok I maybe stretching a little... but it contributes to the headache I get reading them).

I've been going to Disney since October of 72 (yes, was there opening day..and have been going several times a year since). Disney isn't broken (sure they could do things better...but broken they're not). Disney is making money and they have been making money despite your posts touting how everything is a mess. Disney is thriving just fine without you (possibly in spite of you). If you want to pen a soap opera, fine...sell it to A&E.


Well-Known Member
I'm noticing a pattern. Fan-fiction like revisionst remakes (Alice in Wonerland, Oz the Great and Powerful, Maleficent) get mixed-to poor reviews while sincere, quality remakes (Cinderella, and now Jungle Book) get mostly positive remarks.
I really hope Disney sticks with Live-Action versions of past Disney films being sincere, quality remakes instead of changing the story. This might be the reason why I got worried with Disney doing Live-Action since I seen Maleficent.


Well-Known Member
Why have you not seen it? For shame. I'd actually love for them to do something (appropriate) with Zootopia in the parks. Unfortunately, much like Frozen, it has just missed the window on the massive expansion for the park it should go in...

Makes me nervous for Epcot.

This is one of the very few Disney Animated movies that has done well in China however...
I always felt Zootopia would fit perfectly somewhere in Animal Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Ok..So Have to ask. What is the deal with the OP. It appears he has some sort of demi-god status on this board yet every post seems to be how "he knows people", "has the inside info" on all things Disney, but usually all that info is centered around the negatives. Ok Spirit, you know people, congratulations. I was close with Fouche (retired), and have been to 220 numerous times. I may not have your upper echelon of Disney friends...but high enough for me.

I've struggled to find a remotely positive post authored by you....(unless you want to count the "Disney Spin" post .....that's a sarcastic statement by the way). You spout a generally negative attitude towards high level execs and mid-level for that matter. I've learned to not even go to a post you have authored due to the negative spin put on things. And I really don't care to sift through posts to figure out what your backstory is... So I pose...What's the deal?

I get know that Brad in Imagineering has been doing a terrible job and that Vince is making a Power Play to take over, and Vicki the VP of Operations is dating Danny, who is Iger's 2nd cousin's former next door neighbor, who has a son named Billy who works on parking detail at AK, and he is about to get promoted to run concessions in Shanghai....

That is literally the context of your posts....(ok I maybe stretching a little... but it contributes to the headache I get reading them).

I've been going to Disney since October of 72 (yes, was there opening day..and have been going several times a year since). Disney isn't broken (sure they could do things better...but broken they're not). Disney is making money and they have been making money despite your posts touting how everything is a mess. Disney is thriving just fine without you (possibly in spite of you). If you want to pen a soap opera, fine...sell it to A&E.
Um have you been reading anything? Let me name a few recent things just to save time

Disney is taking a popular IP and shoving it into an Epcot country it does not belong.

They are seriously conserving ruining one of the BEST rides ever made by Disney with Marvel.

They are doing cutback after cutback to save money because of Shangahi overund.

They are creating stupidly overpriced events and special parties to make a buck.

Food quality is down

Ride repair is down

Should I keep going...???

Spirit had kept people in the loop and yes it's somewhat because the actions are negative. What should he be saying?

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
Um have you been reading anything? Let me name a few recent things just to save time

Disney is taking a popular IP and shoving it into an Epcot country it does not belong.

They are seriously conserving ruining one of the BEST rides ever made by Disney with Marvel.

They are doing cutback after cutback to save money because of Shangahi overund.

They are creating stupidly overpriced events and special parties to make a buck.

Food quality is down

Ride repair is down

Should I keep going...???

Spirit had kept people in the loop and yes it's somewhat because the actions are negative. What should he be saying?

1. And? They have a money making IP and have chosen to build an attraction around it in a park. Frozen is a story based on a Norwegian tale....they are putting in Norway.......What?.... Is it because the the park they are putting it in doesn't suit your taste? Sorry. Please explain...where is the problem?

2. Not exactly sure what you are talking about here. There are a heck of a lot of posts here with the opinion Marvel in Orlando would make WDW better.....please expand.

3. Please name one cutback due to Shanghai that has personally affected you......thought so.

4. Overpriced in who's eyes...the people that have paid for tickets? What you feel is overpriced is completely subjective.

5. VA is still a 5 star restuarant is it not? There are many quality dinning options in WDW. Care to elaborate on your point?

6. Which ride?

Yes...Please keep going.....

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
I didnt need to go past #1

I'm waiting for a few of these soon:mad::mad::mad::mad:

I'll probably get worse than those.

Edited to Say: It's just a constructive conversation. Many people on this board, even though they profess to be Disney fans, feel Disney is the Evil Empire. My position is that Disney is a business first, and they will make decisions that take into account the guest experience as well as the financial aspects of said decision. There will always be detractors of every decision Disney makes, but Disney takes a lot of criticism (some fairly so) from both the business and fanboi is impossible to please them both.

Most decisions that are made have very little impact on the actual guest experience. General statements are made about rides (an animatronic malfunctioned, or a rock on Splash was out of place and becoming discolored) but they do little to ruin the guest experience. I have ridden EE numerous times while Yeti wasn't functioning. EE is a roller coaster. Yeti adds to the experience but it does not constitute the entire ride. The fact Yeti was malfunctioning did not diminish the the roller coaster ride because of the 5 seconds of the ride Yeti was to interact. Most people came off the ride saying "that was great". I didn't hear one saying it was a total waste because the Yeti didn't move. Sure I would have liked Yeti to interact. But I didn't come off of the ride with the attitude "I Will Never Ride This Again...Until They Fix the Yeti". Now Disney bears some of that criticism but the ride is still worthwhile....Do they need to fix Yeti....Absolutely...but I'm not pointing at that saying The Disney Empire is crumbling.

The problem with people is they expect perfection..........."Show me something you feel is perfect and I will spend the next 10 minutes telling you why its not"....This is the mentality here.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
1. And? They have a money making IP and have chosen to build an attraction around it in a park. Frozen is a story based on a Norwegian tale....they are putting in Norway.......What?.... Is it because the the park they are putting it in doesn't suit your taste? Sorry. Please explain...where is the problem?

2. Not exactly sure what you are talking about here. There are a heck of a lot of posts here with the opinion Marvel in Orlando would make WDW better.....please expand.

3. Please name one cutback due to Shanghai that has personally affected you......thought so.

4. Overpriced in who's eyes...the people that have paid for tickets? What you feel is overpriced is completely subjective.

5. VA is still a 5 star restuarant is it not? There are many quality dinning options in WDW. Care to elaborate on your point?

6. Which ride?

Yes...Please keep going.....

1. In case you hadn't noticed, Frozen took place in Arendelle. While based on a Norwegian tale/location, it is in fact FICTIONAL. Yet they continue to be building this in a NON-FICTIONAL location. That is the major rub. World Showcase is full of ACTUAL locations and consists of educational and entertainment from actual locations. Fictional stories and locations SHOULD NOT be finding there way here. There are much better places this should be. Hollywood Studios and Fantasyland for example.

2. They are talking about rethemeing the Tower of Terror to Guardians of the Galaxy. Here's the link to that post. But it was once again started by your favorite poster in Mr. 1974.

3. Parade and fireworks FastPass areas for one.

4. $150 for three hours or $79 for one hour of park time is very overpriced. No matter who you are.

5. Won't expand on this one. The food is good enough for me. Which might not say much about my palate...

6. Name one.


Wilson King of Prussia
Ok..So Have to ask. What is the deal with the OP. It appears he has some sort of demi-god status on this board yet every post seems to be how "he knows people", "has the inside info" on all things Disney, but usually all that info is centered around the negatives. Ok Spirit, you know people, congratulations. I was close with Fouche (retired), and have been to 220 numerous times. I may not have your upper echelon of Disney friends...but high enough for me.

I've struggled to find a remotely positive post authored by you....(unless you want to count the "Disney Spin" post .....that's a sarcastic statement by the way). You spout a generally negative attitude towards high level execs and mid-level for that matter. I've learned to not even go to a post you have authored due to the negative spin put on things. And I really don't care to sift through posts to figure out what your backstory is... So I pose...What's the deal?

I get know that Brad in Imagineering has been doing a terrible job and that Vince is making a Power Play to take over, and Vicki the VP of Operations is dating Danny, who is Iger's 2nd cousin's former next door neighbor, who has a son named Billy who works on parking detail at AK, and he is about to get promoted to run concessions in Shanghai....

That is literally the context of your posts....(ok I maybe stretching a little... but it contributes to the headache I get reading them).

I've been going to Disney since October of 72 (yes, was there opening day..and have been going several times a year since). Disney isn't broken (sure they could do things better...but broken they're not). Disney is making money and they have been making money despite your posts touting how everything is a mess. Disney is thriving just fine without you (possibly in spite of you). If you want to pen a soap opera, fine...sell it to A&E.
Sounds like someone could use a hug...bring it in little fella!

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
While based on a Norwegian tale/location

1. Ok. We'll stop there.

2. I'm not in favor of it...but how many 10 year olds relate to a 1960's TV show? Do you want to continue? Disney is a Business. They can market Groot a lot better than they can Rod Sterling. Interested to hear your take.

3. Are park visitors now not allowed to watch parades or fireworks? Or are you you referring to the fact that people must show up early if they want a good seat?

4. Completely subjective. What is expensive for one is a bargain for another.

5. We is acceptable

6. Name what?

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Um have you been reading anything? Let me name a few recent things just to save time

Disney is taking a popular IP and shoving it into an Epcot country it does not belong.

They are seriously conserving ruining one of the BEST rides ever made by Disney with Marvel.

They are doing cutback after cutback to save money because of Shangahi overund.

They are creating stupidly overpriced events and special parties to make a buck.

Food quality is down

Ride repair is down

Should I keep going...???

Spirit had kept people in the loop and yes it's somewhat because the actions are negative. What should he be saying?


Premium Member
I'll probably get worse than those.

Edited to Say: It's just a constructive conversation. Many people on this board, even though they profess to be Disney fans, feel Disney is the Evil Empire. My position is that Disney is a business first, and they will make decisions that take into account the guest experience as well as the financial aspects of said decision. There will always be detractors of every decision Disney makes, but Disney takes a lot of criticism (some fairly so) from both the business and fanboi is impossible to please them both.

Most decisions that are made have very little impact on the actual guest experience. General statements are made about rides (an animatronic malfunctioned, or a rock on Splash was out of place and becoming discolored) but they do little to ruin the guest experience. I have ridden EE numerous times while Yeti wasn't functioning. EE is a roller coaster. Yeti adds to the experience but it does not constitute the entire ride. The fact Yeti was malfunctioning did not diminish the the roller coaster ride because of the 5 seconds of the ride Yeti was to interact. Most people came off the ride saying "that was great". I didn't hear one saying it was a total waste because the Yeti didn't move. Sure I would have liked Yeti to interact. But I didn't come off of the ride with the attitude "I Will Never Ride This Again...Until They Fix the Yeti". Now Disney bears some of that criticism but the ride is still worthwhile....Do they need to fix Yeti....Absolutely...but I'm not pointing at that saying The Disney Empire is crumbling.

The problem with people is they expect perfection..........."Show me something you feel is perfect and I will spend the next 10 minutes telling you why its not"....This is the mentality here.
From your post a few back I thought you were an old "friend" long banned from these boards. Assuming that's not the case I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

You are making it out like there are only the 2 extremes of either everything is perfect or WDW is crumbling. If you follow the conversations here long enough you will see that most people fall somewhere in the middle. When someone points out issues with the Yeti (which should work but still doesn't) or the issues with Splash Mountain (which were extensive before the major overhaul) they aren't saying the rides are a total waste. They still enjoy those rides and the parks in general but they are acknowledging that there are issues. Just because I had fun riding EE doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't be annoyed that the Yeti is busted still.

Most people here don't expect perfection, but they expect something pretty close. Forget about comparing WDW to Uni, you can blame Disney for this mentality. WDW was something close to perfect in the past and the people who experienced it will always compare the present to those times. I will be the first to admit that maybe my views of the past are a bit rose colored, maybe there were more issues that I just don't remember or chose to ignore, maybe I was a little more hooked on the pixie dust back then too, but there are well documented discussions here about real issues that didn't exist in the past that do now and prices keep rising. If the only issue was the Yeti or broken ride effects on Splash Mountain I would be with you saying people are being petty, but there are a list of issues. You just happened to pick a few examples.

By the way, since you brought up perfection, one of the best rides at WDW which is pretty darn close to perfect is ToT. The ride that they are considering adding a cheap Guardians of the Galxy overlay to. As far as Frozen Maelstrom goes you can skim that thread on why people don't like that idea, but the basic summary is it doesn't fit in WS at Epcot and Frozen is a big enough hit that it deserves something better.


Well-Known Member
1. Ok. We'll stop there.

2. I'm not in favor of it...but how many 10 year olds relate to a 1960's TV show? Do you want to continue? Disney is a Business. They can market Groot a lot better than they can Rod Sterling. Interested to hear your take.

3. Are park visitors now not allowed to watch parades or fireworks? Or are you you referring to the fact that people must show up early if they want a good seat?

4. Completely subjective. What is expensive for one is a bargain for another.

5. We is acceptable

6. Name what?

1. You're doing yourself a disservice by allowing yourself to think that Frozen belongs where they are putting it.

2. I absolutely loved Guardians. One of my favorite movies. The humor was on point and the movie itself was good. Looking forward to the sequel. BUT...Tower of Terror is PERFECT. While the IP is old and not everyone relates to it, it belongs to that ride. It just sets it up so perfectly and it should not be changed. While I understand the business aspect, this is one ride I would agree should not be changed.

3. You asked for an example how they are affecting us. This was an example. They are removing the staff from manning the Fast Pass areas. I don't care. I'll just grab a seat on the Main Street curb. But this is an example.

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