The bird isn't the problem or the cause of the bigotry you mentioned, it was Anita Bryant and she paid the price and rightfully so. There's no reason to ban the Orange Bird as it was nothing more than part of a harmless ad campaign and a unique slogan for the FCC. It was Anita Bryant who went off the rails and her crazy actions are her's alone. Personal responsibility should come into play here and it's not like the Orange Bird was created for the sole purpose and driving force behind her homophobia. She also did many commercials in the 70's for Coca Cola, Kraft Foods, Holiday Inn, and Tupperware to name a few.
So by using your logic above, should all of those brands she represented, go to the dustbin of history as well? Any reasonable person would say, of course not and the Orange Bird, just like the brands mentioned above, shouldn't pay the price for the mistakes of a performer who was paid to do a series of commercials. Don't be so quick to use censorship and removal of items you deem to be evil or no good in your opinion, when those said items had nothing to do with the actual problem in the first place.