The Official Hurricane Ivan thread...

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Update Hurricane Ivan

Ivan On Devistating Course

Gulf Coast I.R. Satellite Update

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New Member
OMG! That looks humongous and I think it´s moving fast now, don´t you think? :(
I´ll keep you all in my prayers, please please don´t underestimate the power of it and do all you can to stay safe. Good luck!


New Member

Please think seriously about running north or anywhere out of the range of that monster storm. Stay Safe - stuff can be replace - people can't.

Take care. :(


Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
Well, we are sitting here waiting now. My husband's family (in Tennessee and Florida) are calling us frantically begging us to leave. My mother wants us to fly out to CA to her but all flights are now grounded at Mobile airport. I guess I'm staying put. My older sister lives ON the beach in Orange Beach, AL and is going to my younger sister's house who lives just a couple of miles inland. I am begging them to come up to my house which is about 20 miles further inland. AND my brother-in-law is a paramedic in Gautier MS and just went on a 48 hour shift and can not leave. I'll check in as long as I can. My town is right in the projected path for the eye of this thing.

I'm gonna join everyone else by begging you to reconsider moving more inland.

My aunt and uncle who just moved to Mobile from Chesapeake Virginia are fleeing up here to Louisville. They haven't even closed on their house yet (what a way to add stress to a move!). I'm happy to see them fleeing to safety.

I am keeping everyone in the path of this storm in my prayers and saying a few extra ones! Good luck to everyone and stay safe. If told to evacuate, please do so. I just can't stop thinking about the devastation Charley caused to the people who ignored warnings and didn't prepare. I don't want to ever see that happen again.


Active Member

Here's another vote for moving more inland. I remember when Frederick came through Gulf Shores/ Orange Beach in '79 and it just destroyed the town. The hotels in Tuscaloosa are beginning to fill up, but there are a lot of centers open for people to stay.

If you can't come, please keep us posted as long as you have power and we pray that you will all be safe.



Well-Known Member

Hoover may have some hotel rooms available as well. Please, Please get out of there. Abc33/40 is showing a special on Ivan right now to help people get preparted. It's a mean storm.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Update Hurricane Ivan

Ivan Increases Speed To Panhandle

Gulf Coast I.R. Satellite Update

Image Delay = 15 mins.


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Active Member
Kadee said:
Well, we are sitting here waiting now. My husband's family (in Tennessee and Florida) are calling us frantically begging us to leave. My mother wants us to fly out to CA to her but all flights are now grounded at Mobile airport. I guess I'm staying put. My older sister lives ON the beach in Orange Beach, AL and is going to my younger sister's house who lives just a couple of miles inland. I am begging them to come up to my house which is about 20 miles further inland. AND my brother-in-law is a paramedic in Gautier MS and just went on a 48 hour shift and can not leave. I'll check in as long as I can. My town is right in the projected path for the eye of this thing.

I am like you Kadee. I am just sitting here waiting. We are riding out the storm as well and we are maybe a mile from the Gulf of Mexico. So, I can completely understand about staying. All you can do is pray that everything will be ok. It's odd on the streets now. No cars are driving on the roads, the wind is picking up slightly, but all in all it is a normal night weather wise at the moment.


Active Member
Im still around, the storm doesnt come until tommorow night or thursday morning, Im all prepared now and ready for the storm to come thru.

I was actually shopping tonight for the last "Food Shopping.." and after that I was heading home and noticed that the Other Power Company Trucks are here now. So Im glad that the power trucks are here from other states in order to restore our power on time so I wouldnt be stuck without power for 3 weeks.. so looks like It'll be restored in time.


Active Member
I have to say traffic around New Orleans has been horrible today. Bumper to bumper for miles. Well, I've decided to stay and weather the storm. I stocked up on supplies, boarded up the windows, and will just ride it out. It looks like all we'll be getting is rain, that will be the biggest problem. In my eyes, the storm just isn't going to hit close enough to force me to suffer through all that traffic and leave. If anything happens to my house, I'd rather be here to fix it right away. Good luck to all those evacuating, and to those staying put. It's funny, I was actually whistling Zip-a-dee-doo-da while cleaning up today. It really put me in a good mood.


Well-Known Member
My parents want the kids and I to stay with them tomarrow night because of the tornado threat and the high winds. I believe they are still expecting a cat. two when it hits where I am. My parents have a basement and I don't. I think I've decided to stay home though. That may change. I can understand you guys who are not moving futher inland. It's hard to leave. You want to stay and look after your house. That's one of the reasons I've decided not to go stay at my parents. I've stocked up on soups, cans of soda, bottled water, and flavored water. Even got chocolate. Best of luck to everyone...I'll have you guys in my prayers.

Last night on the news, they were showing people boarding up...there was this one place that had spray painted "Gone to Disneyword" on one of their boards.


New Member
Hi Guys,

It's just after 6am Wed. here. First off, thank you all so much for the prayers and concern for me and my family. Everyone in my neighborhood is staying put. We are pretty protected here. I live in a small neighborhood that has a big wind buffer (lots of houses and trees), so I don't think we will get the BIG winds at my house. I'm really not worried about my house. If it gets blown away, I'll build a new one. I wanted to redecorate anyway. :animwink: I have two very small dogs (Maltese) and most places will not take them (shelters definitely will not) so I am not leaving them. I am counting on it weakening a bit more before it gets to me. I am more worried about my sisters and their families.

Right now, nothing is happening. It's about 70 degrees and partly cloudy. There is a slight breeze; nothing out of the ordinary. But the radar on the Weather Channel shows a big rain band just off the beach. The waves at the beach are already hitting the boardwalk which is MAJOR considering how long our beach is. Our whole cul-de-sac was outside yesterday talking. We are going to keep in touch to make sure everyone is ok. I just saw on the news where someone boarded up and spray painted on the wood "I'm going to Disney World!" Too Funny! I wish I were there right now!

THe hardest thing right now is staying out of the snack food I bought. Little Debbie is taunting me!

RINGO, WDWFREAK: You are closer to the beach than I am. Be very careful if you are staying put. I'll be praying for you and your families.
I'll keep checking in periodically. Well, as long as the power and cable holds out. If the cable goes, my internet goes. Of course, I could always use that free 50 hours of AOL disk that I just got. Anyway, I'll let you know as much as I can.


Well-Known Member
I heard on the radio this morning that they have 50,000 body bags for the New Orleans area and that this storm could be deadlier than 9/11. I'm hoping it's not like this and that they don't have to use those body bags at all. New Orleans is 8 feet below sea level, so I'm keeping everyone in the gulf/Mississippi River area in my prayers and thoughts. I hope everyone is ready for this and doesn't take it lightly. God Bless you all!


New Member
Another update from the AL Gulf Coast: Its just after 10am Wednesday.
  • The wind is picking up a bit.... ok...a lot!
  • I-65 is Northbound ONLY...all lanes.
  • Roads are closed and utilities turned off on Gulf Shores and Dauphin Island
  • High winds have now reached Gulf Shores.
  • Landfall is now expected in about 12 hours. They were saying early tomorrow morning (8 am or so) now they are saying about 10 pm tonight.
  • Curfews have been instated in Mobile and Baldwin Counties (the only two AL counties that touch the Gulf)
I'll keep everyone updated for as long as I can.

.....This has been your Hurricane Ivan update by Kadee reporting from the Alabama Gulf Coast! :lol: LOL...always wanted to say that! I should have been a reporter!:animwink: gotta keep a sense of humor or I'll go crazy!


New Member
Mr D said:
Thanks for the beach cam link! Its showing a lot of gray skies right now, btw where is it in relationship to Ivans course?
That beach cam looks to be at Gulf Shores. I don't think Dauphin Island has a beach area like that. ANyway, that cam has not been updated....the pictures are not being taken. That is the same pic that was on there this morning. The water is now just about up to the board walk. and it is raining. In relation to Ivan's course, the eye should pass right over it.

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