Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You're right, we'll just have to wait 17-20 years for it.:lol:
Hopefully not. But all of these additions will really help with crowd control.
You're right, we'll just have to wait 17-20 years for it.:lol:
Yea, because Star Wars and Indiana Jones had so much to keep things going as well right? And no, Potter has no where near been replaced by Twighlight. Twighlight is for tween girls. Almost everyone I know has read the HP books and seen the movies. My grandmother and aunts have read the books, and my sister, who is the target demographic for Twighlight hated it because she said, "They're just trying to copy Harry."
Honestly, think about things before you type them.
You're right, we'll just have to wait 17-20 years for it.:lol:
EDIT: Yes, dxer.
Potter only has the books and the movies supporting it and not only that it's not even in the best seller list anymore. Once the movies are done, the whole franchise is dead.
Ahh, I will have to check into that.. I didn't take it as a serious release since, from what I was told by other HP fans was that it isn't geared toward true HP fans, more like gearing it to very little kids.... So I wrote it off as an attempt to try to appeal to a younger audience and not a major spin off of the franchise...
yes, the people around you, a Harry Potter fan who no doubt coaxed everyone you met to see /read the franchise, reflects the rest of the world's views on it.
You do realize Star Wars had an entire new trilogy come out this century right? Or an entire universe of spin off media around it.
Potter only has the books and the movies supporting it and not only that it's not even in the best seller list anymore. Once the movies are done, the whole franchise is dead.
Harry Potter films crap? Must suck to have the box office and critics disagree with you.
Also to suggest Twilight is bigger than Potter is also quite ridiculous. It's been 12 years since book 1 of Harry was put out in stores and he has retained his popularity. Though vampire fetishes will be around forever, the critically panned fad know as Twilight will be forgotten within a few year times. Hell, Potter movie #6 has already made almost as much money as Twilight did in it's entire domestic run!
I'm not a huge fan of Potter by any stretch of the imagination (only read books 1-3 and watched movies 1-4), but you have to be stupid to ignore it's popularity.
It was nice. You are right that it's much more of a book of fairy tales than an actual progression or prequel to the story, but I liked it, and it was mentioned in the novels.
I'll have to check that out and see what it is about then...
Ani: no one is denying the popularity TODAY of Harry Potter.. it is huge.. No one can disagree with that... The debate is whether HP can stand the test of time like Star Wars did... Some of us think no way.. Some of us think it will... That is a wait and see issue...
By the way, I can say I do enjoy the HP movies...
ew, I hate Twilight. I was merely citing that fads change all the time with kids and the big rage right now is Twilight (and believe me it makes Potter look like it deserves a Pulitzer).
I'm not ignoring Harry Potter's popularity, it's what it is, it's popular right now. I'm just saying that as a franchise it's not exactly something that will stand the test of time.
(and yes the Harry Potter movies are decent but hardly Oscar worthy. Heck, not even worthy of being compared to the Pixar movies)
It was nice. You are right that it's much more of a book of fairy tales than an actual progression or prequel to the story, but I liked it, and it was mentioned in the novels.
Believe what you want to believe.
It's the Star Wars of this generation. Maybe even bigger.
Speak for yourself here, I've been the target age demographic for every book and every movie as it's released and I have scant interest in them at all. I enjoy Goblet of Fire, but I wouldn't rank any of the stories worth any kind of timeless rewards or any higher praise than "Good."
It's becauses americas is brainwashed I tells yas! What is the woyld comin' too! Potters running arounds. It's unnaturals I tell yas!
Beetle and the Bard was originally run as 7 copies just as a special gift from JKR to people involved in the creation of the books. Similar to how actor give gifts to the production staff after a movie finishes filming. After one was auctioned off for charity, the demand for a full production run of the book was so great that a full printing was run off with most of the proceeds going to charity. And it makes a nice companion piece to the series, similar to The Silmarillion is to LOTR.
Psh, you just don't like it because it isn't Japanese.:lol:
S.E.A. don't you know, Con knows more about Disney than any of us?? He knows what Disney should be doing.. Cause, well, ya know, they have failed for 50 or so years in the theme park business.... Honestly, best thing to do, IGNORE HIM like he doesn't exist... he'll go away...
I think that HP will stand the test of time as it is pure fantasy escapism.
Much like Star Wars is.
I know it's in fun, but That's a gross accusation. Just because I like alot of it and love the country does not mean I turn a blind eye to anything else. My opinions on everything is unbiased. I dislike all things equally, even many things from Japan.
And besides, Below Japan I look for good stuff from the U.K. second, many of my favorite films/actors are from England.
I know, I know.I kid because I love.:lol:
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